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Controversial topic - No2

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Postby denizaksulu » Tue Jun 24, 2008 4:55 pm

bill cobbett wrote:
Sotos wrote:
To my mind I think Sotos is to be congratulated for posting this though some might say that it was regretable that under the current situation he/she felt the need to clear it first.

Thanks bill. I didn't need to clear it first. I just made a controversial post because some people asked for controversial topic! Now instead of discussing the topic we are discussing if I should have made the post :roll: I asked admin only after many people started to say that I shouldn't start the topic. Admin said it is ok to discuss it! He just said that because that picture was not mine and that the person who is in that picture could not agree with its placement in this context that the picture should be removed. He said that if I wanted I could put a picture of myself when I was a child :lol: I don't have any problem with admin about this. I think maybe he is right about the picture. But about the topic I think people should either discuss the topic or not participate in this topic if they don't like to discuss it!!

My apologies for my misintepretation. I am pleased to hear that Admin asked for it's removal solely on what are presumably copyright grounds and look forward to you posting photos which have no copyright restrictions.

Can I say something else about provocative pictures. Some weeks ago some one - I think it was VP - posted some pics alegedly of an exhumation of bodies, the victims of an incident during the inter-com troubles. Created a lot of pages of debate. He was vilified by some and supported by others. There can not have been more offensive pictures, but because of the debate generated ( I would say ) a member, with first hand, contemporary witness, came forward and light was shed on the incident and the truth emerged.

( By the way Sotos if any 18yo came anywhere near my 12 year old daughter I would beat them to near-death :D )

Ah -haa. I like it. I hope they are not empty words.
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Postby bill cobbett » Tue Jun 24, 2008 5:00 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:
Sotos wrote:
To my mind I think Sotos is to be congratulated for posting this though some might say that it was regretable that under the current situation he/she felt the need to clear it first.

Thanks bill. I didn't need to clear it first. I just made a controversial post because some people asked for controversial topic! Now instead of discussing the topic we are discussing if I should have made the post :roll: I asked admin only after many people started to say that I shouldn't start the topic. Admin said it is ok to discuss it! He just said that because that picture was not mine and that the person who is in that picture could not agree with its placement in this context that the picture should be removed. He said that if I wanted I could put a picture of myself when I was a child :lol: I don't have any problem with admin about this. I think maybe he is right about the picture. But about the topic I think people should either discuss the topic or not participate in this topic if they don't like to discuss it!!

My apologies for my misintepretation. I am pleased to hear that Admin asked for it's removal solely on what are presumably copyright grounds and look forward to you posting photos which have no copyright restrictions.

Can I say something else about provocative pictures. Some weeks ago some one - I think it was VP - posted some pics alegedly of an exhumation of bodies, the victims of an incident during the inter-com troubles. Created a lot of pages of debate. He was vilified by some and supported by others. There can not have been more offensive pictures, but because of the debate generated ( I would say ) a member, with first hand, contemporary witness, came forward and light was shed on the incident and the truth emerged.

( By the way Sotos if any 18yo came anywhere near my 12 year old daughter I would beat them to near-death :D )

Ah -haa. I like it. I hope they are not empty words.

Hi D.

When I first typed it, It came out as:-
By the way Sotos if you were 18 and came anywhere near my 12 yo daughter I would beat you to near-death ( no offence intended S

I'm off to cy living for a few minutes as I hear there are some controversial recipes and photos of cup-cakes.
Last edited by bill cobbett on Tue Jun 24, 2008 5:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby RichardB » Tue Jun 24, 2008 5:19 pm

This thread seems to have been created for sotos for myself due to my comment that controversal threads seem to be on the decline.

So my views

First of all I think we should start with the legal definition of pedophila

This is taken from the Legal dictionary which you can get online

pedophilia n. an obsession with children as sex objects. Overt acts, including taking sexual explicit photographs, molesting children, and exposing one's genitalia to children are all crimes.

For the puposes of Law the age under 18 is used to define a child which is interesting when (in Britain) the legal age of consent is 16.

The problem with these crimes is that pedophilia is also treated as a mental illness, and the pedophile is often released only to repeat the crimes or escalate the activity to the level of murder

As stated in the definition the crime of pedophilia is often treated as a mental illness. I do have a little first hand knowledge of this as my main employment is working for an independent hospital group working in the mental health sector, and from all accounts the chances of reoccurance even after treatment and counselling is very high.

It has also been proven that locking thes people up in mainstreem prisons does not stop reoccurance.

So where do I stand on the issue of pedophilia.

Lock them up throw away the key and let the offendres rot in hell :twisted:
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Postby Magnus » Tue Jun 24, 2008 5:47 pm

Prisons should be for crimes like theft and fraud. Murderers, rapists and paedophiles should all be hung, drawn and quartered in their local town centre and shown on live TV so the message gets through. The last thing the world needs is another sick freak like that guy in Austria.

In the case of consensual sex between minors of a similar age (e.g., two 14 year olds) then a nice long spell in a military boot camp would soon sort them out.

In other cases where one individual is significantly older than the other (e.g. an 18 year old and a 14 year old) then the elder one should get the hanging and the younger one goes into boot camp.

Clear legal definitions and clear consequences go a long way. Problem solved.
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Postby LENA » Tue Jun 24, 2008 9:27 pm

pantheman wrote:
LENA wrote:You know what I understand why people got upset by this topic...but I dont see the reason why all of you attacked Sotos. I am sensitive too when it comes to children but its a serious thing here. I agree that the title Sotos chose and what he wrote latter doesnt really match.

The last 2 months I heard on the news about several men who got arrested for having sex with young children or touch them or watch naked pictures from children on internet etc....Sick sick sick...what made me angry and I was going to kill him if I was was a case of an ankle who rape for years (since the age of 8 if I am not wrong) the daughter of his brother. I was going to kill him and not just take him to the police. That about pedophilia.

As for the rest Sotos wrote....well lots of teenagers are having sex from 13 until 16. I am not saying that are all like that but I believe that parents should talk to their kids. Discuss about sex and tell them that when they are in a relationship maybe their partners might push them for sex. Encourage kids to wait but not with the way that they will get punished if they have sex or scare them. When you say "dont" to teenagers you end up realizing that they are doing it because it was forbidden for them

Actually Lena, I disagree with you here, I still think it was wrong of him to raise that topic. There are a zillion topics he could have chosen and there are some moral codes that most decent people still wish to follow. Perhaps sotos or any one else would like to discuss their bedroom activities with their partners for us all to discuss o[penly? On the other hand, I bet not, because some things are just not a discussion point.

We all know it goes on and that it is wrong but put the words and an innocent picture together infers exactly that, shock, disgust and so on.

IMHO (as Eliko would say)

Pantheman I know that its your opinion and I am not the right person to tll anyone how to raise his/her kids. I grow up with a mother that was honest about everything....never heard the story with the bees and the flower...everything was opened to us when we had a question...she made us feel strong about this subject without giving us any details or being can talk to your kids on the right time with the right words...I am not telling you to to a 3 years old kid and tell him that he was born because you had sex with his mum and the exact position. Jesus. What I said is that parents should be friends with their kids and advice them and not just send them out there to face everything on their own...just for curiosity, just because its forbidden or whatever they will do it.

And all that before they actually have any sexual contact. I never discuss those things with my mum and dont think I will ever do... After all they are parents ... they cannot handle listening to those things and you cannot say those things to anyone generally. You misunderstood me Pantheman. But anyway I know that some parents (especially older) have this kind of taboo that even the word sex is forbidden.

By the way I thought the topic was about pedophilia. No?
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Postby Niki » Tue Jun 24, 2008 10:22 pm

We are very open with our daughters - very! My daughters know they can talk to me about anything and I don't just hope this I know they do.

However, the introduction to this topic was wrong. I actually think Sotos did this out of naivity rather than a deliberate intention to shock.

Lets not be confused - there are 2 directions that have come out of this post. This post is now about the age of consent but it began as something very different and sinister. The picture of the girl in a family album has no ulterior motive. The picture with the word Pedophilia written in large letters has many bad connotations. The internet is rife with this kind of crime and should not be in any way glossed over.

Why introduce this topic, out of all discussions this should not be encouraged. There are surely boundaries.
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Postby miltiades » Tue Jun 24, 2008 10:40 pm

Big Al wrote:you could probably get arrested in some countries for doing this...its sickening anyway and should be removed if you have any decency.

I have never agreed on anything with Big Al but on this subject let me state quite categorically that Sotos, the pervert is out of order and this thread should be locked right away ,It is a disgraceful thread not controversial , nothing to do with freedom of speech but purely a sick and perverted theme . I for one would request that admin lock this thread and reprimand the irresponsible individual who obviously has a problem Get over it mate , post something stupid and indecent like this and you wont know what hit you stupid ! And I bloody well mean it too. Shame on you .
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Postby Sotos » Tue Jun 24, 2008 11:51 pm

I actually think Sotos did this out of naivity rather than a deliberate intention to shock.

I am not as naive as you think ;) I made this topic intentionally to shock especially the puritan conservatives like Miltiades who are so old now that they can not remember what sex means!! Some people wanted controversy and I gave them what they asked for :P And from what I see from the replies so far almost nobody really touched the topic!! Do you people think it is a CRIME if two 13 years old have sex with each other? Is any of the guys here going to tell me that when he was 13-15 years old if he had the chance to have sex with an 18 year old girl he would not?? Are you gay or what? Or you are just too puritans to admit it? You need a reality check. :twisted: :twisted:
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Postby miltiades » Wed Jun 25, 2008 12:12 am

Sotos wrote:
I actually think Sotos did this out of naivity rather than a deliberate intention to shock.

I am not as naive as you think ;) I made this topic intentionally to shock especially the puritan conservatives like Miltiades who are so old now that they can not remember what sex means!! Some people wanted controversy and I gave them what they asked for :P And from what I see from the replies so far almost nobody really touched the topic!! Do you people think it is a CRIME if two 13 years old have sex with each other? Is any of the guys here going to tell me that when he was 13-15 years old if he had the chance to have sex with an 18 year old girl he would not?? Are you gay or what? Or you are just too puritans to admit it? You need a reality check. :twisted: :twisted:

Sotos piss off mate you are out of order , from now on Im keeping my eye on you , you are weird ! Another bloody liabilty to our cause !!
Now I know why 7 people think that I'm a traitor !! They are all wankers !
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Postby bill cobbett » Wed Jun 25, 2008 12:21 am

When I was 14 perhaps 15, which was a long time ago, at a time when mini-skirts became fashionable amongst the ladies I had a tremendous crush on our female French mistress, ( we used to call teachers masters and mistresses at my school) who wore the shortest of these skirts and who had the most remarkably attractive pair of legs and ankles that I have ever seen on a woman. Would I like to have sh.a..g..d this fine lady ? Absolutely. Still do.

Ooh I am reminded of ladies bums. When I was about 14 I was walking through Hyde Park, London on a really warm sunny day and I came across one of the finest female bums. The skirt on this one was so short, you got an occasional glimpse of white knickers. I followed that bum for miles.

As to the two 13 yo that S refers to, no I don't think it's a crime, nor should it be. They need councelling and their parents need to give an explanation to the courts.

My dear Miltiades,

I would be deeply offended that given I have posted in full support of Sotos in this affair if you didn't include me in your condemnations and I would also take the liberty of asking you to add my name to that of the good Sotos in any request to Admin re: a reprimand. Thank You.
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