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Controversial topic - No2

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Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Jun 24, 2008 8:37 am

in the strictest sense you are an adult at 44. you are a young adult at 25, and having the liberty to act as an adult at 18 is a facility which the "State" used in the Great War to assure themselves of the slaughter of millions more, where a whole generation was lost, and so too this sensibility about living.

regretfully, i have known many children, as young as 5 years old who were exploited for sex, even they exist as a population, among the homeless (the missing), in any large city. and i have had to watch children at their games unseen, to learn they know what is, and what is wrong and what is right. a young adult today really is a reflection of their parent's(') care, otherwise as individuals they can have no childhood, and in social-exchange they have no guidance, so as Individuals they are independant without this caring, and in fraternity they do find others who are "like" them their age. the bedroom is no one's business, consent is always necessary, but do we want to live in a society where a child must consider the natural consequence of their sexuality as an unlucky occurance (condoms for twelve year olds?).

as a society we live anonomously (in the urban centres), and its a tragedy that a 15 yrold pushing a tram, as a mother, would be of no consequence to the fabric of our values for the welfare of families, (as families,) as a Heritance. However, if consent is fifteen or twelve, the State must take the welfare of the child as its responsibility which seems to be its aim, (either to abandon them at some "legal" age where they will care for themselves, or) perhaps in the future honoured, as a parent, which they will want to serve ... scary stuff huh?

by having the expectation that the State will solve our problems for us, we pay taxes, and as equals we are identified individually. yet we must take care of ourselves as persons to have an identity where we can add to a wealth, which has an exclusivity as "ours" that prospers.
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Postby Bill » Tue Jun 24, 2008 10:11 am

Well Sotos you have sunk to a all time low with this thread ~ I know what you and others are trying to prove and I must admit I've smiled at your attempts even though some have been pretty poor.

But you sotos have really overstepped the boundary of decency ~ you have posted to shock and sadly you have succeeded but why bring children into your arguments .

I shall never be able to read your posts with any credibility after this thread ~ sadly I feel you are a sick individual .

If your thread was meant to encourage someone to have a go at you so you can complain to admin for a suspension of another forum poster then you may have succeeded ~ I'm sure there are others on this forum that find your comments as equally as distasteful as I do .

So GR has been suspended ~ so what ~ I'm sure that even he will admit that he over stepped the mark and probably deserved it ~ I actually miss GR as apart from his warmongering solution to the Cyprus problem he is usually a good read ~ he will no doubt bounce back with renewed vigor .

Sadly Oracle is something else ~ but I'll leave any comments till she returns although I'm sure she has become tired of the forum and staged her exit in the most spectacular fashion ~ remember Oracle wanted to leave ~ she wasn't suspended .

So to all the posters carrying Oracles avatar as a mark of solidarity and those posting recipes for cup cakes and nail care ~ what exactly are you trying to prove ~ are you intimating that you own the forum and not the admin .

Agreed that a forum is nothing without it's members and the content of their posts ~ the posts recently have been quite funny but sadly pretty childish .

May I remind you all that by joining the forum you agreed to abide by the rules set by the owner and administrator exactly the same as I did ~ in my opinion most of us have at one time or another overstepped those rules but as the forum has a relaxed and easy going nature nothing has happened .

But there is a limit and some have clearly overstepped the mark ~ admin have quite rightly acted ~ as with any forum, members are not suspended without good reason and even then only with due warnings ~ if a member ignores those warnings and thinks he or she is more powerful than the administrator then the admin have no option other than enforce the rules.

This has to be the most loosely regulated forum I've ever joined and it's refreshing to be able to contribute to posts without fear of watching every word posted ~ You guys don't know when you are on to a good thing .

I will ask you all one question ~ if you were running a forum would you be so relaxed ~ how would you have tackled a situation where a member refused to tone down his or her remarks ~ it's not so easy when YOU have to make the decisions .

So Sotos ~ you posted to shock and indeed you have but why pick such a sensitive subject ~ do you not have children of your own ~ are you trying to increase your popularity by joining the "others" ~ I'm sorry I just can't understand how your mind works ~ well perhaps I'm beginning to but sadly don't like what I see.

No doubt my comments won't go down well with the forum big boys but they had to be said ~ I have also no doubt there are others who think the same as I do but sadly they feel that they can't post for fear of reprisals from the forums mighty ones ~ now tell me is that democracy ~ is free speech being stifled and preventing some from sticking their head above the wall and expressing their views .

Think very carefully boys and girls ~ this is a great forum ~ it would be sad to lose it through a silly power struggle between admin and some forum members.

I'll await the incoming as I realize that my views on this situation will not be met with approval by the more vocal members

Bill ~~ free speech for everyone ~~ except when it goes beyond the boundaries of common decency
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Postby jas » Tue Jun 24, 2008 11:04 am

This is getting pathetic now - this topic is just sick, and proves nothing.

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Postby purdey » Tue Jun 24, 2008 11:20 am

It will certainly get the forum noticed, we may even get the odd pedophile dropping in for a chat. Bad form old son, surely their are better ways to voice your opinion than posting pictures of innocent children.
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Postby Z4 » Tue Jun 24, 2008 11:28 am

He does have a bloody good point though!

Does a 15 year old boy who has sex with a 12 year commit pedophilia?
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Postby denizaksulu » Tue Jun 24, 2008 11:47 am

Sotos, Its nearly a a year hence that I have not challenged your judgement; maybe because others have taken the forefront of the stupidity race.

You thread here indeed breaches the moral ethic of the forum and an offensive to parents and grandparents. Ifyou wish to debate such a topic, there are other more suitable 'forums' which suit your tastes.

[b]You'd do your self good to have this topic removed.[/b]
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Postby CanDiaz » Tue Jun 24, 2008 11:59 am

Sick sick sick thread. OP better bloody hope the photo he used, isn't seen by the kids parents,sitting there above the P word.
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Postby tessintrnc » Tue Jun 24, 2008 12:12 pm

Please ask Admin to delete this thread Sotos.
thank you
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Postby pantheman » Tue Jun 24, 2008 12:22 pm

Bill, I agree with you totally, so let any heavies come this way is what I say.

Notwithstanding that however, i wonder if it would have raised the same objections if it was a picture of a child half blown up by allied bombings in Iraq, or a half dying child from the starving countries of Africa.

All the same though, where children are concerned, a bit more tact is required and I think even Sotos must realise that now. he is usually a very rational chap and this was an extreme for him IMHO

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Postby Sotos » Tue Jun 24, 2008 2:25 pm

Stick to the topic ;) Bill this topic was made for Richard that he said he was bored and that there were no controversial topics. I think I started the most controversial topic ever made on this forum but I don't see those that wanted controversy participating :( And I asked admin and he is said it is ok to discuss it but not promote any illegal activities and he just removed the picture. I see only Z4 and repulsewarrior replied to the topic!! Why nobody else dares to say his opinion?
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