If you were not logged onto this forum, what would you be doing right now?
(Clean answers only please!

SSBubbles wrote:OK guys
If you were not logged onto this forum, what would you be doing right now?
(Clean answers only please!)
SSBubbles wrote:OK guys
If you were not logged onto this forum, what would you be doing right now?
(Clean answers only please!)
Z4 wrote:SSBubbles wrote:OK guys
If you were not logged onto this forum, what would you be doing right now?
(Clean answers only please!)
Guys and girls?
Well, I would now be in bed, sleeping!
Hope that was clean enough for you
bill cobbett wrote:SSBubbles wrote:OK guys
If you were not logged onto this forum, what would you be doing right now?
(Clean answers only please!)
Sorry Bs (and forgive me) but in the light of the new regime I have to pull you up on your use of the divisive, partitionist and sexist word "guys" in the above.I fear the other female members will be beating a path to your door.
(Is the word 'female" sexist ? - oh no, I've become a sexist!)
RichardB wrote:Bloody Hell bill (oops sorry blasphemy)
Just noticed your avatar has P gone as well?
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