RichardB wrote:Militades
Richard how can you say they were getting bored with me ,
Cos I have the power of free speech
I have followed your debates with the aforementioned 3 with much interest miltiades and they gave me a good many hours of (entertainment?)
As for Elikos post I find them to be most eloquently put and I tend to be agreeing with a lot of his points.
I did in fact start to post on the topic re Mugabe but the bloody computer crashed and as I type with the speed of a tortoise decided I will now leave that till tomorrow.
best wishes to you and your family and Happy Birthday to the little one.
My comment Richard "how can you say that " was in no way restricting your right to free speech , I'm sure you know the meaning of that sentence so I will not persist.
You mentioned Elikos' wonderful eloquence , I entirely agree this is one reason why I feel so disheartened just as I do with Oracle because two very well educated G/Cs are wasting their undoubted abilities posting material that is damaging for Cyprus. You can not possibly state that war is the only option left for Cyprus since all other options have failed , can not possibly support or excuse the acts of suicide killers that blow themselves up indiscriminately amongst their own people , can not possibly excuse mutilation of children by the parents , such a disgustingly cruel and barbaric act that Eliko fully understands , and neither can any one support the tyrant Mugabe who has brought his country to its knees , and hunger to its people yet he himself indulges in Crystal Champagne and Caviar.The man is a bloody menace , a despot and a vicious autocrat , yet Eliko blames the West.
As for Oracle persistent attacks on anything Turkish , surely anyone can see that in order to come to a peaceful outcome we have to talk not only to the T/Cs but to Turkey. To constantly attack all that is Turkish IS NOT conducive to finding a solution , like it or not the T/Cs are here , and have been here long enough to call Cyprus their country too , and we have to negotiate, not capitulate but negotiate.
The West has many faults , though it is still attracting immigrants by the millions , but it is like democracy , the best available on the Globe.
The G/Cs are notoriously anti American , it is an inherent anomaly to blame the West for all things bad not only in Cyprus but every where else too.
Enough for now , you said this forum is getting boring , in just two days !!!
Wait till I start