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A MEMBER Blows his Cover !!.

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A MEMBER Blows his Cover !!.

Postby Eliko » Mon Jun 23, 2008 3:59 pm

Our champion of the oppressed, upholder of all that is just (or so he would have us believe) has finally revealed the sinister mind that dwells behind his every post !!.

BY HIS OWN ADMISSION, he has indicated that he is in support of mass murder, imposed starvation, persecution of innocent people and young children (babies even), and torture.

He says that he is in support of ANY method employed in the ousting of Robert Mugabe after reading of precisely the 'Political Distortions' which are effectively BEING employed (and likely to escalate) in Zimbabwe.

Since such atrocities ARE being employed by those in opposition to Robert Mugabe (the Ex- Colonial Powers) and since this member is such a fervent supporter of their every murderous move, it is perfectly logical to conclude that he is in total agreement wih such devices.

THIS admission from a man who constantly berates any who submit opinions contrary to his own and has severally accused ME of supporting atrocities.

This member has been informed on many occasions that 'The Lord Moves in Mysterious Ways' (or Allah) take your pick.

Let us now see how he will wriggle out of the corner he has painted himself into, ALL his political knowhow will be required to extricate himself from the inference of 'HIS OWN WORDS'

Meanwhile, let us all 'Keep an eye on HIM' :lol: :lol: (since He likes to keep one on US).

In my humble opinion of course. :wink:
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Re: A MEMBER Blows his Cover !!.

Postby miltiades » Mon Jun 23, 2008 4:38 pm

Eliko wrote:Our champion of the oppressed, upholder of all that is just (or so he would have us believe) has finally revealed the sinister mind that dwells behind his every post !!.

BY HIS OWN ADMISSION, he has indicated that he is in support of mass murder, imposed starvation, persecution of innocent people and young children (babies even), and torture.

He says that he is in support of ANY method employed in the ousting of Robert Mugabe after reading of precisely the 'Political Distortions' which are effectively BEING employed (and likely to escalate) in Zimbabwe.

Since such atrocities ARE being employed by those in opposition to Robert Mugabe (the Ex- Colonial Powers) and since this member is such a fervent supporter of their every murderous move, it is perfectly logical to conclude that he is in total agreement wih such devices.

THIS admission from a man who constantly berates any who submit opinions contrary to his own and has severally accused ME of supporting atrocities.

This member has been informed on many occasions that 'The Lord Moves in Mysterious Ways' (or Allah) take your pick.

Let us now see how he will wriggle out of the corner he has painted himself into, ALL his political knowhow will be required to extricate himself from the inference of 'HIS OWN WORDS'

Meanwhile, let us all 'Keep an eye on HIM' :lol: :lol: (since He likes to keep one on US).

In my humble opinion of course. :wink:

Will respond later , suffice to say now . ABSOLTUTE PURE UNADULTARATED DUNG !
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Postby boomerang » Mon Jun 23, 2008 5:02 pm

I am sure there must be a political solution avoiding the need of bloodshed...
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Postby miltiades » Mon Jun 23, 2008 5:06 pm

boomerang wrote:I am sure there must be a political solution avoiding the need of bloodshed...

Yes there is . Abide by the election results !!
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Postby boomerang » Mon Jun 23, 2008 5:08 pm

miltiades wrote:
boomerang wrote:I am sure there must be a political solution avoiding the need of bloodshed...

Yes there is . Abide by the election results !!

and if not...are you advocating bloodshed?...totally disregarding the will of the people?...a civil war perhaps?...death and destruction?

..."turkey=fascist state" has the blue print when it comes to's called relocation with a view...Could this be what you mean with your statement?
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Postby Eliko » Mon Jun 23, 2008 6:30 pm

miltiades wrote:
boomerang wrote:I am sure there must be a political solution avoiding the need of bloodshed...

Yes there is . Abide by the election results !!

Would those election results you allude to , have been conducted in the same fashion as were those in Iraq ?, where a GANG of warlords have been paid by your 'Mentors' to pave the way for the nation to be also sucked into the abyss of (what we are gulled into believing is) 'Democracy' ?.

OR (if you insist on abiding by election results) WHY is it that 'Hamas' is not recognized as the rightful political party in it's own land ?.

Oh, that is an easy question to answer, Bush, Blair and Olmert did not approve did they ?, sorry, I forgot that bit.

Incidentally, whilst on the subject of Olmert, I do believe the 'Gentleman' is currently embroiled in some kind of 'Legal Process' as a result of dishonesty, perhaps YOU (being such an admirer of whatever he does) could give him a few pointers on how to wriggle out of his dilemma.

One at a time mate, one at a time, no point in upsetting you, you may become abusive. :lol: :lol: :wink:
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Postby GAVCARoCOM » Mon Jun 23, 2008 7:02 pm

explanation done. i take my words back :wink:
Last edited by GAVCARoCOM on Mon Jun 23, 2008 7:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby bill cobbett » Mon Jun 23, 2008 7:10 pm

GAVCARoCOM wrote:go fuck yourself Eliko

fucking idiot sending post against other forummembers. you coward disrespeted piece of shit

never send my posts that stupid gooooolies thing u stupid jerk :twisted: :twisted:

MOD - Given my new found sensitivity to anything that smells remotely of unbridled free speech I have found this post very upsetting and offensive. It is so bad I need to sit down.
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Postby GAVCARoCOM » Mon Jun 23, 2008 7:15 pm


MOD - Given my new found sensitivity to anything that smells remotely of unbridled free speech I have found this post very upsetting and offensive. It is so bad I need to sit down.[/quote]

do you need some water ????? i send by mistake ;) eliko is good man . but i dont like you bill cobett
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Postby RichardB » Mon Jun 23, 2008 7:40 pm

bill cobbett wrote:
GAVCARoCOM wrote:go fuck yourself Eliko

fucking idiot sending post against other forummembers. you coward disrespeted piece of shit

never send my posts that stupid gooooolies thing u stupid jerk :twisted: :twisted:

MOD - Given my new found sensitivity to anything that smells remotely of unbridled free speech I have found this post very upsetting and offensive. It is so bad I need to sit down.

I too bill this kind of posting relly upsets me also

Unwarranted swearing really gets up my goat
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