One political analyst agreed. He said the idea is that the Annan plan must be in line with the acquis. “But the EU looked through the Annan plan and gave it a clean bill of health,” said the analyst.
“This is all for internal consumption. “I think what is happening is an insult to what Europe really stands for and all the founding principles of the EU – reconciliation, toleration and integration,” he added.
The analyst said the Greek Cypriot side appeared to be having a problem over power-sharing with the Turkish Cypriot minority. But at the same time, he said Cyprus, which represents 0.2 per cent of the EU’s population, expects to have an equal say with European giants such as Britain, Germany and France. “The ploy for a European solution is just a fig leaf for a unitary state,” the analyst said.
Generaly an interesting article but my main reason for posting it is to show (however worng or right the argument is) that I am not alone in seeing some inconsistency between the RoC attitude to power sharing within Cyprus vs within the EU and questiong if the commitment of GC is less to 'democracy' in general and in principal and more to their own agenda specificaly.