Eliko wrote:miltiades wrote:Eliko wrote:miltiades, as a 'follow up' to the above, your remark about how your own views coincide with those of the Cyprus Government comes as no surprise to any of us I am sure.
Your views are invariably those of whichever source you choose to 'Glean' information from and are therefore absolutely predictable.
Your only talent seems to be forever restricted to abusive retorts which ultimately solve NOTHING.
It would appear that you consider yourself to be the 'Spokesman' for every detail contained in whatever political claptrap is leaked through the media, perhaps THAT is the reason why you are prone to such negativity at all times.
In my humble opinion. (and no offence intended)
Eliko , may I ask the source from which you receive your news ?
It clearly isn't from either the Western Press or indeed the Cypriot press .
You tend to label me as a foul mouth individual and constantly refer to foulmouthing you. The strongest "insult" thrown at you was your wasted education , I have always stated that I rather like you but your entire perception of world evens , starting from mutilating children in some barbaric exercise to suicide bombers , Al Queda , Robert Mugabe and of course nearer home the ONLY OPTION IS WAR , (You are on record saying that ) are totaly wrong. You detest Israels right to existence , your supportive of Iran's' efforts to obtain nuclear weapons , you totaly deny that they, Iranians, have anything sinister planned and yet you are an educated man , may I say again what a waste !!
miltiades, your ability to misconstrue what you read is quite astounding.
For the umpteenth time (not only for YOUR benefit but for others who may suffer from similar inabilities as your own).
I consider the manner in which ISRAEL is allowed to operate in the Middle East regions as unjust, the nation is viewed by many as a 'Terrorist Organization' and on account of some of the atrocities they HAVE and ARE committing, such a title seems to fit the bill nicely (In my opinion).
'Suicide Bombings' (and their aftermath) are naturally abhorrent to all of us as are the rituals of child mutilations, the fact that you question my views on them is a clear indication of your failure to understand the meaning behind whatever I may have written on either subject.
The same 'Myopic' interpretations you have made (in the past) of my views on almost every world issue are equally astounding and are of little credit to a man of your advancing years (In my opinion).
You have become fixated with the result of a silly POLL and are now prepared to condemn any that had the temerity to vote against you, you have siezed upon a misinterpretation (of your own) and blown it out of all proportion in order to qualify your 'New Weapon' which is to tag everyone who exhibited such temerity (as aforementioned) as 'WAR MONGERS'.
Well miltiades, I am sorry to tell you this (and I'm sure you won't like it) but I think I have just 'Shot you down'![]()
I MUST treat your post as a joke since the alternative would mean that you should be taken seriously, quite frankly miltiades, THAT would be a cause for even greater amusement.
In my humble opinion.
As to the source of my information, it is quite obviously NOT the same as yours, how could it be ?.
People people people, come on. Can't we all get on?