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Answer to Bill

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Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Jun 22, 2008 5:51 pm

...without OP, GR, and their equivalent on the 'otherside', we do not have a debate which functions to enrich us all.

in this case they are the salt and spice which is added to the Grist even in small quantities to give it the flavour it needs to be more than sustenance, elevating it to food, for thought.

i admire them both, although in many cases i am at odds with their position, i know without them we are lesser people, because our own opinions would have no comparison.

even eric d., 'the butcher ' as he likes to call himself, has a place in our debates.

...if we ban GR and OP, (or dr. M and eric) we are no better off, and many of us would be next.
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Re: Answer to Bill

Postby Bill » Sun Jun 22, 2008 8:17 pm

I'm quite prepared to wait until she comes back ~ I was going to do that anyway ~ I'd already promised her a response some while ago but to be honest there was so much to reply to I couldn't justify the time needed researching the posts to make sure I was 100% correct.

Paphitis wrote:
I wish to take you to task at your insinuation that she is a Turk hating woman.

Without getting to in depth about this I suggest you read her posts ~ sadly you cant read the ones that have been deleted but they are in the same vein.

Paphitis wrote:
Her views against Connor were posed as they seemed to sabotage efforts for justice by our President X. Connors seemed to target our President in a most malicious manner at a time when he had more pressing issues to deal with, such as address the return of 200,000 GC refugees to their homes. Perhaps Connor should have aired his claims by seeking legal avenues and to not distract our President from these more serious issues.

I don't think a dozen or so people waving banners disrupted your presidents visit at all but it may have had a valuable effect of high lighting the bad practices used by Cypriot developers and lawyers who are often in the pockets of the developers .

She repeatedly accused him of being a crook and a liar ( I wonder where I've heard that before ) the amount of bile she spewed out on Connors posts was absolutely unbelievable and as I pointed out not what one would expect from a supposed intelligent woman ~

Connor has and will continue to address his problem through legal avenues but is not achieving much success due to the corrupt way such issues are dealt with in Cyprus and sadly every obstacle has been used to by the authorities to prevent him from getting any satisfactory result.

I must admit I do admire him as most would have fallen by the wayside and accepted the developers lies and deceit and put it down to experience and a nasty one at that ~ personally I don't think he will ever get the satisfaction he deserves in this matter .
The problem is that everybody else that's had a problem with a developer has eventually lied down and accepted their lot and the developers know they have the upper hand ~ Connor is made of sterner stuff.

Paphitis wrote:Her opposition to the British Governemnts, who have orchestrated the islands demise from 1955 is evident.

I don't think the lady was to concerned about the government whilst she was enjoying a prime position as a scientist ~ why didn't she come back to Cyprus so her beloved home land could benefit from her apparent knowledge and expertize instead of giving that invaluable experience to the British government ~ I probably know the answer but do you ? ~ she has wasted 40 plus years where she could have helped Cyprus but preferred to stay in the UK :? :roll: .

Paphitis wrote:
This opposition does not apply to the British people, in my opinion. Oracle does however defend herself vigorously against those that provoke her and take great pleasure in provoking her as they would inevitably have to endure her reaction. These individuals, such as yourself are nothing more than attention seeking, something that underlines your apparent infatuation of her by seeking to cause her harm. Happily, I take comfort that you are not strong enough to cause Oracle any despair in any exchange, so the only thing that you have left is to rely on Admin suspending her.

Oracle defending herself is perhaps the understatement of the year ~ her being provoked , don't make me laugh she has taken great delight in venting her bile on the perceived pinky Brits ~~ me attention seeking ~ no ~ just giving back what I and others have received .

Not strong enough to cause her despair :? ~ lets say I don't often drop to her level .

Although I've probably had cause as it seems have many others to complain to admin ~ I'm afraid you have the wrong person ~ I've never given it a thought as I'm made of stronger stuff than that and work on the principle that every dog has his ( or her ) day.

Paphitis wrote:
. This say's more about your lack of character and conviction, and your lack of credibility by investing in the illegal "trnc". Shame on you.

Now tell me honestly where have I said that I've invested in the occupied north ~ please paste and copy my statement that I have done so ~ you are presuming and assuming that I have just as certain other people have done ~ please look at the original post and see that it was in answer to a TC offering me a property in the occupied north which I declined .

I was very surprised by DT's question of whether it was GC land or TC land ~ I really felt let down that he deemed it necessary to ask the question ~ so I didn't answer .

Paphitis wrote:
On the contrary, it is the silencing of both GR and Oracle which will result in less members signing up to the CF, as they are both 2 of the most interesting contributors to the forum..

As far as I'm aware the Cyprus forum is exactly just that ~ a forum on Cyprus ~ the political problem / Cyprus problem is just part of it ~ certain members of this forum actively discourage any other topic of discussion other than the Cyprus problem and thats putting off lots of prospective members due to their belligerent attitude ~ the answer to your problem of members asking which system to use in their pool is simple ~~ don't open the thread just as I do if I see posts relating to football .

I actually find most of GR's posts a good read until he starts getting silly and talks of taking back the occupied area by force ~ sadly that's just his nationalistic ideals talking as it will never ever be a viable solution.

Anyway ~ lets leave this topic alone now ~ you prompted me to reply with your post as I couldn't leave it as it was .

I hope that oracle does come back but as some of you have put her on such a high pedestal that she will be uncontrollable .

Instead of pursuing this particular topic give me a believable answer to my question on GC homes recently built on TC land .

I await oracles return :D

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Postby cyprusgrump » Mon Jun 23, 2008 6:23 am

I have been asked by Oracle to post the following...

Oracle wrote:My dear friends and foes

Cyprus forum will indeed be meeting their quota of clicks today .. long may it last!

Please do not take Cyprusgrump to task on this, he is doing me a favour, and I am not entering into exchanges, just want to clarify a matter since my account was suspended with immediate effect and I could not let people know the reasoning behind things....

Admin have been unfair in quoting me out of context. I was indeed asked to be less provocative to certain groups (unknown) of people.

This took me by surprise because certain groups of people have also been provocative to me and I had been (tediously) exercising avoidance tactics ... so I was familiar in my mind with goings on.

I could not engage Admin in finding out how and to whom I was provocative to tackle this further and was given the impression that Admin were gagging me... curtailing my freedom of speech above and beyond the forum rules which on the whole I adhere to (having never revealed personal info on the forum, published PMs and made direct threats ... all things that were done to me recently ...None of those people have been banned or even gagged as they persist).

So when Admin demanded I stop posting in what I consider my usual style; on a matter of principle, I said that I might as well have all my accounts deleted (phoenix was still active) rather than post in a manner I was unjustly and unfairly being asked to do . I did not wish to further compromise my freedom of speech above and beyond usual forum rules.

In others words I was advocating a total ban, to accepting a gagging order.

Admin suspended me for two weeks instead. I guess Admin think I am not that bad but they are doing their duty as they are having to please others. Admin are right in that each remembers only their own grievances. Except me, who goes through this torture on a regular basis and knows others' posts inside out.

Only I know how many times people such as Bill and Jerry have deliberately set out to entrap me or pass comment between themselves in an effort to bait me. I ignore about ten attempts by them, before replying to one, and then all hell breaks loose from them as they have achieved their goal ... to rope me in to exchanges to brighten up their boring lives.

And shame on you Niki for capitalising on my inability to respond. The forum has been worse on many occasions before I joined ... go back over past posts ... some were my inspiration!

And that I hound off newcomers Niki ?..... I question the ones that deliberately join to defame Cyprus ... and most come back with another alias and another Cyprus gripe (without evidence).

Do not forget Niki, I too was hounded off as Chimera after only a month, at the expert hands of Deniz and Zan .. but did I complain? No! I came back as phoenix.

So I have had my share of persecutions and gagging orders and as Admin say we only remember our own. But I have had to defend myself so many times I know most of your posts inside out.

And di-di ... the name I recall only because of my deliberately telling myself to avoid her, as she had set out to bait me many times in Connor's threads IMHO.

So to my friends.

Thank you all for your kind words. Paphitis, I have been so impressed with your performance as you pre-empted my very thoughts on so many occasions. You are indeed astute and thank you for the great defences you have put up for me in my absence.

bill cobbett such an eloquent eulogy to freedom of speech. It is indeed that which was my spur to post this ... because it is indeed freedom of speech being fought for here.

Once again I say to Admin. your request to me was unfair. I am no more provocative than others. Halil has been getting away with worse, and others. Yes I take halil to task with his incessant advertising of "trnc" promotions, festivals whatever ... all things I consider provocative as well as illegal ..... yet for some reason he can get away with it. Maybe Bayrak have a say.

I think we are all clear now that certain factions can be tolerated more than others. And I agree that it is Admin's prerogative to choose. Freedom of speech is not a right on someone else's forum! So let's not pretend otherwise.

But as Eliko usually reminds us ... we have to keep questioning the reasons when we see smokescreens going up ....

Oracle .... who would rather be banned than gagged!

Reply form Admin:

Oracle, I do not appreciate your attempts to by-pass the suspension of your account. If you continue I will have to permanently ban you.

There is no decision from my part that can be seen as fair by all.
I am like a referee in a football game. I am trying to be fair and I believe I am fair most of the time. But even if I make a mistake, which in your case I am confident that I didn't, you still have to accept my requests and cooperate. If you don't cooperate and you attack the referee then you will get the red card.

I have been very patient and lenient with you as I have been with others. Others have been provocative as well and I assure you that those others have received warnings too. What those others didn't do, which you did, was to attack me and the forum. You should have either agreed to try to change your behavior or, if changing was impossible, to stop posting in the forum.

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Postby miltiades » Mon Jun 23, 2008 8:22 am

Paphitis wrote:
Jerry wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Eliko wrote:
Paphitis wrote:May I also ask that members refrain from posting character damaging posts to those that are not able to defend themselves. Thanks.

It is not my job to defend Oracle or Gr. So I ask that members respect the above and await for their return so that they may personally counter these character attacks.

Paphitis, may I also add weight to your request ?, I did mention this precise point in a response I made to Miltiades earlier, since I did suffer some verbal attacks (in my absence) some time ago the result of which led to another member (who defended me) leaving the forum in disgust.

Such attacks are cowardly and unacceptable.

In my humble opinion. :wink:

That is most sad news dear Eliko. May I ask which member has left the forum in disgust? :cry:

May I say that this forumer is yet another victim of censorship and the arrogance of Miltiades.

A very sad day for free speech and the CF. :cry:

You may be right, but some would argue that free speech includes the right to criticize another who has been banned, or, as it appears in this case, requested that all her posts be deleted from the forum. Sounds like Bill was right.

You can await their return to the forum where they would both have the ability to counter and defend your character assaults. If you refuse to do this, then this is an indication of your spineless and gutless demeanor by talking in a negative way about those that are not in a position to reply.

Here the BRAVE General goes again , disagree with me he says and you are a spineless and gutless traitor because I , General Paphitis have taken up the mantle left by Rambo and Oracle the Hateful Master , and I'm prepared to label anyone that voices an opinion other than the one that I , General Paphitis want , a bloody traitor or a spineless coward.
How come you have so much Spine mate , you may fool some on this forum but you ain't pulling the wool over Miltiades's eyes .
Those two will have plenty of time to respond , precisely why I posted earlier that I will not challenge any of their well known master pieces on Cyprus.
Get a life go back to being a man !! Do try not to get me banned if you know what I mean you spineless General :lol:
May I also add something for Eliko . Your views are not only different to those of mine and to those of our Cypriot government but are also dangerous and totally nonconstructive to the Cyprus problem .
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Postby Eliko » Mon Jun 23, 2008 8:32 am

miltiades, perhaps you would care to read what I posted regarding 'Stouts' decision to withdraw.

I am sure you will find that it is perfectly self explanatory, certainly not deserving of that which you have just posted.

In my humble opinion. :wink:
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Postby miltiades » Mon Jun 23, 2008 8:58 am

Eliko wrote:miltiades, perhaps you would care to read what I posted regarding 'Stouts' decision to withdraw.

I am sure you will find that it is perfectly self explanatory, certainly not deserving of that which you have just posted.

In my humble opinion. :wink:

Post it again here Eliko , dont have much time to search .
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Postby Eliko » Mon Jun 23, 2008 9:04 am

miltiades, as a 'follow up' to the above, your remark about how your own views coincide with those of the Cyprus Government comes as no surprise to any of us I am sure.

Your views are invariably those of whichever source you choose to 'Glean' information from and are therefore absolutely predictable.

Your only talent seems to be forever restricted to abusive retorts which ultimately solve NOTHING.

It would appear that you consider yourself to be the 'Spokesman' for every detail contained in whatever political claptrap is leaked through the media, perhaps THAT is the reason why you are prone to such negativity at all times.

In my humble opinion. (and no offence intended) :wink:
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Postby miltiades » Mon Jun 23, 2008 9:41 am

Eliko wrote:miltiades, as a 'follow up' to the above, your remark about how your own views coincide with those of the Cyprus Government comes as no surprise to any of us I am sure.

Your views are invariably those of whichever source you choose to 'Glean' information from and are therefore absolutely predictable.

Your only talent seems to be forever restricted to abusive retorts which ultimately solve NOTHING.

It would appear that you consider yourself to be the 'Spokesman' for every detail contained in whatever political claptrap is leaked through the media, perhaps THAT is the reason why you are prone to such negativity at all times.

In my humble opinion. (and no offence intended) :wink:

Eliko , may I ask the source from which you receive your news ?
It clearly isn't from either the Western Press or indeed the Cypriot press .
You tend to label me as a foul mouth individual and constantly refer to foulmouthing you. The strongest "insult" thrown at you was your wasted education , I have always stated that I rather like you but your entire perception of world evens , starting from mutilating children in some barbaric exercise to suicide bombers , Al Queda , Robert Mugabe and of course nearer home the ONLY OPTION IS WAR , (You are on record saying that ) are totaly wrong. You detest Israels right to existence , your supportive of Iran's' efforts to obtain nuclear weapons , you totaly deny that they, Iranians, have anything sinister planned and yet you are an educated man , may I say again what a waste !!
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Postby Z4 » Mon Jun 23, 2008 11:50 am

cyprusgrump wrote:I have been asked by Oracle to post the following...

Oracle wrote:My dear friends and foes

Cyprus forum will indeed be meeting their quota of clicks today .. long may it last!

Please do not take Cyprusgrump to task on this, he is doing me a favour, and I am not entering into exchanges, just want to clarify a matter since my account was suspended with immediate effect and I could not let people know the reasoning behind things....

Admin have been unfair in quoting me out of context. I was indeed asked to be less provocative to certain groups (unknown) of people.

This took me by surprise because certain groups of people have also been provocative to me and I had been (tediously) exercising avoidance tactics ... so I was familiar in my mind with goings on.

I could not engage Admin in finding out how and to whom I was provocative to tackle this further and was given the impression that Admin were gagging me... curtailing my freedom of speech above and beyond the forum rules which on the whole I adhere to (having never revealed personal info on the forum, published PMs and made direct threats ... all things that were done to me recently ...None of those people have been banned or even gagged as they persist).

So when Admin demanded I stop posting in what I consider my usual style; on a matter of principle, I said that I might as well have all my accounts deleted (phoenix was still active) rather than post in a manner I was unjustly and unfairly being asked to do . I did not wish to further compromise my freedom of speech above and beyond usual forum rules.

In others words I was advocating a total ban, to accepting a gagging order.

Admin suspended me for two weeks instead. I guess Admin think I am not that bad but they are doing their duty as they are having to please others. Admin are right in that each remembers only their own grievances. Except me, who goes through this torture on a regular basis and knows others' posts inside out.

Only I know how many times people such as Bill and Jerry have deliberately set out to entrap me or pass comment between themselves in an effort to bait me. I ignore about ten attempts by them, before replying to one, and then all hell breaks loose from them as they have achieved their goal ... to rope me in to exchanges to brighten up their boring lives.

And shame on you Niki for capitalising on my inability to respond. The forum has been worse on many occasions before I joined ... go back over past posts ... some were my inspiration!

And that I hound off newcomers Niki ?..... I question the ones that deliberately join to defame Cyprus ... and most come back with another alias and another Cyprus gripe (without evidence).

Do not forget Niki, I too was hounded off as Chimera after only a month, at the expert hands of Deniz and Zan .. but did I complain? No! I came back as phoenix.

So I have had my share of persecutions and gagging orders and as Admin say we only remember our own. But I have had to defend myself so many times I know most of your posts inside out.

And di-di ... the name I recall only because of my deliberately telling myself to avoid her, as she had set out to bait me many times in Connor's threads IMHO.

So to my friends.

Thank you all for your kind words. Paphitis, I have been so impressed with your performance as you pre-empted my very thoughts on so many occasions. You are indeed astute and thank you for the great defences you have put up for me in my absence.

bill cobbett such an eloquent eulogy to freedom of speech. It is indeed that which was my spur to post this ... because it is indeed freedom of speech being fought for here.

Once again I say to Admin. your request to me was unfair. I am no more provocative than others. Halil has been getting away with worse, and others. Yes I take halil to task with his incessant advertising of "trnc" promotions, festivals whatever ... all things I consider provocative as well as illegal ..... yet for some reason he can get away with it. Maybe Bayrak have a say.

I think we are all clear now that certain factions can be tolerated more than others. And I agree that it is Admin's prerogative to choose. Freedom of speech is not a right on someone else's forum! So let's not pretend otherwise.

But as Eliko usually reminds us ... we have to keep questioning the reasons when we see smokescreens going up ....

Oracle .... who would rather be banned than gagged!

The forum is now a cleaner and safer place to visit with the silly women
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Postby Eliko » Mon Jun 23, 2008 12:46 pm

miltiades wrote:
Eliko wrote:miltiades, as a 'follow up' to the above, your remark about how your own views coincide with those of the Cyprus Government comes as no surprise to any of us I am sure.

Your views are invariably those of whichever source you choose to 'Glean' information from and are therefore absolutely predictable.

Your only talent seems to be forever restricted to abusive retorts which ultimately solve NOTHING.

It would appear that you consider yourself to be the 'Spokesman' for every detail contained in whatever political claptrap is leaked through the media, perhaps THAT is the reason why you are prone to such negativity at all times.

In my humble opinion. (and no offence intended) :wink:

Eliko , may I ask the source from which you receive your news ?
It clearly isn't from either the Western Press or indeed the Cypriot press .
You tend to label me as a foul mouth individual and constantly refer to foulmouthing you. The strongest "insult" thrown at you was your wasted education , I have always stated that I rather like you but your entire perception of world evens , starting from mutilating children in some barbaric exercise to suicide bombers , Al Queda , Robert Mugabe and of course nearer home the ONLY OPTION IS WAR , (You are on record saying that ) are totaly wrong. You detest Israels right to existence , your supportive of Iran's' efforts to obtain nuclear weapons , you totaly deny that they, Iranians, have anything sinister planned and yet you are an educated man , may I say again what a waste !!

miltiades, your ability to misconstrue what you read is quite astounding.

For the umpteenth time (not only for YOUR benefit but for others who may suffer from similar inabilities as your own).

I consider the manner in which ISRAEL is allowed to operate in the Middle East regions as unjust, the nation is viewed by many as a 'Terrorist Organization' and on account of some of the atrocities they HAVE and ARE committing, such a title seems to fit the bill nicely (In my opinion).

'Suicide Bombings' (and their aftermath) are naturally abhorrent to all of us as are the rituals of child mutilations, the fact that you question my views on them is a clear indication of your failure to understand the meaning behind whatever I may have written on either subject.

The same 'Myopic' interpretations you have made (in the past) of my views on almost every world issue are equally astounding and are of little credit to a man of your advancing years (In my opinion).

You have become fixated with the result of a silly POLL and are now prepared to condemn any that had the temerity to vote against you, you have siezed upon a misinterpretation (of your own) and blown it out of all proportion in order to qualify your 'New Weapon' which is to tag everyone who exhibited such temerity (as aforementioned) as 'WAR MONGERS'.

Well miltiades, I am sorry to tell you this (and I'm sure you won't like it) but I think I have just 'Shot you down' :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I MUST treat your post as a joke since the alternative would mean that you should be taken seriously, quite frankly miltiades, THAT would be a cause for even greater amusement.

In my humble opinion.

As to the source of my information, it is quite obviously NOT the same as yours, how could it be ?. :wink:
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