humanist wrote:BirkThis proves it for me....We can't live with each other,but we can't live without each other either...We are unique..We are Cypriots....We are doomed...
Hey Birk, firstly don't loose hope we are NOT doomed. Secondly good to see you back. If there is one thing I admire about you is that unlike me who looses their temper easily and gets sucked into the hooks of others ... you have maintained your integrity for the past couple of years since I met you on this forum.
Please don't loose faith otherwise we have led them to a win.
she'll be right mate
Hello,dear humanist...I wouldn't be honest if I said I was not disappointed and disillusioned with the tone our Forum had taken recently...It is just beyond me to imagine how anyone can possibly think another WAR is what we need to solve our problem....
One of my most cherished recent memories is our visit to Istinjo...I can clearly see you running around picking pomegranates off the trees,happy as a child...How can I possibly take up arms against you or against my other TCBs...