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Persecution is a Tribute.

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Persecution is a Tribute.

Postby Paphitis » Sun Jun 22, 2008 8:39 am

For all those forum members who have been persecuted for daring to think outside the square, I say to you that your heads should be held up high. Be proud in knowing that your persecution and unjust banning is due to having the respectable ability to question, seek the truth, push for new frontiers, and think outside of the square. Qualities which need to be respected and admired instead of suffering the injustice of unfair persecution. Humans who fail to achieve these qualities are doomed to live life as SHEEP, which is a fate worse than death.

I ask that members contemplate over the following quotes:

Persecution is a tribute the great must always pay for preeminence.

Yes great people are always subject to persecution and always getting into straits.

With the unfortunate banning of Oracle and GR, the CF is doomed to a lacklustre and boring existance totally devoid of any means to push for new frontiers and explore new horizons. They have been persecuted because they have the qualities which render them interesting and thought provoking.

As Oracle has stated, we have now condemned the Cyprus Forum to becoming a lifestyle magazine. And with Zan, Eric and Shah missing in action, the rest of us are condemned to suffer the indignity of reading Miltiades posts, SSBubbles lame jokes, GAVCARoCOMSTEIN'S intelligentsia, Deniz's useless one liners and that stupid GAME thread.

Since this has become a life style forum I have one question. I am putting a swimming pool in my back yard. I need to ask if I should have chlorination or salt water? Thanks
Last edited by Paphitis on Sun Jun 22, 2008 9:52 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Persecution is a Tribute.

Postby miltiades » Sun Jun 22, 2008 8:54 am

Paphitis wrote:For all those forum members who have been persecuted for daring to think outside the square, I say to you that your heads should be held up high. Be proud in knowing that your persecution and unjust banning is due to having the respectable ability to question, seek the truth, push for new frontiers, and think outside of the square. Qualities which need to be respected and admired instead of suffering the injustice of unfair persecution. Humans you fail to achieve these qualities are doomed to live life as SHEEP, which is a fate worst than death.

I ask that members contemplate over the following quotes:

Persecution is a tribute the great must always pay for preeminence.

Paphitis in daring to think outside the "square" members should also express their views and opinions in a responsible manner . The pursued of truth is indeed a virtue but where are the evidence that GR has been pursuing the truth or indeed that you have been pursuing the truth. He accused me of being a traitor , you agreed , NOT ONE REASONABLE SHRED OF EVIDENCE !!
Your conclusion rests entirely on the fact that I believe a war against Turkey IS NOT AN OPTION , in order to liberated our lands , because not only such action will be catastrophic but will achieve absolutely nothing , most reasonable people can see that only through a political war and negotiations can we achieve the desired result.You seem to be convinced that by stating the obvious I'm ridiculing the CNG , nothing could be further from the truth , yet you fail to accept it. So I'm a traitor , tell me which of my posts , NOT YOUR OWN INTERPRETATION , but my own post contains just one word that determines that I m a traitor.
Do you realize that both you , GR , Oracle and the 2 others are completely and utterly off your rockers . Miltiades is known by all on this forum for his love of his country and doesn't want his country to go down the Palestinian way with mercenaries , suicide bombers and blood and tears.
Yes you can express your views on this forum as everybody does , GR insulted Lana in the same arrogant fashion that he insults every one else.
You obviously consider this as suitable for GR , """Persecution is a tribute the great must always pay for preeminence. ""
So he is great is he , and I presume you too !!
When I apologised and offered my hand to both of you you declined , because you consider that my views are damaging to the Cypriot cause !!!! Please mate , just one word from my posts , over 4500 of them.
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Re: Persecution is a Tribute.

Postby Paphitis » Sun Jun 22, 2008 9:04 am

miltiades wrote:
Paphitis wrote:For all those forum members who have been persecuted for daring to think outside the square, I say to you that your heads should be held up high. Be proud in knowing that your persecution and unjust banning is due to having the respectable ability to question, seek the truth, push for new frontiers, and think outside of the square. Qualities which need to be respected and admired instead of suffering the injustice of unfair persecution. Humans you fail to achieve these qualities are doomed to live life as SHEEP, which is a fate worst than death.

I ask that members contemplate over the following quotes:

Persecution is a tribute the great must always pay for preeminence.

Paphitis in daring to think outside the "square" members should also express their views and opinions in a responsible manner . The pursued of truth is indeed a virtue but where are the evidence that GR has been pursuing the truth or indeed that you have been pursuing the truth. He accused me of being a traitor , you agreed , NOT ONE REASONABLE SHRED OF EVIDENCE !!
Your conclusion rests entirely on the fact that I believe a war against Turkey IS NOT AN OPTION , in order to liberated our lands , because not only such action will be catastrophic but will achieve absolutely nothing , most reasonable people can see that only through a political war and negotiations can we achieve the desired result.You seem to be convinced that by stating the obvious I'm ridiculing the CNG , nothing could be further from the truth , yet you fail to accept it. So I'm a traitor , tell me which of my posts , NOT YOUR OWN INTERPRETATION , but my own post contains just one word that determines that I m a traitor.
Do you realize that both you , GR , Oracle and the 2 others are completely and utterly off your rockers . Miltiades is known by all on this forum for his love of his country and doesn't want his country to go down the Palestinian way with mercenaries , suicide bombers and blood and tears.
Yes you can express your views on this forum as everybody does , GR insulted Lana in the same arrogant fashion that he insults every one else.
You obviously consider this as suitable for GR , """Persecution is a tribute the great must always pay for preeminence. ""
So he is great is he , and I presume you too !!
When I apologised and offered my hand to both of you you declined , because you consider that my views are damaging to the Cypriot cause !!!! Please mate , just one word from my posts , over 4500 of them.

Miltiades, I do not blame you really as you are a mindless SHEEP.

People such as you would have been amongst the countless many calling for Galileo's head in the 17th century. Another example of persecution of those that think outside the square.
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Postby miltiades » Sun Jun 22, 2008 9:25 am

You are entitled to your views regardless of how stupid they are , not might be , but they are.
This forum will continue regardless whether you or I , GR or Oracle post another word.
The problem with GR is that he actually considered himself to be the backbone of this forum , entertaining at times especially with his expertise in creating and displaying emoticons , in reality his contribution to the Cyprus political debates were disastrously damaging just as yours and Oracles are , you dont see it do you ?
Any foreign diplomat involved in the Cyprus negotiations on reading his views , yours and Oracles will most definitely feel offended that such extreme views are presented by people who CONSIDER themselves to be repressentative of the G/C overall view . Luckily you 3 are not , you all consider mme to be a traitor , I chalenged you and the results are there for all to see . YOU ARE TOTALLY WRONG .
And another thing mate , dont ever think that Cyprus is the property of the extremists , it once was and look at the bloody mess they caused.
Cyprus today is governed by people who engage in political wars and debates and will continue negotiating and using all political means at their disposal to achieve the desired result. Your type and GRs days are numbered not only in Cyprus but on this forum too.
You made threats against Bananiot , you also consider him to be a traitor , Bananiot desisted in replying , unlike me he is too much of a gentleman , but make no mistake I will respond .
A few words about our neurotic scientist , she is more damaging to the Cyprus cause than all the past extreme members put together because her eloquently presented damaging views are being used already by the Turkish mainland propaganda machines in order to show that the T/Cs can never live with the G/Cs again.
VP has referred on many occasions to the views of Oracle , GR and yours too in order to show that the G/Cs are fanatics and can not be trusted. I'm pleased that I'm here to present the true image of the G/Cs .
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Postby Paphitis » Sun Jun 22, 2008 9:45 am

miltiades wrote:You are entitled to your views regardless of how stupid they are , not might be , but they are.
This forum will continue regardless whether you or I , GR or Oracle post another word.
The problem with GR is that he actually considered himself to be the backbone of this forum , entertaining at times especially with his expertise in creating and displaying emoticons , in reality his contribution to the Cyprus political debates were disastrously damaging just as yours and Oracles are , you dont see it do you ?
Any foreign diplomat involved in the Cyprus negotiations on reading his views , yours and Oracles will most definitely feel offended that such extreme views are presented by people who CONSIDER themselves to be repressentative of the G/C overall view . Luckily you 3 are not , you all consider mme to be a traitor , I chalenged you and the results are there for all to see . YOU ARE TOTALLY WRONG .
And another thing mate , dont ever think that Cyprus is the property of the extremists , it once was and look at the bloody mess they caused.
Cyprus today is governed by people who engage in political wars and debates and will continue negotiating and using all political means at their disposal to achieve the desired result. Your type and GRs days are numbered not only in Cyprus but on this forum too.
You made threats against Bananiot , you also consider him to be a traitor , Bananiot desisted in replying , unlike me he is too much of a gentleman , but make no mistake I will respond .
A few words about our neurotic scientist , she is more damaging to the Cyprus cause than all the past extreme members put together because her eloquently presented damaging views are being used already by the Turkish mainland propaganda machines in order to show that the T/Cs can never live with the G/Cs again.
VP has referred on many occasions to the views of Oracle , GR and yours too in order to show that the G/Cs are fanatics and can not be trusted. I'm pleased that I'm here to present the true image of the G/Cs .

Excuse me Miltiades, can you please ask one of those foreign diplomats as to whether I should chlorinate my pool or use salt?
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Postby Eliko » Sun Jun 22, 2008 10:19 am

miltiades, I wonder if you will EVER get over the fact that there are those among us members who do not share your blinkered views.

How many times have you harped on about Get Real's comments on the alternative to pursuing DEAD policies ?.

The Turks have just dismissed the latest attempts to continue with the on-going 'Donkey's Years' discussions which YOU so fervently wish to prolong even further.

Get Real made certain proposals which HE considered to be a means of forcing the outstanding issues somewhat which (Incidentally were in a stupid POLL) HE felt might encourage a little more effort in reaching a settlement.

YOU have siezed upon his comments to make an issue of Get Real's mention of 'Military Options' as though his ONLY intention was 'WAR' (which is incorrect).

In the 'POLL' , the result of which seems to have provided you with the means to condemn any who voted for Get Real (myself included) there were only TWO options, YOU being one of the candidates.

I believe (as do many others) that the 'Old Talks' have proven themselves to be non-productive, useless waffle, they should be consigned to the history books and a new approach adopted.

Get Real's suggestion seemed to present voters with the opportunity of seeing a more positive approach to any new negotiations (having discarded the old) and naturally attracted the support of those of like mind.

YOU, are still prepared to drag on for more 'Donkeys Years' seeking to glean some small benefits which may be raked from the debris of failed historic waffle, THAT is why it was so easy to opt for Get Real, NOT because 'WAR' would be the only alternative but because Get Real presented himself as the 'STRONGER' candidate.

I do wish you would drop this nonsensical idea you have that WE might have some influence on negotiations, the die is cast miltiades, whatever is taking place NOW in the halls of power was surely decided long ago by those who are in control of our country.

Those who created the problems will have their own ideas on the resolution of them, I think most of us are well aware of the fact that 'YOUR FRIENDS' the American and British governments (of their day) are wholly responsible for the situation in Cyprus today, most people know that, the pages of history confirm it but YOU will not accept it.

I think the Yanks and the Brits are a bit too busy elsewhere at the moment, they may not consider Cyprus important enough until it's value as a 'Bargaining Chip' reaches it's full potential.

In my humble opinion. :wink:
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Postby miltiades » Sun Jun 22, 2008 10:41 am

Eliko wrote:miltiades, I wonder if you will EVER get over the fact that there are those among us members who do not share your blinkered views.

How many times have you harped on about Get Real's comments on the alternative to pursuing DEAD policies ?.

The Turks have just dismissed the latest attempts to continue with the on-going 'Donkey's Years' discussions which YOU so fervently wish to prolong even further.

Get Real made certain proposals which HE considered to be a means of forcing the outstanding issues somewhat which (Incidentally were in a stupid POLL) HE felt might encourage a little more effort in reaching a settlement.

YOU have siezed upon his comments to make an issue of Get Real's mention of 'Military Options' as though his ONLY intention was 'WAR' (which is incorrect).

In the 'POLL' , the result of which seems to have provided you with the means to condemn any who voted for Get Real (myself included) there were only TWO options, YOU being one of the candidates.

I believe (as do many others) that the 'Old Talks' have proven themselves to be non-productive, useless waffle, they should be consigned to the history books and a new approach adopted.

Get Real's suggestion seemed to present voters with the opportunity of seeing a more positive approach to any new negotiations (having discarded the old) and naturally attracted the support of those of like mind.

YOU, are still prepared to drag on for more 'Donkeys Years' seeking to glean some small benefits which may be raked from the debris of failed historic waffle, THAT is why it was so easy to opt for Get Real, NOT because 'WAR' would be the only alternative but because Get Real presented himself as the 'STRONGER' candidate.

I do wish you would drop this nonsensical idea you have that WE might have some influence on negotiations, the die is cast miltiades, whatever is taking place NOW in the halls of power was surely decided long ago by those who are in control of our country.

Those who created the problems will have their own ideas on the resolution of them, I think most of us are well aware of the fact that 'YOUR FRIENDS' the American and British governments (of their day) are wholly responsible for the situation in Cyprus today, most people know that, the pages of history confirm it but YOU will not accept it.

I think the Yanks and the Brits are a bit too busy elsewhere at the moment, they may not consider Cyprus important enough until it's value as a 'Bargaining Chip' reaches it's full potential.

In my humble opinion. :wink:

Eliko you again surprise me with yout utter irresponsible approach to a very serious matter , the future of our country . By stating that :
"I believe (as do many others) that the 'Old Talks' have proven themselves to be non-productive, useless waffle, they should be consigned to the history books and a new approach adopted. ""
You are clearly convinced that current negotiations are futile and that A NEW APPROACH IS REQUIRED !!!!!!
Having supported GRs view that WAR is the only option you have now clarified beyond a shadow of a doubt that WAR is the only option that you envisage !
Have to go now , but will return on this soon.
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Postby Eliko » Sun Jun 22, 2008 11:03 am

miltiades, you have yet again demonstrated your inability to READ and DIGEST what is written, I think I quite clearly explained my reasons for voting for Get Real in the 'inconsequential poll' you have since based your opinions on.

The fact that the 'TALKS' have produced 'NOTHING' of any consequence is a clear indication (in my view) that they are worthless and should therefore be discarded.

Thus, a new approach is required.

Again you mention 'WAR' and again it becomes necessary to explain to you that (in my view) I interpreted Get Real's meaning to be that it was an option, should further negotiations fail.

Get Real's suggestions appeared to be far 'STRONGER' than yours, thus he received my vote.

In closing, I would like to say that it would be very poor form to continuously present disparaging remarks about members who are no longer in a position to respond, surely, basic courtesy and self respect should prevent such tendencies.

Best wishes nonetheless. :wink:
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Postby Paphitis » Sun Jun 22, 2008 11:29 am

Eliko wrote:miltiades, you have yet again demonstrated your inability to READ and DIGEST what is written, I think I quite clearly explained my reasons for voting for Get Real in the 'inconsequential poll' you have since based your opinions on.

The fact that the 'TALKS' have produced 'NOTHING' of any consequence is a clear indication (in my view) that they are worthless and should therefore be discarded.

Thus, a new approach is required.

Again you mention 'WAR' and again it becomes necessary to explain to you that (in my view) I interpreted Get Real's meaning to be that it was an option, should further negotiations fail.

Get Real's suggestions appeared to be far 'STRONGER' than yours, thus he received my vote.

In closing, I would like to say that it would be very poor form to continuously present disparaging remarks about members who are no longer in a position to respond, surely, basic courtesy and self respect should prevent such tendencies.

Best wishes nonetheless. :wink:

Do not bother with having an in depth discussion with Miltiades over concepts which he clearly can not comprehend.

My issue is now with ADMIN, who has unjustly banned 2 members for daring to think outside the box and who actually made this forum interesting.

I demand that ADMIN explain the reasoning as to the unfortunate bannings. I also demand that the persecution of members that exhibit any backbone also desists.

The Cyprus Forum is indeed nothing without members such as GR, Oracle, Shah, Eric and Zan. These members bear the cross of actually being interesting. Along with your self Eliko.

In my humble opinion. :wink:
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Postby RichardB » Sun Jun 22, 2008 11:47 am

Just to add my support and agreement to the opinions expressed by paphitis and eliko.

This forum is not about everyone agreeing with each other all the time and all sharing the same views.

If you google cyprus-forum its comes up as a place where you can debate ...Obviously not :twisted:

If we try and silence those whose views we dont necessarily agree with then I think its time to turn off the lights and get the first bus out.

I call on Admin to reinstate GR and Oracle with immediate effect
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