I am inclined to agree with the view that the exclusion of both Get Real and Oracle (for whatever period) is an unfair decision since their absences will have a detrimental affect on the quality of posts.
Both of those members have very forthright opinions and should be entitled to express them without fear of banishment.
Some members seem to be unable to distinguish between 'Debate' and 'Argument' which naturally leads to a certain amount of friction (should the latter interpretation prevail over the former) between those of opposing views.
An interesting (and very prominent) point I would like to raise, concerns the contributions of 'miltiades', here we have a member who forcefully condemns any who oppose his views, YET, declares himself to be an adamant supporter of 'Democracy'.
By his own submissions, he epitomizes 'Dictatorship' YET, is first to condemn it (or what he perceives it to be) in other nations.
Thankfully, neither miltiades nor any of like mind, are truly in positions of power, sycophantic acceptance of all that those who are in such positions of power may propose, is of little use to any who would like to see change and /or progress in negotiations concerning our country and others (such as I).
I DO wonder if the friction between miltiades and the two members, culminated in the suspension of them (Get Real and Oracle).
If such IS the case, then I consider the decision of Admin to be an even greater example of misjudgement, surely miltiades should be the one under suspension, or does Admin consider it necessary to keep him among us in order that he may "Keep an eye on us" as he has severally mentioned he is doing.
No offence intended to any person either mentioned or alluded to, just exercising my 'Democratic Rights' (if that's alright with miltiades)
