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Postby miltiades » Sat Feb 14, 2015 5:48 pm

Garavnoss wrote:
miltiades wrote:" The Middle (and Far Eastern nations) WERE and still ARE far in advance of the American (and other) antagonists when the tenets of their cultures is held to comparison, "

Never before have I read such absolute crap !!!
Give us an example of the ME superior culture "!!!

May I also add that for an educated man that you appear to be your utter naivity and comments made leave me astounded, I can only say one thing to you. What a bloody Plonker you are !!

One could hardly expect more than that which you advance in response to any post which would criticise your heroes (the Americans), neither would one expect anything other than to be tagged a "Plonker" by any that would oppose your pathetic views. It would seem that such a word is an indispensable part of your vocabulary (as with other certain vulgarities) and , as such, I can accept your tag with a certain good grace since it places me in the ranks of the majority that dare to advance an opinion which does not concur with yours.

In defence of my position, I would like to mention that "I" have never found it necessary to apply to my fellow man for an assurance that I am not a "Traitor".

I would advise you to seek companionship elsewhere, your captive entourage on this forum are ALL dancing to the same tune, you will learn very little from those who are constantly in agreement with you since most of their views are the end product of the same source from which you obtain the information which forms your own.

Let me make something crystal clear. Im almost 69 years young, my tolerance levels when it comes to blatant stupidity such as that expanded by you and others of similar paranoid disorder are ZERO.
I respect your right to express your views, something which the ME does not respect, regardless how utterly diabolically stupid such view are. Have I made my self clear PLONKER !
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Postby Garavnoss » Sat Feb 14, 2015 5:55 pm

miltiades wrote:
Oceanside50 wrote:Garavnoss you sound very short sighted in your analysis. What did Lybia iraq Afghanistan Egypt and the others have that was worth preserving before their revolutions?.. Quaddafi and sadam Husein were dictators from the 70's and 80's that butchered their own people , denied them rights etc... Same with Mubarak who filtered 80 billion while most of his citizens were living on 1 dollar a day... It seems like yousupport these dictators and their dirty deeds... The citizens of each of these countries are rising up and fighting for their rights but you , garavnoss , want them to be oppressed and civil and you continue to blame America .

I now reveal to all !!! GaR avnoss is none other than the psycho !!! :lol:

Good Heavens, I can scarcely believe my eyes Oceanside50, your question does not even deserve the dignity of a reply and I am quite taken aback that ANY person could ask such a nonsensical question (in the midst of that which has transpired in the regions indicated).

Your perceptions are remarkably juvenile, perhaps you would benefit from a quick glance through a current history book, as a matter of fact, it would not be a bad idea to start your research at around the year 1944 (or thereabouts).

Finally, why is it that whenever a new member joins this forum, it is immediately assumed that it must be somebody else ?, I have noticed this trend on so many occasions (having looked back over several past posts) and it is such a shame since,,,, it used to be a common courtesy to welcome new members, NOW it seems to be quite common to slight them.

I did remark earlier that this forum seems to have taken something of a nosedive in recent times, let us all join together and revive the spirit that once pervaded these pages.

Of course, one could hardly expect any changes in our "Plonker Dealer", he is too far gone for changes.
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Postby Garavnoss » Sat Feb 14, 2015 6:19 pm

Paphitis wrote:So the USA intervened militarily in Egypt, and Tunisia?


And of course Afghanistan is better off. Just ask any Afghan.

Tunisia has a democratically elected secular Government and is becomming a bit of a model country.

Iraq is without Suddam and soon DAESH will be defeated there.

But to answer you, it is not Americas job to intervene in every trouble spot. Usually all these actions were as a result of UN Resolutions and it was many countries that acted in coalition.

Maybe you should speak to the UN.

It would be remiss of anyone to ignore some of the valid points you make and it would be foolish to counter them with denial, however, I feel that far too many opinions presented on this forum are those which have been expressed (in other words perhaps) by those who make capital out of encouraging the allegiance of others (namely politicians).

The devastation of the homes of millions of unfortunates that are currently forced to flee the "War Zones" of the world in order to preserve their very lives, the indiscriminate slaughter of millions who could not flee and the justifications of both as presented by those who are responsible (whosoever they may be) is a sad indictment for ALL of us.

It might help if people voiced their objections and disgust to their military and political leaders rather than adhere to their agendas, I know that there have been occasions where such sentiments have been proffered and ignored BUT, I personally feel quite ashamed when I read some of the "Gung Ho" comments that are posted in support of the mayhem taking place in once "Less Volatile" regions.

Let us attend to the welfare of our own cultures (such as they may be) and leave others to attend to theirs..... respectfully.
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Postby Oceanside50 » Sat Feb 14, 2015 7:08 pm

Garavnoss wrote:
Paphitis wrote:So the USA intervened militarily in Egypt, and Tunisia?


And of course Afghanistan is better off. Just ask any Afghan.

Tunisia has a democratically elected secular Government and is becomming a bit of a model country.

Iraq is without Suddam and soon DAESH will be defeated there.

But to answer you, it is not Americas job to intervene in every trouble spot. Usually all these actions were as a result of UN Resolutions and it was many countries that acted in coalition.

Maybe you should speak to the UN.

It would be remiss of anyone to ignore some of the valid points you make and it would be foolish to counter them with denial, however, I feel that far too many opinions presented on this forum are those which have been expressed (in other words perhaps) by those who make capital out of encouraging the allegiance of others (namely politicians).

The devastation of the homes of millions of unfortunates that are currently forced to flee the "War Zones" of the world in order to preserve their very lives, the indiscriminate slaughter of millions who could not flee and the justifications of both as presented by those who are responsible (whosoever they may be) is a sad indictment for ALL of us.

It might help if people voiced their objections and disgust to their military and political leaders rather than adhere to their agendas, I know that there have been occasions where such sentiments have been proffered and ignored BUT, I personally feel quite ashamed when I read some of the "Gung Ho" comments that are posted in support of the mayhem taking place in once "Less Volatile" regions.

Let us attend to the welfare of our own cultures (such as they may be) and leave others to attend to theirs..... respectfully.

You can't do that anymore. There are too many weapons and too many chances and opportunities fo mass destruction to ignore a cultures intentions. Being naive enough to think that a culture who blames another culture for its downfall will eventually try and destroy the other culture...
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Postby miltiades » Sat Feb 14, 2015 7:30 pm

Garavnoss wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Oceanside50 wrote:Garavnoss you sound very short sighted in your analysis. What did Lybia iraq Afghanistan Egypt and the others have that was worth preserving before their revolutions?.. Quaddafi and sadam Husein were dictators from the 70's and 80's that butchered their own people , denied them rights etc... Same with Mubarak who filtered 80 billion while most of his citizens were living on 1 dollar a day... It seems like yousupport these dictators and their dirty deeds... The citizens of each of these countries are rising up and fighting for their rights but you , garavnoss , want them to be oppressed and civil and you continue to blame America .

I now reveal to all !!! GaR avnoss is none other than the psycho !!! :lol:

Good Heavens, I can scarcely believe my eyes Oceanside50, your question does not even deserve the dignity of a reply and I am quite taken aback that ANY person could ask such a nonsensical question (in the midst of that which has transpired in the regions indicated).

Your perceptions are remarkably juvenile, perhaps you would benefit from a quick glance through a current history book, as a matter of fact, it would not be a bad idea to start your research at around the year 1944 (or thereabouts).

Finally, why is it that whenever a new member joins this forum, it is immediately assumed that it must be somebody else ?, I have noticed this trend on so many occasions (having looked back over several past posts) and it is such a shame since,,,, it used to be a common courtesy to welcome new members, NOW it seems to be quite common to slight them.

I did remark earlier that this forum seems to have taken something of a nosedive in recent times, let us all join together and revive the spirit that once pervaded these pages.

Of course, one could hardly expect any changes in our "Plonker Dealer", he is too far gone for changes.

In countries such as those in the ME where freedom of speech , faith, sanctity of life are non existent, you come along with utter stupid comments to inform us that their culture is.....superior to that ot either America or other nations. This absurd and bloody stupid comment does not respect a civil debate. Listen stupid. In Syria, in Yemen, in Libya, in Sudan and elsewhere in the ME and NA, its not the Americans that carry out savage beheadings and suicide attacks in Mosques and public places. These atrocious and savage acts are carried out by natives of these lands, don't be so bloody stupid, be a PLONKER :lol:
By the way, you may fool some on this forum but you arew far too vulnerable to fool an old goat like Miltiades.
GR, you are sick !
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Postby Garavnoss » Sat Feb 14, 2015 7:43 pm

Oceanside50 wrote:
Garavnoss wrote:
Paphitis wrote:So the USA intervened militarily in Egypt, and Tunisia?


And of course Afghanistan is better off. Just ask any Afghan.

Tunisia has a democratically elected secular Government and is becomming a bit of a model country.

Iraq is without Suddam and soon DAESH will be defeated there.

But to answer you, it is not Americas job to intervene in every trouble spot. Usually all these actions were as a result of UN Resolutions and it was many countries that acted in coalition.

Maybe you should speak to the UN.

It would be remiss of anyone to ignore some of the valid points you make and it would be foolish to counter them with denial, however, I feel that far too many opinions presented on this forum are those which have been expressed (in other words perhaps) by those who make capital out of encouraging the allegiance of others (namely politicians).

The devastation of the homes of millions of unfortunates that are currently forced to flee the "War Zones" of the world in order to preserve their very lives, the indiscriminate slaughter of millions who could not flee and the justifications of both as presented by those who are responsible (whosoever they may be) is a sad indictment for ALL of us.

It might help if people voiced their objections and disgust to their military and political leaders rather than adhere to their agendas, I know that there have been occasions where such sentiments have been proffered and ignored BUT, I personally feel quite ashamed when I read some of the "Gung Ho" comments that are posted in support of the mayhem taking place in once "Less Volatile" regions.

Let us attend to the welfare of our own cultures (such as they may be) and leave others to attend to theirs..... respectfully.

You can't do that anymore. There are too many weapons and too many chances and opportunities fo mass destruction to ignore a cultures intentions. Being naive enough to think that a culture who blames another culture for its downfall will eventually try and destroy the other culture...

Surely that is precisely the situation we discuss here, there is very little we (as governed citizens) can do to rectify the damage done but, at the very least we should be able to determine the initial causes for the recent upheavals in the Middle East.

My own perceptions of where one should place responsibility for so much unrest in the Middle East is with America and Great Britain, it is impossible to ignore the fact that these two powers (and allies) were instrumental in founding and funding Israel and encouraging the newly formed nation to seize the lands of Palestine, to deny this basic fact is the greatest assurance that disharmony will fester in every part of the Middle East (as has been the case since conception) and, wail as you will, that is the Alpha and Omega of each and every conflict that has taken place since.......FACT!...... not so readily visible to the lay person but, all events easily manipulated and basic truths concealed by those in charge.

As Sir Winston Churchill (R.I.P.) once famously remarked "The truth is such a precious commodity, it must be protected by a bodyguard of lies", words of which we are all probably aware of yet seem unable (in many cases) to grasp the significance of.
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Postby miltiades » Sat Feb 14, 2015 7:49 pm

Garavnoss wrote:
Oceanside50 wrote:
Garavnoss wrote:
Paphitis wrote:So the USA intervened militarily in Egypt, and Tunisia?


And of course Afghanistan is better off. Just ask any Afghan.

Tunisia has a democratically elected secular Government and is becomming a bit of a model country.

Iraq is without Suddam and soon DAESH will be defeated there.

But to answer you, it is not Americas job to intervene in every trouble spot. Usually all these actions were as a result of UN Resolutions and it was many countries that acted in coalition.

Maybe you should speak to the UN.

It would be remiss of anyone to ignore some of the valid points you make and it would be foolish to counter them with denial, however, I feel that far too many opinions presented on this forum are those which have been expressed (in other words perhaps) by those who make capital out of encouraging the allegiance of others (namely politicians).

The devastation of the homes of millions of unfortunates that are currently forced to flee the "War Zones" of the world in order to preserve their very lives, the indiscriminate slaughter of millions who could not flee and the justifications of both as presented by those who are responsible (whosoever they may be) is a sad indictment for ALL of us.

It might help if people voiced their objections and disgust to their military and political leaders rather than adhere to their agendas, I know that there have been occasions where such sentiments have been proffered and ignored BUT, I personally feel quite ashamed when I read some of the "Gung Ho" comments that are posted in support of the mayhem taking place in once "Less Volatile" regions.

Let us attend to the welfare of our own cultures (such as they may be) and leave others to attend to theirs..... respectfully.

You can't do that anymore. There are too many weapons and too many chances and opportunities fo mass destruction to ignore a cultures intentions. Being naive enough to think that a culture who blames another culture for its downfall will eventually try and destroy the other culture...

Surely that is precisely the situation we discuss here, there is very little we (as governed citizens) can do to rectify the damage done but, at the very least we should be able to determine the initial causes for the recent upheavals in the Middle East.

My own perceptions of where one should place responsibility for so much unrest in the Middle East is with America and Great Britain, it is impossible to ignore the fact that these two powers (and allies) were instrumental in founding and funding Israel and encouraging the newly formed nation to seize the lands of Palestine, to deny this basic fact is the greatest assurance that disharmony will fester in every part of the Middle East (as has been the case since conception) and, wail as you will, that is the Alpha and Omega of each and every conflict that has taken place since.......FACT!...... not so readily visible to the lay person but, all events easily manipulated and basic truths concealed by those in charge.

As Sir Winston Churchill (R.I.P.) once famously remarked "The truth is such a precious commodity, it must be protected by a bodyguard of lies", words of which we are all probably aware of yet seem unable (in many cases) to grasp the significance of.

GR, you are talking scata, so clear off, you are fooling nobody.
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Postby Cap » Sat Feb 14, 2015 8:01 pm

Internal politics.
You folks have a lot of oreksi for that sh**. :roll:

Cutting to the chase:
No, old Milti, absolutely is not a traitor to the Republic of Cyprus and neither is GR!

Both are as stubborn as a castrated Cypriot donkey, but deep down inside, both have the motherland's best interests at heart.
All this banter is nothing but hot air.. a conflict of opinions, not of allegiance to the motherland.

To me anyway.
Have a nice day.
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Postby miltiades » Sat Feb 14, 2015 8:07 pm

Can we hear from GaR..avnoss, I wonder does he still maintain that he would rather see all of Cyprus occupied by Turkey rather than see Palestinians suffer !!!
Cap, GR is a psychopath, he suffers from a paranoid disorder , his first wife found him out and kicked him out !!
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Postby Garavnoss » Sat Feb 14, 2015 8:14 pm

In countries such as those in the ME where freedom of speech , faith, sanctity of life are non existent, you come along with utter stupid comments to inform us that their culture is.....superior to that ot either America or other nations. This absurd and bloody stupid comment does not respect a civil debate. Listen stupid. In Syria, in Yemen, in Libya, in Sudan and elsewhere in the ME and NA, its not the Americans that carry out savage beheadings and suicide attacks in Mosques and public places. These atrocious and savage acts are carried out by natives of these lands, don't be so bloody stupid, be a PLONKER :lol:
By the way, you may fool some on this forum but you arew far too vulnerable to fool an old goat like Miltiades.
GR, you are sick ![/quote]

I would strongly advise you to attend to your apparent complexes, they are obviously impairing your capacity to reason.

Your comments (above) are indicative of the fact that you are absolutely incapable of engaging in a sensible debate and what is even more worrying is the fact that you seem to be obsessed with GR.

Please TRY to read what is written and avoid insult and vulgarity, it is most unbecoming (in fact harmful) as it might influence some of the more respectable members who post their views here.

Incidentally, I think it would require a great deal less courage to drop a bomb from a warplane than it would to detonate an explosive device strapped around one's waist.

I think the sight of a decapitation would be a great deal less gruesome than the sight of an innocent young child (or any person) blown to smithereens by a bomb dropped by your "Heroic" idols.

I would hazard a guess that you are NOT militarily trained, your posts are indicative of a person that has never fired a shot (except with the tongue) and therefore you should not be allowed to discuss matters of military importance, it smacks of one attempting to broach a subject of which one has NO knowledge...... if you are able to grasp my meaning (which I doubt).
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