Iceman loses his temper too readily ... as I have borne witness ... and his PM transgressions and lack of apology mean he cannot be trusted.
Nikitas is easily diverted

plus his valuable posts may be lost to us.
I would substitute
74LB in place of observer for impartiality with TC leanings any day. Observer is a bit too CopperLine-ish and prone to errors.
Kafenes would be the strongest candidate (and perhaps I could bribe him with a lemon cake

But I am most in favour of maintaining Lana ... but with a few clearer guidelines being established.
Thread locks are a particularly unnecessary form of moderation since any topic can take a different twist or turn with every post.
I receive a lot of attacks and it's usually when I am trying to defend myself against people that have particular problems in comprehension, that I would ask for least intervention with deletions ... as they have often happened just when I have established an effective response.
On the other hand I have been very grateful to have had deletions of defamatory posts against me when I have not been here to defend myself.
I do not want Cyprus Forum to end up like Cyprus Living though, full of snidy-whiny types like Bill, Jerry and SSBubbles .... but maybe they are the mainstay to keep threads rolling.
So I still say Lana to stay as Moderator.
I nominate Lana.