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Postby ARMENIAN CYPRIOT » Fri Jun 20, 2008 9:55 pm

eric wood wrote:Why did I let this happen to me at my age, at over fifty years old for the last two months I have been degraded and physically and sexually abused by an employer for fxxking a thousand euros a month it would never happen th UK why here, yes im English and yes im a man , I trusted this man as a friend before he asked me to work for him it was fine at first i loved the job and his partner was a friend of mine as well, it started as horse play then sexual remarks towards me then he would start hitting when his friends came along and I was the English MALAKA who he thought because he paid my wages he owned me. One day he hit me so hard he thought he broke his hand and what did his spineless parner do laugh yes laugh as if seeing someone in a corner getting pummled is funny, The last straw came last week when he kicked and punched me in front of his partners daughter whos face il never forget the shock on her face she was speachless, AND THIS IS WHAT HE CALLS FUN?. This man is sick and in time he will really hurt someone, if I had the soarces we have in the UK I would pay for a solicitor and drag him to court the BULLYING BASTARD . No one deserves this treatment no matter race or creed didnt anyone tell these bullies slavery was abolished two hundred years ago EXCEPT IN CYPRUS my case is not the only one its even worse for females STOP BULLYING NOW. :cry:

Sounds like a sick fuck. The best thing you can do is bring him to court and have his name become mud. I am sure to him it was all about power.Just remember by bringing him to court not only will he be ostracized by his peers but you will prevent this from happening to someone else.
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Postby MACKAM1955 » Fri Aug 22, 2008 3:38 pm

Sorry its been so long to reply to mostly positive responses, and i thank you all for your comments, well maybe your right it is my own fault for not noticing horseplay from shear pervercity,yea maybe i deservered to get a punch now and again and get called an English Malaka when his friends came round and i had to top his whiskey glass up ,yea maybe i made my bed so i had to lay in it . NO MATE NO F**K*R DESERVES THAT. This will scar me for the rest of my life because i was a spineless bastard for letting it happen and you know why i let it F**K**N friendship and loyalty to someone i thought was a pal but who was a F**K**G bigger MALAKA than il ever be,my girlfriend has stood by me in whatever i feel like doing to that bastard, well im 1500 euros lighter and you know what F**K him and his spineless english partner and you know what, WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND, im the guy with the white cowboy hat on their the guys dressed in black, they will get their come uppence may be next month , next year maybe 5 years I am a true believer. im getting better as the weeks go on new job and new surrounding and someone beside me to share life, once again thank you for taking time to write to me this subject now closed. GOOD GUYS ALWAYS WIN
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Postby laptachap » Fri Aug 22, 2008 5:58 pm

Should you wish a visit from the boys in the north will sort this scum out please email [email protected]

If you wish this scu bag to get his cum uoence t**ts like this are vermin we will sort him out and the go back to the free north
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Postby annaka » Fri Aug 22, 2008 7:13 pm

'Just to lighten the air slightly, do you think this guy could be the one who employed a Chinese man in his restaurant and took great delight every Friday in asking him what day of the week it was in front of his mates. The poor employee could only manage Fliday to the tormenters' amusement. Anyway the Chinaman practised his English all week and when the inevitable Friday came round, his boss asked him what day of the week it was, to be told "Friday you Gleek Plick."
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Postby Oracle » Fri Aug 22, 2008 7:19 pm

annaka wrote:'Just to lighten the air slightly, do you think this guy could be the one who employed a Chinese man in his restaurant and took great delight every Friday in asking him what day of the week it was in front of his mates. The poor employee could only manage Fliday to the tormenters' amusement. Anyway the Chinaman practised his English all week and when the inevitable Friday came round, his boss asked him what day of the week it was, to be told "Friday you Gleek Plick."

Gosh you must be proud. :roll: A Greek and a "Chinaman" both speaking English, and all part of a joke that's as old as Flied Lice here in the UK.
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Postby MACKAM1955 » Sat Aug 23, 2008 10:12 am

hey guys ive still got my sense of humour no one will ever beat that out of me, very funny any more like that.
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Postby rotate » Sat Aug 23, 2008 10:47 pm

Pretty rough Eric.
Bide your time, revenge is always sweeter when taken cold!

Personally I would let the partner and everyone else know that I had been diagnosed as HIV positive and that in view of the horseplay and the sexual side of the relationship that it might be as well if my former friend and employer were to seek treatment. That as they say should **** him.
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Postby MACKAM1955 » Sun Aug 24, 2008 8:49 am

Ah mate how good would that be can you imagine hel be thinking of all the times i put my hands in the freezer to pick out the ice for his fxxkxxg whiskey. Nah just waiting for his liver to pack in at the rate he drinks wont be long.cheers
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Postby Marz » Mon Aug 25, 2008 8:39 am

Hey Eric, i understand how you feel i as bullied at school for years because i was quiet and didnt fight back, only becasue there was always more than one person harassing me, i havent suffered from it its just me me stronger and not take shit like that, i wait for the day i cross paths with these people. Ill get my revenge i can handle myself now.
As for the one i hate the most hell get a punch in the face with about 13 years interest on top of it.
Only cause the spineless prick punched me from behind for no reason then ran away.

Eric you need to toughen up abit, you need to call up and tell him to pay your wages he ows you and say ill give you two weeks to pay asshole.

In two weeks no pay, they tell him i warned you, go over to his office and give him a beating.
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Postby MACKAM1955 » Mon Aug 25, 2008 9:19 am

Marz cheers mate like you said it will happen one day Pafos is a small place we will cross paths , if I go in there both barrels blasting it could backfire on me and I could get charged with assault and beleive me they are shit hot on things like this here and he would have won, dont worry mate he will get what he deservers , cheers matey.
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