Niki wrote:Oracle wrote:Maybe the usual good habits and manners are abandoned when people get behind a wheel. Like there is no longer a monitoring of decorum and manners when one is isolated from bodily contact with another by being in a metal tank. So all the social niceties are dropped and it becomes the law of the jungle.
Personally I get my enjoyment from a deliberate adherence to driving with the utmost courtesy and consideration for other road-users. It's self-feeding as I don't have any personal horror stories to tell about road rage or being cut-up.
So all I can say to all of you who moan about others' bad-driving habits directed at you personally ... perhaps you need to address your own levels of social-skills.Remember, you can manipulate others to behave better, just as you can entice bad-behaviour.
Eh??? Come off it Oracle, you don't ask to be cut up or for the car in front to run red lights. That's just plain daft!
So what do you do speed up to stop them ?

..... Or continue driving sensibly showing slightly more courtesy than normal? That pretty much quietens things down in your immediate vicinity such that the butterflies still flutter around you and the air smells of jasmine, instead of burning tyres .... a matter of changing how you view happenings or react to them (as in W. James).
Follower of the butterfly effect .....