Oracle wrote:Really, what a coincidence!
I had never seen such a thing
in all my long life :roll:
I can recommend a good opticians as you are in obvious dire need ~ I would stop driving til you have your new specs ~ those "Cyprus is wonderful specs" you seem to wear are giving you a false sense of well being on the road.
Oracle wrote:just when you want to slag-off Cypriot drivers ........ ........ you will flippantly decide you have seen such a thing also......
I think we can let the accident stats decide that one shall we.
Oracle wrote:In your drunken state
Bubbles has already told you she quite sensibly doesn't drink and drive.
Exactly which part of that statement don't you understand.
Whilst I'll admit that some expats do they are far out weighed by the Cypriots themselves who haven't yet quite grasped the idea that drinking and driving is dangerous and perhaps , just perhaps mind you ~ not a good idea.
The sight of most of the guests after a "souvla evening" struggling to get in their cars whilst totally pissed isn't a pretty sight ~ but it happens and whilst I don't agree with it I've accepted it as the Cypriot way
Oracle wrote:
Well, well, well. Could we ever believe anything you say again?
Sadly it seems that you don't believe anything said that in anyway shows Cyprus in a bad way ~ in your eyes everything is perfect

and apparently so are you

~ you really need to get out more and don't forget your new glasses ~ the ones without the rose tinted lens
Sadly when ever someone presents facts that you disagree with they are lying ~
could it be that you are lying to your self :?
Your good friend Bill ~ lying maggot ~~ without rose tinted glasses ~~~