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Strange Manners Indeed! ...... Rituals and Taboos.

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Postby Oracle » Fri Jun 20, 2008 8:09 am

Maybe the usual good habits and manners are abandoned when people get behind a wheel. Like there is no longer a monitoring of decorum and manners when one is isolated from bodily contact with another by being in a metal tank. So all the social niceties are dropped and it becomes the law of the jungle.

Personally I get my enjoyment from a deliberate adherence to driving with the utmost courtesy and consideration for other road-users. It's self-feeding as I don't have any personal horror stories to tell about road rage or being cut-up.

So all I can say to all of you who moan about others' bad-driving habits directed at you personally ... perhaps you need to address your own levels of social-skills. :wink: Remember, you can manipulate others to behave better, just as you can entice bad-behaviour.
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Postby Eliko » Fri Jun 20, 2008 8:19 am

CBBB wrote:Nobody ever driven in Paris or Rome?

Absolutely CBBB, but strangely enough, even though the whole scene is fast and furious, for some obscure reason the driver's seem to be very competent.

Possibly due to the 'Nippiness' of the cars they drive, what say you ?. :wink:
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Postby Bill » Fri Jun 20, 2008 9:27 am

Eliko wrote:
CBBB wrote:Nobody ever driven in Paris or Rome?

Absolutely CBBB, but strangely enough, even though the whole scene is fast and furious, for some obscure reason the driver's seem to be very competent.

Possibly due to the 'Nippiness' of the cars they drive, what say you ?. :wink:

I must agree with you there .

There seems to be a competence amongst the locals that's not understood by visitors in both Paris and Rome.

Although the trucks are frightening on the Italian motorways ~ the sight through the rear view mirror of two or more racing and blowing their horns for you to get out of the way is not recommended.

Must be a Mediterranean thing :roll:

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Postby Bill » Fri Jun 20, 2008 10:18 am

Oracle wrote:Really, what a coincidence! :roll:

I had never seen such a thing in all my long life :roll:

I can recommend a good opticians as you are in obvious dire need ~ I would stop driving til you have your new specs ~ those "Cyprus is wonderful specs" you seem to wear are giving you a false sense of well being on the road.

Oracle wrote:just when you want to slag-off Cypriot drivers ........ ........ you will flippantly decide you have seen such a thing also......

I think we can let the accident stats decide that one shall we.

Oracle wrote:In your drunken state

Bubbles has already told you she quite sensibly doesn't drink and drive.
Exactly which part of that statement don't you understand.

Whilst I'll admit that some expats do they are far out weighed by the Cypriots themselves who haven't yet quite grasped the idea that drinking and driving is dangerous and perhaps , just perhaps mind you ~ not a good idea. :roll:

The sight of most of the guests after a "souvla evening" struggling to get in their cars whilst totally pissed isn't a pretty sight ~ but it happens and whilst I don't agree with it I've accepted it as the Cypriot way :roll:

Oracle wrote:
Well, well, well. Could we ever believe anything you say again?

Sadly it seems that you don't believe anything said that in anyway shows Cyprus in a bad way ~ in your eyes everything is perfect :shock: and apparently so are you :roll: ~ you really need to get out more and don't forget your new glasses ~ the ones without the rose tinted lens :lol:
Sadly when ever someone presents facts that you disagree with they are lying ~ could it be that you are lying to your self :?

Your good friend Bill ~ lying maggot ~~ without rose tinted glasses ~~~ :lol: :lol:
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Postby DT. » Fri Jun 20, 2008 11:10 am

Bill wrote:Then there's a huge problem :(

I believe the run up to the Cyprus Easter is particularly bad with no meat allowed .
Bill ~~ O's friend ~ the lying maggot ~~~~ :lol:

:lol: you dirty bastard...
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Postby Niki » Fri Jun 20, 2008 11:58 am

CBBB wrote:Nobody ever driven in Paris or Rome?

Yes, challenging scary and noisy (horn blowing) but not like Egypt!
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Postby Niki » Fri Jun 20, 2008 12:02 pm

Oracle wrote:Maybe the usual good habits and manners are abandoned when people get behind a wheel. Like there is no longer a monitoring of decorum and manners when one is isolated from bodily contact with another by being in a metal tank. So all the social niceties are dropped and it becomes the law of the jungle.

Personally I get my enjoyment from a deliberate adherence to driving with the utmost courtesy and consideration for other road-users. It's self-feeding as I don't have any personal horror stories to tell about road rage or being cut-up.

So all I can say to all of you who moan about others' bad-driving habits directed at you personally ... perhaps you need to address your own levels of social-skills. :wink: Remember, you can manipulate others to behave better, just as you can entice bad-behaviour.

Eh??? Come off it Oracle, you don't ask to be cut up or for the car in front to run red lights. That's just plain daft! :lol:
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Postby SSBubbles » Fri Jun 20, 2008 12:05 pm

Oracle wrote:
SSBubbles wrote:
Oracle wrote:
Eliko wrote:NO. (Egypt is worse, Cairo in particular).

And there are even worse places in my humble opinion. :lol: :lol: :wink:

You are right about Cairo :lol: ... so many cars squeezed into every available centimetre of road. We were warned not to cross any roads!

I even saw one driver holding a sleeping baby in his arms whilst he was driving :shock:

[size=18]Me too - but as I have never visited Egypt, can you guess where?
Correct - Cyprus :roll: :roll: Not to mention the toddler jumping between the front and back seats :roll:

Let's face it, none of us want to admit our country's faults, but they are there and they are visible to outsiders - FACT! :roll:

Really, what a coincidence! :roll:

I had never seen such a thing in all my long life and here by some lucky fluke :roll: ... just when you want to slag-off Cypriot drivers ........ in your drunken state ........ you will flippantly decide you have seen such a thing also......

Well, well, well. Could we ever believe anything you say again?

Not a co-incidence

Now get off your high horse and stop pretending that Cyprus is 'dream island' because I have news for you sister, it is not! I witness daily the crazy chances many drivers (yes Cypriots) take without regard to anyone else on the road. Not wearing seatbelts, teenagers CARRYING
crash helmets, children riding on the front of scooters, children being carried as front seat passengers - do you wish that I go on?

Maybe it is your over- consumption of wine that makes you see through those rose coloured glasses of yours. Drunk I was most certainly not, so cease with the unfounded accusations and apologise

I state facts not drivel

I have every right to moan when some idiot tries his best to force me onto the wrong side of the road into the oncoming traffic! PATHETIC!

Hint for you sister, get off the computer, get out of the house, do us all a favour and ...........

GET A LIFE [/size][/size]
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Postby Svetlana » Fri Jun 20, 2008 12:07 pm

"Maybe the usual good habits and manners are abandoned when people get behind a wheel. Like there is no longer a monitoring of decorum and manners when one is isolated from bodily contact with another by being in a metal tank. So all the social niceties are dropped and it becomes the law of the jungle".

A bit like when people log on to Cyprus Forum :-)
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Postby SSBubbles » Fri Jun 20, 2008 12:10 pm

Oracle wrote:Maybe the usual good habits and manners are abandoned when people get behind a wheel. Like there is no longer a monitoring of decorum and manners when one is isolated from bodily contact with another by being in a metal tank. So all the social niceties are dropped and it becomes the law of the jungle.

Personally I get my enjoyment from a deliberate adherence to driving with the utmost courtesy and consideration for other road-users. It's self-feeding as I don't have any personal horror stories to tell about road rage or being cut-up.

So all I can say to all of you who moan about others' bad-driving habits directed at you personally ... perhaps you need to address your own levels of social-skills. :wink: Remember, you can manipulate others to behave better, just as you can entice bad-behaviour.


I am assuming that as you have lived in the UK for 40+ years until returning to these shores just last year, you were taught how to drive and probably passed your driving test over there too!

Need I say more? :roll:
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