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The long term effects of sitting on the Amerikaniko Daktilo

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The long term effects of sitting on the Amerikaniko Daktilo

Postby Get Real! » Wed Jun 18, 2008 6:49 pm

The long term effects of sitting on the "Amerikaniko Daktilo"…

Scientists the world around are only just beginning to grasp the devastating impact on society of the recently classified "Amerikaniko Daktilo" mental disorder. The side effects for the sufferer range from delusions of knowledge to serious impairment of basic judgment, and a whole bunch of other problems in between such as an irresistible urge to kiss “higher” arse. Below you’ll find a forum case study purely for scientific purposes…

Expertise on the Middle East - Fatal predictions
Sun Apr 23, 2006 3:31 pm
How many of you think that its a matter of time before the US or Israel take military action against Iran in order to take out their Nuclear development sites,

Expertise on the Middle East – Understanding Israel
Sun Apr 23, 2006 5:19 pm
Iran has threatened to wipe Israel of the face of the earth.Israel has not. Iran , under its present leadership would not hesitate to use atomic weapons .

Expertise on the Middle East – Oil even at $140 per barrel and rising…
Mon Apr 24, 2006 9:06 am
As far as the oil issue is concerned I bet you are happy every time you find a petrol station open so that you can fill up, and oil is not the issue here.

An alliance is formed - Drawing scientific parallels
Mon Apr 24, 2006 8:21 pm
Bananiot , I couldnt have put it better my self. The state , any state allows its citizens to be in control of leathal weapons ,provided a license is obtained , be it for a shotgun , hand gun or in the case of young Cypriots a motor vehicle .

An alliance is formed – Fashioning indigenousness
Mon Apr 24, 2006 9:31 pm
Bananiot you are 100% correct and I do hope that your views are shared by the indigenous folk at large.

An alliance is formed – Constructive intolerance
Thu Apr 27, 2006 9:21 pm
Why dont you look at the posts by Bananiot a very rational and constructively opinionated individual . My deepest respect to his views..

An alliance is formed – Just short of a blow job…
Sat Apr 29, 2006 11:21 am
Bananiot you have made a post of paramount importance and I congratulate you . Sir I take my hat off to you.

An alliance is formed – The patriotic “platform”
Fri May 05, 2006 6:59 pm
Bananiot , I look forward to your posts and I do find them intellectualy stimulating that is not to say that we are in total agreement all the time but when it comes to the Cyprus issue I think we share the same platform.

An alliance is formed – The triangle is complete…
Sat May 06, 2006 11:58 pm
My dear friend Bananiot , I have the utmost respect for Mr Klerides

The Man and the Ethics…
Mon Apr 24, 2006 10:23 am
Admin you are absolutely correct , bad language and inslults should not be a part of this forum.

The Man and the Spine…
Wed Apr 26, 2006 8:15 pm
I think Piratis Malakas and Kifeas should get together and form the next goverment of Cyprus. Start a war on Turkey , admonish the Americans , throw the British bases out and perhaps invite some of their freinds to join them in US bashing.

An observer responds…
Sat Apr 29, 2006 5:14 pm
I can't hold my silence anymore, even though i tried. I think you are a traitor to the GC race. You and Bananiot should be joined at the genitals as seimes twins perhaps you will get great pleasure from that then what the guy says.

God forbid…
Sun Apr 30, 2006 10:01 pm
Are you serious , are you suggesting that the Turkish Cypriots start demonstating demanding that the Turkish army and settlers leave Cyprus. For god sake woman , man , or boy , grow up.With attitudes like yours the Turkish Cypriots will be demonstating for more bloody Turkish troops , you are adding insult to injury by unknowingly damaging the image of Greek Cypriots through out the world.

Just one survivor against all odds…
Wed May 03, 2006 9:12 am
All Cypriots were mentaly raped at a very young age and totaly brainwashed.

Regards, GR.
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Postby Eliko » Wed Jun 18, 2008 7:15 pm

Get Real :- :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: for God's sake, stop it !!.
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Postby Oracle » Wed Jun 18, 2008 7:28 pm

I think there is enough evidence there to upgrade the mental disorder to that of a Syndrome ....

Wik wrote:In medicine and psychology, the term syndrome refers to the association of several clinically recognizable features, signs (discovered by a physician), symptoms (reported by the patient), phenomena or characteristics that often occur together, so that the presence of one feature alerts the physician to the presence of the others.

I think Get Real! qualifies for a nomination towards the Nobel Prize in Medicine for identifying this rare but chronic condition ....
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Postby Eliko » Wed Jun 18, 2008 7:46 pm

Oracle wrote:I think there is enough evidence there to upgrade the mental disorder to that of a Syndrome ....

Wik wrote:In medicine and psychology, the term syndrome refers to the association of several clinically recognizable features, signs (discovered by a physician), symptoms (reported by the patient), phenomena or characteristics that often occur together, so that the presence of one feature alerts the physician to the presence of the others.

I think Get Real! qualifies for a nomination towards the Nobel Prize in Medicine for identifying this rare but chronic condition ....

Oracle, do you think this syndrome might be contagious ? :shock: :shock: :shock:
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Postby Oracle » Wed Jun 18, 2008 7:57 pm

Eliko wrote:
Oracle wrote:I think there is enough evidence there to upgrade the mental disorder to that of a Syndrome ....

Wik wrote:In medicine and psychology, the term syndrome refers to the association of several clinically recognizable features, signs (discovered by a physician), symptoms (reported by the patient), phenomena or characteristics that often occur together, so that the presence of one feature alerts the physician to the presence of the others.

I think Get Real! qualifies for a nomination towards the Nobel Prize in Medicine for identifying this rare but chronic condition ....

Oracle, do you think this syndrome might be contagious ? :shock: :shock: :shock:

Best to take no chances, prevention is better than cure ... Immunisation may be our only hope ....

I recommend avoiding reading the British Press, listening to the BBC News, and desisting from going to Neighbourhood Watch meetings.

A course of Voluntary Work Overseas may help alleviate some of the symptoms and Zimbabwe may offer a good antidote.
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Postby Eliko » Wed Jun 18, 2008 8:26 pm

Oracle wrote:
Eliko wrote:
Oracle wrote:I think there is enough evidence there to upgrade the mental disorder to that of a Syndrome ....

Wik wrote:In medicine and psychology, the term syndrome refers to the association of several clinically recognizable features, signs (discovered by a physician), symptoms (reported by the patient), phenomena or characteristics that often occur together, so that the presence of one feature alerts the physician to the presence of the others.

I think Get Real! qualifies for a nomination towards the Nobel Prize in Medicine for identifying this rare but chronic condition ....

Oracle, do you think this syndrome might be contagious ? :shock: :shock: :shock:

Best to take no chances, prevention is better than cure ... Immunisation may be our only hope ....

I recommend avoiding reading the British Press, listening to the BBC News, and desisting from going to Neighbourhood Watch meetings.

A course of Voluntary Work Overseas may help alleviate some of the symptoms and Zimbabwe may offer a good antidote.

Oracle, I am a little surprised that you did not recommend either Hypnotism or Acupuncture as possible remedies for this dreadful malady, fearful of the possibility of falling foul of this shocking condition myself and knowing of two excellent practitioners, I am prompted to ask of you (being a person of considerable Scientific knowledge) if there would be any danger to a man of my age subjecting himself to such treatments (in the event of becoming affected/infected ?).

I do feel psychologically quite immune ( naturally) but understand that this unfortunate complaint can ferociously attack the nicest people, particularly those of advancing years.

Therefore I would appreciate your professional opinion. :wink:
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Re: The long term effects of sitting on the Amerikaniko Dakt

Postby miltiades » Wed Jun 18, 2008 8:32 pm

Get Real! wrote:The long term effects of sitting on the "Amerikaniko Daktilo"…

Scientists the world around are only just beginning to grasp the devastating impact on society of the recently classified "Amerikaniko Daktilo" mental disorder. The side effects for the sufferer range from delusions of knowledge to serious impairment of basic judgment, and a whole bunch of other problems in between such as an irresistible urge to kiss “higher” arse. Below you’ll find a forum case study purely for scientific purposes…

Expertise on the Middle East - Fatal predictions
Sun Apr 23, 2006 3:31 pm
How many of you think that its a matter of time before the US or Israel take military action against Iran in order to take out their Nuclear development sites,

Expertise on the Middle East – Understanding Israel
Sun Apr 23, 2006 5:19 pm
Iran has threatened to wipe Israel of the face of the earth.Israel has not. Iran , under its present leadership would not hesitate to use atomic weapons .

Expertise on the Middle East – Oil even at $140 per barrel and rising…
Mon Apr 24, 2006 9:06 am
As far as the oil issue is concerned I bet you are happy every time you find a petrol station open so that you can fill up, and oil is not the issue here.

An alliance is formed - Drawing scientific parallels
Mon Apr 24, 2006 8:21 pm
Bananiot , I couldnt have put it better my self. The state , any state allows its citizens to be in control of leathal weapons ,provided a license is obtained , be it for a shotgun , hand gun or in the case of young Cypriots a motor vehicle .

An alliance is formed – Fashioning indigenousness
Mon Apr 24, 2006 9:31 pm
Bananiot you are 100% correct and I do hope that your views are shared by the indigenous folk at large.

An alliance is formed – Constructive intolerance
Thu Apr 27, 2006 9:21 pm
Why dont you look at the posts by Bananiot a very rational and constructively opinionated individual . My deepest respect to his views..

An alliance is formed – Just short of a blow job…
Sat Apr 29, 2006 11:21 am
Bananiot you have made a post of paramount importance and I congratulate you . Sir I take my hat off to you.

An alliance is formed – The patriotic “platform”
Fri May 05, 2006 6:59 pm
Bananiot , I look forward to your posts and I do find them intellectually stimulating that is not to say that we are in total agreement all the time but when it comes to the Cyprus issue I think we share the same platform.

An alliance is formed – The triangle is complete…
Sat May 06, 2006 11:58 pm
My dear friend Bananiot , I have the utmost respect for Mr Klerides

The Man and the Ethics…
Mon Apr 24, 2006 10:23 am
Admin you are absolutely correct , bad language and inslults should not be a part of this forum.

The Man and the Spine…
Wed Apr 26, 2006 8:15 pm
I think Piratis Malakas and Kifeas should get together and form the next goverment of Cyprus. Start a war on Turkey , admonish the Americans , throw the British bases out and perhaps invite some of their freinds to join them in US bashing.

An observer responds…
Sat Apr 29, 2006 5:14 pm
I can't hold my silence anymore, even though i tried. I think you are a traitor to the GC race. You and Bananiot should be joined at the genitals as seimes twins perhaps you will get great pleasure from that then what the guy says.

God forbid…
Sun Apr 30, 2006 10:01 pm
Are you serious , are you suggesting that the Turkish Cypriots start demonstating demanding that the Turkish army and settlers leave Cyprus. For god sake woman , man , or boy , grow up.With attitudes like yours the Turkish Cypriots will be demonstating for more bloody Turkish troops , you are adding insult to injury by unknowingly damaging the image of Greek Cypriots through out the world.

Just one survivor against all odds…
Wed May 03, 2006 9:12 am
All Cypriots were mentaly raped at a very young age and totaly brainwashed.

Regards, GR.

My God you are obsessed !! You must have spent ages in front of your computer putting all these together.
May I say you started from my very first post made some 2 years ago , in fact I believe it has taken you the best part of half a day to put together , and yet what you have posted , my quotes that is , I stand by each and every one of them , which proves conclusively that my views are CONSISTENT , you must have tried really hard to find just one quote that is flippant or without substance and what did you discover.
Let us see the first quote :

"How many of you think that its a matter of time before the US or Israel take military action against Iran in order to take out their Nuclear development sites,[/quote]
Here you give the impression that the US or Israel will sit back and see Iran develop nuclear weapons !!! Indeed you are an expert in M.E and world affairs , while silly old Miltiades thinks that Iran will be stopped !!
Lets take the second quote :

"""Iran has threatened to wipe Israel of the face of the earth.Israel has not. Iran , under its present leadership would not hesitate to use atomic weapons .[/quote]

Here you exhibit your utter ignorance and stupidity Plonker , because as recently as last week the Iranian president repeated his now famous threat against Israel. You also appear to think that I'm wrong in assuming that the Iranians would not hesitate to use atomic weapons.
Will not proceed any further other than to state clearly that a man who sees as the ONLY option to liberate our lands is war against Turkey with the help of mercenaries can not be taken seriously by any logical individual.
In short Rambo if this is the best you can do you are hereby crowned once again the forums Plonker , your second in command General Paphitis will no doubt feel aggrieved by being positioned ..behind you , it might hurt him but I'm sure it will hurt you more !!
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Re: The long term effects of sitting on the Amerikaniko Dakt

Postby Eliko » Wed Jun 18, 2008 8:55 pm

miltiades wrote:Here you exhibit your utter ignorance and stupidity Plonker , because as recently as last week the Iranian president repeated his now famous threat against Israel.

miltiades, I am quite surprised to note that you STILL have not grasped the fact that the 'Now famous threat against Israel' is a distorted misinterpretation of a comment made by the Ayatollah Khomeini and NOT the words of President Ahmadinejad.

Such refusal to accept generally available explanations (on your part) only adds weight to the criticisms levelled against you.

Once again (for your benefit) I will TRY to inform you of what the Ayatollah actually said (interpreted from Arabic as nearly as possible).

"Like Communism and Fascism, Zionism will disappear 'As an Ideology' from the pages of history".

There is no mention of Israel, nor is there any threat contained in the words of the Ayatollah, merely an educated and well researched opinion of an intelligent and highly respected world leader. (of his time). :wink:
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Re: The long term effects of sitting on the Amerikaniko Dakt

Postby Get Real! » Wed Jun 18, 2008 8:57 pm

Nuclear Fission is the process involved to produce atomic bombs.

In 2006 you claimed...

"Iran, under its present leadership would not hesitate to use atomic weapons"

...and at the same time warned that the US will strike if Iran produces nuclear energy! Go figure...

Have faith in unkie GR when he tells you that you're as daft as they get, but due to your severe "Amerikaniko Daktilo" mental illness you don't even know it... :? :( :lol:
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Postby Oracle » Wed Jun 18, 2008 8:58 pm

Eliko wrote:
Oracle wrote:
Eliko wrote:
Oracle wrote:I think there is enough evidence there to upgrade the mental disorder to that of a Syndrome ....

Wik wrote:In medicine and psychology, the term syndrome refers to the association of several clinically recognizable features, signs (discovered by a physician), symptoms (reported by the patient), phenomena or characteristics that often occur together, so that the presence of one feature alerts the physician to the presence of the others.

I think Get Real! qualifies for a nomination towards the Nobel Prize in Medicine for identifying this rare but chronic condition ....

Oracle, do you think this syndrome might be contagious ? :shock: :shock: :shock:

Best to take no chances, prevention is better than cure ... Immunisation may be our only hope ....

I recommend avoiding reading the British Press, listening to the BBC News, and desisting from going to Neighbourhood Watch meetings.

A course of Voluntary Work Overseas may help alleviate some of the symptoms and Zimbabwe may offer a good antidote.

Oracle, I am a little surprised that you did not recommend either Hypnotism or Acupuncture as possible remedies for this dreadful malady, fearful of the possibility of falling foul of this shocking condition myself and knowing of two excellent practitioners, I am prompted to ask of you (being a person of considerable Scientific knowledge) if there would be any danger to a man of my age subjecting himself to such treatments (in the event of becoming affected/infected ?).

I do feel psychologically quite immune ( naturally) but understand that this unfortunate complaint can ferociously attack the nicest people, particularly those of advancing years.

Therefore I would appreciate your professional opinion. :wink:

Indeed you may possess natural immunity Eliko but I suggest we take no chances and embark on a course of stimulating aromatherapy massage to drive away all thoughts of Uncle Sam; and the lubrication would more readily extract any digits, from firmly docking in any orifices ... :wink:
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