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The long term effects of sitting on the Amerikaniko Daktilo

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Postby miltiades » Fri Jun 20, 2008 9:15 am

Oracle wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Oracle wrote:Seriously now Miltiades you are having Napoleonic delusions.

Who has appointed you the custodian of the Cypriot cause?

By what logic do you as one person feel justified to scorn all others with conflicting views to yourself?

Have you ever had any doubts or misgivings as to your stance?

You don't sound like you have ..... and that is extremely worrying.

I will deal you in just one short sentence. My views are in line with those of the the RoC government , the EU , the UN and the entire International community that wishes to see a peaceful settlement based on democratic principles , human rights and equality of all the Cypriot people. That IS who appointed me Madam Trouble , who appointed you to spread hatred and nonconstructive comments ??? Do you think that Cyprus belongs to the fanatics , NO Madam not any more !!
ps.I'm keeping my eye on you too.

Miltiades you are full of empty phrases.

You opened a thread to ridicule my views ..... you achieved nothing! Because, unlike you, I am middle of the road and logical regarding what has been posted. If extremist rubbish is posted by the Turks ... I ridicule it as it deserves. If something sensible has been posted I react accordingly.

You on the other hand treat every situation the same. You have one view, non-malleable, non-adaptable, totally ineffective for most positions, yet it's simple and it means you do not have to think....

My dear Madam , I opened a thread not to ridicule you but to pay you a compliment on your clarity , your intellectual ability , misused in my opinion , never intended to ridicule you . Do please copy paste my post on this tread so we all see how utterly wrong you are in suggesting it was opened to ridicule you . Go on Oracle put up or go for a swim !!
ps. Im still keeping an eye on you :lol:
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Jun 20, 2008 10:31 am

Svetlana wrote:As I look into my 'oracle' I forsee deletion of posts and locking of threads - and my predictions are more accurate than those of Nostradamus or Runic Divination!

GR’s prediction that the metamorphosis from tree-Sloth to charismatic poster, yet to be invented by modern science & technology is NOT due for another century…

Lana - the Teller of Fortunes

GR - Purveyor of reality…
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Postby miltiades » Fri Jun 20, 2008 11:22 am

Get Real! wrote:
Svetlana wrote:As I look into my 'oracle' I forsee deletion of posts and locking of threads - and my predictions are more accurate than those of Nostradamus or Runic Divination!

GR’s prediction that the metamorphosis from tree-Sloth to charismatic poster, yet to be invented by modern science & technology is NOT due for another century…

Lana - the Teller of Fortunes

GR - Purveyor of reality…

Your lamentable ballyhoo is becoming quite boring as well as nauseating ,
your ill mannered with an inflated ego and your smug posts , now threatening Lana with your "blanks " are becoming a joke. Take my advice son , take a break and come back once you have realised how repugnant your views are. You accuse a 62 year old Cypriot of being a coward and a traitor , your own traits attributed to some one else ! However I'm man enough to once again , for the 4th time , offer you my hand , offer you an apology for all the unpleasant comments made against you so what say you mate ? Are you man enough , remember you started it long time ago when you translated the innocent "pet name that my granddaughter has for me to Pappou skata - Shitty grandfather - , now prove that you are a man and not a little bully at school , I say sorry to you for calling you names , reciprocate !!
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Postby Oracle » Fri Jun 20, 2008 11:46 am

miltiades wrote: ... Go on Oracle put up or go for a swim !!
ps. Im still keeping an eye on you :lol:

Have been, and I hope you enjoyed the spectacle 8) ... I did some stunning back-flips for your eyes only .... :lol:

Now back to our differences.

My main gripe with you rests in the amount of time I have had to spend in replying to unnecessary interventions by you in the midst of retorting to some Turk's abomination. Then that gives some hound from hell an excuse to join in against my defences and before long we are all just arguing amongst ourselves and the real villain has scarpered off.

You exemplify the worst of those you admire (Yanks) by poking your nose in where it is not wanted or needed or asked for!

I object to some statements by my fellow Cypriots but it is not up to me to decide only my way of seeking answers to the Cyprus problem is correct and theirs is wrong.

I admit there are many paths to follow towards this promised Nirvana of a re-united Cyprus.

So I leave well alone. And you will come across a wiser man if you followed suit.

At the moment, you do no good, despite your delusions otherwise, by criticising GR! myself or Eliko, when our way does not go your way.

Learn to co-operate if you want a solution, let others have their say, and if it differs from yours, show by example how your way is better.

You are no ones custodian but your immediate family ... and I hope they are all as well as could be.

I hope this is the last time I have to say all this, and we can resume some normality. Otherwise it's six-of-the-best for you! :wink:

Please note that was a Lana-friendly post .... :lol:
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Jun 20, 2008 12:59 pm

Lana wrote:GR, I have left this post here, so that others can draw their own conclusions about this matter and about your behaviour on the Forum. Lana

I have NEVER complained about myriads of Miltiades’ FOUL language posts to anyone yet you have the audacity to delete TWICE something as lightweight as calling the fool a Skunk!

That level of SHALLOW MODERATION does not earn any respect from me and I’m telling you now loud & clear that if you start playing shallow games with me, by abusing your delete key I will strike back TENFOLD and it won’t be shallow.

Where are you when Mitiades and others post foul language?

Where are you when there are illegal Copyright violations?

Where are you when private messages are made public?
Last edited by Get Real! on Fri Jun 20, 2008 1:52 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Paphitis » Fri Jun 20, 2008 1:00 pm

miltiades wrote:Paphitis , can we both try and understand one another . I opposed the AP because I felt that not only did the Plan afford Turkey legitimacy in Cyprus but it also legally partitioned our island giving Turkey the legal right to intervene any where that she chose under the rights of guarantor.
I do not think that you consider for one moment that my support for our RoC governments position is irresponsible , unwise or unpatriotic , if you do then you must also include the overwhelming majority of Cypriots in this .
Tell me exactly what is it about my views , again I repeat , that are based on negotiations using the EU and the UN as a guiding force . If you honestly believed that Cyprus with or without Greece could take on Turkey and achieve the liberation of our lands , the repatriation of settlers , and the acceptance by the T/Cs of such an event then I'm afraid you are a dreamer.
I do not want to continue exchanging futile posts with you , I have made my position clear , I support peaceful negotiations under the umbrella of the EU and the United Nations , our political muscle is bigger than it has ever been since our EU membership. Let us not transmit the wrong message to our European and International friends.

I take on board your comments regarding the mainland Greek politicians and I agree that they are sub standard in many diplomatic areas , due mainly to their anti American position known by all , and their support of ineffectual allies .
I take back my comments regarding your interest in only your properties and apologise unreservedly , I can see we both want exactly the same thing but differ in ways to achieve it.

Miltiades reminds us here that we must not support ineffectual allies. The ineffectual allies he refers to are the weak and those that can not defend themselves against the oppression and war crimes comitted by the very same effectual allies that he supports, without any questions asked. Such bias has only ever been demonstrated by our very own Miltiades.

In doing so, Miltiades supports war crimes such as these: ... re=related ... re=related

Another fine example of the "Amerikaniko Daktilo" at work.
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Jun 20, 2008 1:22 pm

miltiades wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Svetlana wrote:As I look into my 'oracle' I forsee deletion of posts and locking of threads - and my predictions are more accurate than those of Nostradamus or Runic Divination!

GR’s prediction that the metamorphosis from tree-Sloth to charismatic poster, yet to be invented by modern science & technology is NOT due for another century…

Lana - the Teller of Fortunes

GR - Purveyor of reality…

Your lamentable ballyhoo is becoming quite boring as well as nauseating ,
your ill mannered with an inflated ego and your smug posts , now threatening Lana with your "blanks " are becoming a joke. Take my advice son , take a break and come back once you have realised how repugnant your views are. You accuse a 62 year old Cypriot of being a coward and a traitor , your own traits attributed to some one else ! However I'm man enough to once again , for the 4th time , offer you my hand , offer you an apology for all the unpleasant comments made against you so what say you mate ? Are you man enough , remember you started it long time ago when you translated the innocent "pet name that my granddaughter has for me to Pappou skata - Shitty grandfather - , now prove that you are a man and not a little bully at school , I say sorry to you for calling you names , reciprocate !!

There’s no mercy now or in the future, for a treasonous clown like you for you have committed the unpardonable sin. Now get out of my sight…
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Postby Paphitis » Fri Jun 20, 2008 1:46 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Lana wrote:I have no desire of your attention or anyone else's, so please be polite. That which I deleted pure abuse, it added nothing to the topic under discussion - my alternative would have been to delete your post - if you would prefer that option in future please let me know.

It’s high time you confronted your utter incompetence at moderation by going through ALL of Miltiades’ posts where you’ll discover, no doubt to your great surprise, that he is the most abusive poster on the forum, BEFORE playing smart with me.

I honestly can’t for the life of me figure out why the “moderator” label was given to a tree-Sloth like you in the first place but anyway… that’s the administrator’s problem.

I don’t necessarily come here to be “polite” to you or anyone else and there is no such requirement on a forum so get your facts right.

Finally, don’t EVER assume that people come here to read a Sloth’s pathetic input… so since you like deleting why don’t you do this forum a BIG FAVOR for once and delete the pathetic virtual existence called ”Lana”…

Now get out of my sight you incompetent fool!

GR, I have left this post here, so that others can draw their own conclusions about this matter and about your behaviour on the Forum. Lana

Perhaps Lana is deserving of her very own dedicated thread just like Miltiades. :lol: :lol:
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Postby miltiades » Fri Jun 20, 2008 1:53 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Lana wrote:I have no desire of your attention or anyone else's, so please be polite. That which I deleted pure abuse, it added nothing to the topic under discussion - my alternative would have been to delete your post - if you would prefer that option in future please let me know.

It’s high time you confronted your utter incompetence at moderation by going through ALL of Miltiades’ posts where you’ll discover, no doubt to your great surprise, that he is the most abusive poster on the forum, BEFORE playing smart with me.

I honestly can’t for the life of me figure out why the “moderator” label was given to a tree-Sloth like you in the first place but anyway… that’s the administrator’s problem.

I don’t necessarily come here to be “polite” to you or anyone else and there is no such requirement on a forum so get your facts right.

Finally, don’t EVER assume that people come here to read a Sloth’s pathetic input… so since you like deleting why don’t you do this forum a BIG FAVOR for once and delete the pathetic virtual existence called ”Lana”…

Now get out of my sight you incompetent fool!

Since my name is mentioned I feel I ought to come in on this , having now realised that the chances of GR apologising as I did are a big fat Zero , I will comment on the above tirade against Lana by saying only , shame on you GR , shame that you can not take it like a man and quit or have a break , instead you start throwing abuse at a very efficient moderator !
Shame on you !! :cry:
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Postby Paphitis » Fri Jun 20, 2008 1:56 pm

miltiades wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Lana wrote:I have no desire of your attention or anyone else's, so please be polite. That which I deleted pure abuse, it added nothing to the topic under discussion - my alternative would have been to delete your post - if you would prefer that option in future please let me know.

It’s high time you confronted your utter incompetence at moderation by going through ALL of Miltiades’ posts where you’ll discover, no doubt to your great surprise, that he is the most abusive poster on the forum, BEFORE playing smart with me.

I honestly can’t for the life of me figure out why the “moderator” label was given to a tree-Sloth like you in the first place but anyway… that’s the administrator’s problem.

I don’t necessarily come here to be “polite” to you or anyone else and there is no such requirement on a forum so get your facts right.

Finally, don’t EVER assume that people come here to read a Sloth’s pathetic input… so since you like deleting why don’t you do this forum a BIG FAVOR for once and delete the pathetic virtual existence called ”Lana”…

Now get out of my sight you incompetent fool!

Since my name is mentioned I feel I ought to come in on this , having now realised that the chances of GR apologising as I did are a big fat Zero , I will comment on the above tirade against Lana by saying only , shame on you GR , shame that you can not take it like a man and quit or have a break , instead you start throwing abuse at a very efficient moderator !
Shame on you !! :cry:

An efficient moderator at doing nothing especially when one reads the expletives used ever so frequently in your posts. :roll:
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