Oracle wrote:miltiades wrote:Oracle wrote:Seriously now Miltiades you are having Napoleonic delusions.
Who has appointed you the custodian of the Cypriot cause?
By what logic do you as one person feel justified to scorn all others with conflicting views to yourself?
Have you ever had any doubts or misgivings as to your stance?
You don't sound like you have ..... and that is extremely worrying.
I will deal you in just one short sentence. My views are in line with those of the the RoC government , the EU , the UN and the entire International community that wishes to see a peaceful settlement based on democratic principles , human rights and equality of all the Cypriot people. That IS who appointed me Madam Trouble , who appointed you to spread hatred and nonconstructive comments ??? Do you think that Cyprus belongs to the fanatics , NO Madam not any more !!
ps.I'm keeping my eye on you too.
Miltiades you are full of empty phrases.
You opened a thread to ridicule my views ..... you achieved nothing! Because, unlike you, I am middle of the road and logical regarding what has been posted. If extremist rubbish is posted by the Turks ... I ridicule it as it deserves. If something sensible has been posted I react accordingly.
You on the other hand treat every situation the same. You have one view, non-malleable, non-adaptable, totally ineffective for most positions, yet it's simple and it means you do not have to think....
My dear Madam , I opened a thread not to ridicule you but to pay you a compliment on your clarity , your intellectual ability , misused in my opinion , never intended to ridicule you . Do please copy paste my post on this tread so we all see how utterly wrong you are in suggesting it was opened to ridicule you . Go on Oracle put up or go for a swim !!
ps. Im still keeping an eye on you