Eliko wrote:For as much as I have had disagreements with miltiades and have borne the whip of his tongue without complaint on so many occasions, STILL I feel that the man should be addressed with a little more respect than he is currently receiving.
These are only games we play, our opinions are of no consequence outside of this forum and such insults as are being directed at miltiades may only serve to increase the tensions the man already has to deal with in his private life.
I am sure we would ALL be greatly affected should we learn that our comments were in any way contributory to ill-health or even sadness to one such as he, a senior to us all.
A little respect for an older man, please.

While I thank you for your words Eliko , let me tell you that the stuff that I'm made of doesn't crumble under the sterile attacks from feeble minded people , my personal life does not dictate either my views or my moods , so I do thank you if you keep personal comments away.
I will , as I have done over the last few years , challenge opinions expressed by fanatics be it T/Cs or G/Cs , I do not require moral encouragement from any one . My respect goes to Bir and Kikapu , two , amongst many True Cypriots that have been the targets of abuse by fanatics over the months.
Let me also stress that no one should ever think that just because Admin upset me and made me decide not to post any more translates to being a quitter . I shall not go , I'm here to keep an eye on the perilous statements made by forum members affecting MY ISLAND .
May I also say that my true name and place of residence here in the UK and in Cyprus is available to all , including the nastiest !!
Just over a year ago , I challenged a G/C crook , a man who has no self respect and embezzled £100 that I sent in response to his request for donations to the T/C Cancer Centre . This G/C crook made me feel so mad and so ashamed that a G/C would sink so low and I decided , against my principles , to visit the Cancer Centre , my first trip into the "TRNC" and make good what this crook stole .To this day I continue my efforts and will do so for as long as I'm alive.
I have made some wonderful friends , have not crawled , have stood my ground , have NEVER recognised the "TRNC" and these friends respect me just as I respect them .I have met and shared a drink with people that I would have no hesitation in sharing my island , my neighbourhood and my house with .