Surely you're not trying to "shock" us with this Miltiadis... ever seen a BOTCHED electrocution execution made in America? You'll LOVE the graphics...
Get Real! wrote:The long term effects of sitting on the "Amerikaniko Daktilo"…
Scientists the world around are only just beginning to grasp the devastating impact on society of the recently classified "Amerikaniko Daktilo" mental disorder. The side effects for the sufferer range from delusions of knowledge to serious impairment of basic judgment, and a whole bunch of other problems in between such as an irresistible urge to kiss “higher” arse. Below you’ll find a forum case study purely for scientific purposes…
Expertise on the Middle East - Fatal predictionsSun Apr 23, 2006 3:31 pm
How many of you think that its a matter of time before the US or Israel take military action against Iran in order to take out their Nuclear development sites,
Expertise on the Middle East – Understanding IsraelSun Apr 23, 2006 5:19 pm
Iran has threatened to wipe Israel of the face of the earth.Israel has not. Iran , under its present leadership would not hesitate to use atomic weapons .
Expertise on the Middle East – Oil even at $140 per barrel and rising…Mon Apr 24, 2006 9:06 am
As far as the oil issue is concerned I bet you are happy every time you find a petrol station open so that you can fill up, and oil is not the issue here.
An alliance is formed - Drawing scientific parallelsMon Apr 24, 2006 8:21 pm
Bananiot , I couldnt have put it better my self. The state , any state allows its citizens to be in control of leathal weapons ,provided a license is obtained , be it for a shotgun , hand gun or in the case of young Cypriots a motor vehicle .
An alliance is formed – Fashioning indigenousnessMon Apr 24, 2006 9:31 pm
Bananiot you are 100% correct and I do hope that your views are shared by the indigenous folk at large.
An alliance is formed – Constructive intoleranceThu Apr 27, 2006 9:21 pm
Why dont you look at the posts by Bananiot a very rational and constructively opinionated individual . My deepest respect to his views..
An alliance is formed – Just short of a blow job…Sat Apr 29, 2006 11:21 am
Bananiot you have made a post of paramount importance and I congratulate you . Sir I take my hat off to you.
An alliance is formed – The patriotic “platform”Fri May 05, 2006 6:59 pm
Bananiot , I look forward to your posts and I do find them intellectualy stimulating that is not to say that we are in total agreement all the time but when it comes to the Cyprus issue I think we share the same platform.
An alliance is formed – The triangle is complete…Sat May 06, 2006 11:58 pm
My dear friend Bananiot , I have the utmost respect for Mr Klerides
The Man and the Ethics…Mon Apr 24, 2006 10:23 am
Admin you are absolutely correct , bad language and inslults should not be a part of this forum.
The Man and the Spine…Wed Apr 26, 2006 8:15 pm
I think Piratis Malakas and Kifeas should get together and form the next goverment of Cyprus. Start a war on Turkey , admonish the Americans , throw the British bases out and perhaps invite some of their freinds to join them in US bashing.
An observer responds…Sat Apr 29, 2006 5:14 pm
I can't hold my silence anymore, even though i tried. I think you are a traitor to the GC race. You and Bananiot should be joined at the genitals as seimes twins perhaps you will get great pleasure from that then what the guy says.
God forbid…Sun Apr 30, 2006 10:01 pm
Are you serious , are you suggesting that the Turkish Cypriots start demonstating demanding that the Turkish army and settlers leave Cyprus. For god sake woman , man , or boy , grow up.With attitudes like yours the Turkish Cypriots will be demonstating for more bloody Turkish troops , you are adding insult to injury by unknowingly damaging the image of Greek Cypriots through out the world.
Just one survivor against all odds…Wed May 03, 2006 9:12 am
All Cypriots were mentaly raped at a very young age and totaly brainwashed.
Regards, GR.
Along with all of Cyprus I too supported the national team of Greece 4 years ago and no doubt would do so again in the future , but not blindly.
miltiades wrote:PAPHITIS WROTE:
""""Here he reminds us how he will never follow Greece so blindly. A fair enough statement in the context of football and especially when a team's performance does not deserve to be victorious.
However, he proves time and time again at his eagerness at following US, UK and Israel so blindly, no matter what. They are so saintly that they can do no wrong according to Miltiades.
Maybe, Greece and Cyprus and not so powerful as he would only choose to side with the world's superpowers so that he can have the satisfaction of being on the winning side.
Unfortunately for Miltiades, his hypocrisy has been proven. I only wish that 1 day he breaks the shackles of his enslavement to the powerful and develops the free will to think for himself."""
Neither you nor GR can dig out one shred of damaging to myself comment on the Cyprus problem . You both know that my views are those of the responsible and wise politicians not only of Cyprus but also politicians from every part of the globe including the official EU and United Nations position clearly on the side of negotiations , mutual respect and consideration of both communities concerns and fears.""""
You have chosen to revert to language used way back in the 70s and label me a traitor and a spineless Cypriot for supporting Cypriot and International routes to a solution.Your support for GRs views is a sad one since you along with others have offered the enemies of Cyprus ammunition to fire back at us. Partitionists are already quoting you as the reason why Turkish troops should remain in Cyprus , by you I mean all those that support means other than those currently used by our government.
Paphitis wrote:miltiades wrote:PAPHITIS WROTE:
""""Here he reminds us how he will never follow Greece so blindly. A fair enough statement in the context of football and especially when a team's performance does not deserve to be victorious.
However, he proves time and time again at his eagerness at following US, UK and Israel so blindly, no matter what. They are so saintly that they can do no wrong according to Miltiades.
Maybe, Greece and Cyprus and not so powerful as he would only choose to side with the world's superpowers so that he can have the satisfaction of being on the winning side.
Unfortunately for Miltiades, his hypocrisy has been proven. I only wish that 1 day he breaks the shackles of his enslavement to the powerful and develops the free will to think for himself."""
Neither you nor GR can dig out one shred of damaging to myself comment on the Cyprus problem . You both know that my views are those of the responsible and wise politicians not only of Cyprus but also politicians from every part of the globe including the official EU and United Nations position clearly on the side of negotiations , mutual respect and consideration of both communities concerns and fears.""""
You have chosen to revert to language used way back in the 70s and label me a traitor and a spineless Cypriot for supporting Cypriot and International routes to a solution.Your support for GRs views is a sad one since you along with others have offered the enemies of Cyprus ammunition to fire back at us. Partitionists are already quoting you as the reason why Turkish troops should remain in Cyprus , by you I mean all those that support means other than those currently used by our government.
You are spineless because you FAIL to establish the basic human desires to explore new horizons, and seek the truth. Rather sad really.
You choose to instead enslave yourself to the powerful as might must be right. You BLINDLY follow Israel, and US foreign policies, no questions asked which is an anathema to free spirit and thinking.
I have said it before that you do remind me of the ultimate Cypriot politician. This is not a term of endearment. Greek and Cypriot politicians are just as weak as you are and hence I will tell you to grow a spine. Remember the Imia debacle?
If I had 1 wish I would swap our Greek and Cypriot politicians for their Turkish counterparts in a flash, as it appears that they are more clever and cunning. I would also swap you for Eric Dayi, as I respect his individualism and standing strong for what he believes in, rather that taking a cowardly stance.
miltiades wrote:Paphitis wrote:miltiades wrote:PAPHITIS WROTE:
""""Here he reminds us how he will never follow Greece so blindly. A fair enough statement in the context of football and especially when a team's performance does not deserve to be victorious.
However, he proves time and time again at his eagerness at following US, UK and Israel so blindly, no matter what. They are so saintly that they can do no wrong according to Miltiades.
Maybe, Greece and Cyprus and not so powerful as he would only choose to side with the world's superpowers so that he can have the satisfaction of being on the winning side.
Unfortunately for Miltiades, his hypocrisy has been proven. I only wish that 1 day he breaks the shackles of his enslavement to the powerful and develops the free will to think for himself."""
Neither you nor GR can dig out one shred of damaging to myself comment on the Cyprus problem . You both know that my views are those of the responsible and wise politicians not only of Cyprus but also politicians from every part of the globe including the official EU and United Nations position clearly on the side of negotiations , mutual respect and consideration of both communities concerns and fears.""""
You have chosen to revert to language used way back in the 70s and label me a traitor and a spineless Cypriot for supporting Cypriot and International routes to a solution.Your support for GRs views is a sad one since you along with others have offered the enemies of Cyprus ammunition to fire back at us. Partitionists are already quoting you as the reason why Turkish troops should remain in Cyprus , by you I mean all those that support means other than those currently used by our government.
You are spineless because you FAIL to establish the basic human desires to explore new horizons, and seek the truth. Rather sad really.
You choose to instead enslave yourself to the powerful as might must be right. You BLINDLY follow Israel, and US foreign policies, no questions asked which is an anathema to free spirit and thinking.
I have said it before that you do remind me of the ultimate Cypriot politician. This is not a term of endearment. Greek and Cypriot politicians are just as weak as you are and hence I will tell you to grow a spine. Remember the Imia debacle?
If I had 1 wish I would swap our Greek and Cypriot politicians for their Turkish counterparts in a flash, as it appears that they are more clever and cunning. I would also swap you for Eric Dayi, as I respect his individualism and standing strong for what he believes in, rather that taking a cowardly stance.
You do not surprise me one bit. You would rather have Denkatsh as your leader and you respect a man who is full of hatred for the Cypriot people, Eric Dayi !!! You are a much bigger Plonker that I thought in fact you are not only a Plonker your a first class Malakas who should be thoroughly ashamed at yourself .. The Cypriot politicians since 1974 have performed miracles for Cyprus against all odds. They are realists and are full of common sense as against you who is obviously full of shit.
So I'm a coward wanker because I care for my ff ng country as against you who cares ONLY how quick you can get your hands on your property .You don't give a shit about the future of this island so stop being an impostor masquerading as a brave Cypriot , Bullocks to that mate !
Apology accepted. Since you have surprised me with your apology and admitted your insensitive and offensive comment, I will also send you my apologies for causing you some offence to my comments, even though they were made as a reaction to your hard line attitude. Sometimes I also take a hard line attitude so I guess I should not judge you too severely as it would be a bit hypocritical. Let me assure you that I do not have any racist inklings to Turks or TCs, but I do sometimes get very frustrated with Turkey and her continuation of the illegal occupation which is a trespass on my country. It is beyond me to understand why Turkey feels the need to continue these violations as it is already a very large country with enormous unrealised potential, whereas Cyprus is a mere speck on the map with a population of 800,000 or so. GCs are absolutely no security risk to TCs and merely want to get on with their lives in a unified country along with their TC counterparts. Life in the RoC is very different today, with relatively high standards of living. No GC is willing to jeopardise their prosperous futures and the future of their families.
Also, every GC and the RoC respects the legality of TC owned land. You will find that the RoC Land Registry will still have your family recorded as the legal owner of your lands as per your title deeds. You are also able and welcome to reclaim your land through the Land Registry. If you are unable to claim your land for any reason, then your family would be entitled to compensation. The same can not be said about the GC refugees. The GC refugees are prevented from claiming their properties because of the continued occupation. GCs are not indifferent to TC properties as you insinuate. Even as we speak, several TCs have permanent residency in the RoC with all their constitutional rights also reinstated and protected under the constitution.
My wife's property was not to be returned under the Annan Plan. But even if it was, our family would still oppose such a complex and discriminatory plan as a solution to the Cyprus Problem. We would have opposed it because basic democratic principles such as proportional representation and power, were not met under that failed plan. There were also security concerns such as the Treaty of Guarantee and the continued presence of Turkish troops. Our family is more willing to do without our property than to allow our family, friends and the people living in Cyprus to suffer the indignity of an Apartheid Plan with their political and democratic rights being short changed. Therefore I urge all Cypriots to never accept such discriminatory plans which will do nothing for their families but condemn them to perpetual suffering under an Apartheid system. I urge all Cypriot politicians to think about their children whilst negotiating with Talat for a solution, because Cyprus does not belong to them but to the future generations. Any Cypriot who does not do this and allows for the future generations to live under Apartheid rules with disproportional representation and power, is betraying their country, people and family. This will also lead to a pandora's box of constitutional mayhem, violence and bloodshed further down the track. As a result, such complex solutions are really no solution at all, and are far worse than the present status quo.
Personally, I do not have high hopes of anything coming out of the present negotiations. But I still firmly believe that one day all refugees will return to their roots and your statement to the contrary is considered as nothing more than a threat to my family and to Cypriots, to accept any plan thrown at them or else. Such antics will never succeed because Cypriots are way smarter than what you give them credit for and will never compromise or condemn their children and grand children to live as second class citizens in their own country under an Apartheid political structure.
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