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The long term effects of sitting on the Amerikaniko Daktilo

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Re: The long term effects of sitting on the Amerikaniko Dakt

Postby miltiades » Wed Jun 18, 2008 9:22 pm

Get Real! wrote:Image
Nuclear Fission is the process involved to produce atomic bombs.

In 2006 you claimed...

"Iran, under its present leadership would not hesitate to use atomic weapons"

...and at the same time warned that the US will strike if Iran produces nuclear energy! Go figure...

Have faith in unkie GR when he tells you that you're as daft as they get, but due to your severe "Amerikaniko Daktilo" mental illness you don't even know it... :? :( :lol:

Would you like to post my entire post containing the statement you credit to me ""...and at the same time warned that the US will strike if Iran produces nuclear energy! ""
What I did say and I stand by it is this ""
"Iran, under its present leadership would not hesitate to use atomic weapons"

Your feeble efforts in character assassination have only succeeded in getting Eliko and Oracle all worked up !!! Once again may I say .
Here we have the loyal defender of the Iranian President , believing firmly that he never threatened to wipe Israel of the face of the earth. In fact , as stated by Bananiot our own government sent a protest note along I'm sure with the rest of the world .
As for Oracle , well poor thing , so bored with reading the Times and listening to BBC , fed up to the teeth with the New York Times and the Herald Tribune has now taken in reading the Egyptian Daily , Iranian Holy News and now and then I'm certain The Palestinian Daily Herald !!
On a serious note may I ask the three of you , or lets include General Paphitis too , so the four of you , GR , Eliko , Oracle and Paphitis , DO YOU CONSIDER YOUR VIEWS ON THE CYPRUS PROBLEM TO BE ALSO THOSE OF THE RoC GOVERNMENT ??
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Re: The long term effects of sitting on the Amerikaniko Dakt

Postby Oracle » Wed Jun 18, 2008 9:28 pm

miltiades wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Image
Nuclear Fission is the process involved to produce atomic bombs.

In 2006 you claimed...

"Iran, under its present leadership would not hesitate to use atomic weapons"

...and at the same time warned that the US will strike if Iran produces nuclear energy! Go figure...

Have faith in unkie GR when he tells you that you're as daft as they get, but due to your severe "Amerikaniko Daktilo" mental illness you don't even know it... :? :( :lol:

Would you like to post my entire post containing the statement you credit to me ""...and at the same time warned that the US will strike if Iran produces nuclear energy! ""
What I did say and I stand by it is this ""
"Iran, under its present leadership would not hesitate to use atomic weapons"

Your feeble efforts in character assassination have only succeeded in getting Eliko and Oracle all worked up !!! Once again may I say .
Here we have the loyal defender of the Iranian President , believing firmly that he never threatened to wipe Israel of the face of the earth. In fact , as stated by Bananiot our own government sent a protest note along I'm sure with the rest of the world .
As for Oracle , well poor thing , so bored with reading the Times and listening to BBC , fed up to the teeth with the New York Times and the Herald Tribune has now taken in reading the Egyptian Daily , Iranian Holy News and now and then I'm certain The Palestinian Daily Herald !!
On a serious note may I ask the three of you , or lets include General Paphitis too , so the four of you , GR , Eliko , Oracle and Paphitis , DO YOU CONSIDER YOUR VIEWS ON THE CYPRUS PROBLEM TO BE ALSO THOSE OF THE RoC GOVERNMENT ??

You can be so cruel ... :(
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Postby Eliko » Wed Jun 18, 2008 9:28 pm

Oracle wrote:
Eliko wrote:
Oracle wrote:
Eliko wrote:
Oracle wrote:I think there is enough evidence there to upgrade the mental disorder to that of a Syndrome ....

Wik wrote:In medicine and psychology, the term syndrome refers to the association of several clinically recognizable features, signs (discovered by a physician), symptoms (reported by the patient), phenomena or characteristics that often occur together, so that the presence of one feature alerts the physician to the presence of the others.

I think Get Real! qualifies for a nomination towards the Nobel Prize in Medicine for identifying this rare but chronic condition ....

Oracle, do you think this syndrome might be contagious ? :shock: :shock: :shock:

Best to take no chances, prevention is better than cure ... Immunisation may be our only hope ....

I recommend avoiding reading the British Press, listening to the BBC News, and desisting from going to Neighbourhood Watch meetings.

A course of Voluntary Work Overseas may help alleviate some of the symptoms and Zimbabwe may offer a good antidote.

Oracle, I am a little surprised that you did not recommend either Hypnotism or Acupuncture as possible remedies for this dreadful malady, fearful of the possibility of falling foul of this shocking condition myself and knowing of two excellent practitioners, I am prompted to ask of you (being a person of considerable Scientific knowledge) if there would be any danger to a man of my age subjecting himself to such treatments (in the event of becoming affected/infected ?).

I do feel psychologically quite immune ( naturally) but understand that this unfortunate complaint can ferociously attack the nicest people, particularly those of advancing years.

Therefore I would appreciate your professional opinion. :wink:

Indeed you may possess natural immunity Eliko but I suggest we take no chances and embark on a course of stimulating aromatherapy massage to drive away all thoughts of Uncle Sam; and the lubrication would more readily extract any digits, from firmly docking in any orifices ... :wink:

I do hope Deniz does not read this response my love, I think he may have a 'Brainstorm' X :lol: :lol: :wink:
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Re: The long term effects of sitting on the Amerikaniko Dakt

Postby Get Real! » Wed Jun 18, 2008 9:31 pm


Miltiades, this thread is a free public tour of your mind so don’t worry about what the RoC government thinks or does, and just brace yourself for part II of the tour... you begged for the GR treatment so sit back and enjoy! 8)
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Re: The long term effects of sitting on the Amerikaniko Dakt

Postby Eliko » Wed Jun 18, 2008 9:45 pm

miltiades wrote: Here we have the loyal defender of the Iranian President , believing firmly that he never threatened to wipe Israel of the face of the earth. In fact , as stated by Bananiot our own government sent a protest note along I'm sure with the rest of the world .

You are absolutely correct in supporting Bananiot's statement miltiades, however, what you FAIL to grasp is the fact that, subsequent to the revelation that the words of Ahmadinejad were in fact a misinterpretation of what the Ayatollah Khomeini actually said (explained to you severally) such protest notes (as you have mentioned) were rescinded.

Realizing that you may not be aware of the above facts, I suggest you should investigate the authenticity of that which I have proposed to you so often, it could save you some embarrassment. :wink:
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Re: The long term effects of sitting on the Amerikaniko Dakt

Postby miltiades » Wed Jun 18, 2008 9:48 pm

Get Real! wrote:

Miltiades, this thread is a free public tour of your mind so don’t worry about what the RoC government thinks or does, and just brace yourself for part II of the tour... you begged for the GR treatment so sit back and enjoy! 8)

I cant wait !!! Carry on boy enjoy your game , but have you not tried the famous GR treatment once before and you shit yourself :lol:

Come on son find something the I have said which would embarrass me !!
Not a single word on Cyprus have I ever uttered that I do not stand by it today. Do you remember what you called the UK Cypriots when once a year we demonstrate on July 20th , I think you called us drunken fools or such derogatory words.
GR you are a first class Plonker , had you been in a position to represent the Cypriot people you would have been shot for being such a bloody MALAKAS :lol:
Please , some more GR treatment Mr PURVEYOR OF SUCH FINE COBBLERS !!
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Re: The long term effects of sitting on the Amerikaniko Dakt

Postby Get Real! » Wed Jun 18, 2008 10:00 pm

miltiades wrote:I cant wait !!! Carry on boy enjoy your game , but have you not tried the famous GR treatment once before and you shit yourself :lol:

Try “shitted” or “shat”…

Come on son find something the I have said which would embarrass me !!

I wouldn’t be surprised if nothing ever embarrasses you but of course that doesn’t stop others from feeling a little embarrassed on your behalf… :lol:

GR you are a first class Plonker , had you been in a position to represent the Cypriot people you would have been shot for being such a bloody MALAKAS :lol:
Please , some more GR treatment Mr PURVEYOR OF SUCH FINE COBBLERS !!

I did warn of an approaching storm...
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Postby Svetlana » Thu Jun 19, 2008 6:11 am

As I look into my 'oracle' I forsee deletion of posts and locking of threads - and my predictions are more accurate than those of Nostradamus or Runic Divination!

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Postby Oracle » Thu Jun 19, 2008 6:23 am

Insider Information methinks :wink:
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Postby miltiades » Thu Jun 19, 2008 6:27 am

Svetlana wrote:As I look into my 'oracle' I forsee deletion of posts and locking of threads - and my predictions are more accurate than those of Nostradamus or Runic Divination!

Lana - the Teller of Fortunes

Lana I promise you that I shall remain within the confines of decent civilized behaviour venturing out where necessary in order to deflect and redirect inept incendiary devices , Tsakres in Greek , back to their source of origin.
This could be an interestingly boring childish thread but it brakes the monotony I dare say!
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