GAVCARoCOM wrote:Do you think he has to go to court regarding this issues. war crimes and stuff
GAVCARoCOM, if the 'HE' you refer to is George Bush, I very much doubt if there will ever be such a court action.
If you consider his performances on the videos you have highlighted, it would actually be a complete waste of time prosecuting him since he could plead 'Unfit to stand Trial' due to mental instability and such a plea would no doubt be accepted.
Tony Blair may soon have to face the consequences of HIS involvement in the Iraq fiasco and the Murder of Saddam ( which was certainly a conscious act to conceal the truth behind the unlawful attack upon that nation ) a necessary act to silence one who could have shed some light on the lies being circulated at the critical time.
Don't hold your breath though, there are plenty more lies in the pipeline judging by the pressures now being applied in an attempt to subjugate Iran.
In my humble opinion.