Viewpoint wrote:let me reveal the following thought I often catch myself making: "If the price of re-unification is that Turkey (and others) will have the right to intervene in our affairs, then perhaps partition is better". It is like when someone gets married, and the wife-to-be places a condition that her mother should have a key to the house, so that whenever the couple quarrels the mother will have the right to come into the house and put things in order. Is it not understandable if the husband-to-be thinks: "Emm ... if this is the price for getting married, then I would prefer to stay single"
Would that allow the husband to kick his wifes face in with no one being able to help the poor woman, why woudl she want to get married better off single.
Well, she certainly deserves protection, but from the police rather than from her mother. That's why I believe that in a post-solution Cyprus security should be guaranteed by the international community and by the international legal system (the equivalent of "police") rather than by Turkey and Greece (the two "mothers").
Marriages in which the parents and the in-laws get over-involved in the affairs of the couple, tend to not go so well ...