miltiades wrote:Paphitis wrote:miltiades wrote:Paphitis wrote:miltiades wrote:Oracle wrote:Let's use this thread to find preventative solutions.... We are not passive, helpless creatures!![]()
I say we fire things at it ...
I think this is a task requiring the unenviable talents of Rambo along with General Paphitis , a few flying pigs and a little shove from you O wont go unnoticed !!
I think the "Amerikaniko Daktilo" will have to be surgically removed from your but so that you can take aim and fire. You will then be doing your bit to protect the world from this impending impact and disaster. Plonker.
I have said it many times. You need to grow a spine and a personality, instead of just going through life in a brain washed state and not forming your own subjective opinions as opposed to being a robot or clone for all your life.
Precisely what do you know about me General that spurns you to throw so much crap at me !! I'm a 62 year old Cypriot who believes in continuing with the political negotiations currently taking place in order that a peaceful solution may be found and implemented for the benefit of all Cypriots. You on the other hand believe , along with Rambo , that all negotiations are a waste of time and that war is the only option left.
Do you consider that you have more resilient "Spine" than I have because you are a "paper" tiger !!!
Show some respect to your elders and don't be such a prick !
I know enough to not waist any more of my valuable time with an idiot such as yourself. Firstly, I forbid you from misinterpreting any of my posts because it is quite clear that you either do not possess the smarts to adequately comprehend, or you deliberately do it to obtain some kind of advantage. It is you that needs to obtain some flexibility and accepting other people's viewpoint even though they may differ to your own. After all, we are not all American/Israeli clones such as your self.
You keep talking about a solution for the benefit of all Cypriots. Yet you have not made it clear what solution you envisage. You keep talking in vague generalities. My opinions are however, very self explanatory. You can read my view from the below link. ... c&start=60
What about you Plonker? What fair Apartheid solution do you think is fair?
PS. It is you that is posting crap about me and I am merely responding.
Just had a look and noted how instrumental your comments are to a peaceful solution of the Cyprob !!!
Have a read yourself ""
"""""We still own it and take pleasure in the fact that very soon we will be in Strasbourg seeing your fucking Turkish arses for compensation and still maintaining legitimitate ownership of the property as all compensation will be on account for "Loss of Enjoyment"
As to my perception as to what a solution I envisage , my position is well known on this forum , let me just state it again.
I opposed the AP because it fell way short of what it was set out to achieve ie the unification of our island . I strongly objected to the guarantor powers offered to Turkey over the whole of Cyprus. I opposed the flying of the Greek flag and Turkish flag on Cyprus's Police stations since that meant Greece and Turkey were the masters of Cyprus and not the Cypriot people.
I support our government's efforts in maintaining the current embargoes in place and in steadfastly refusing to accommodate any act, apart from humanitarian ones , that would in some way bestow even the slightest amount of acceptance and recognition of the "TRNC"
I have noted your "authoritarian instructions" forbidding me from , as you say , misinterpreting your views !! May I say what an ignorant sod you are and what an insolent one too !!
Get lost Stupid !!
Again, you misinterpret my post as you failed to recognise to whom that comment was made to. My family has also every right to lodge claims against Turkey in the ECHR. It is Turkey that has invaded and ethnically cleansed 200,000 Cypriots and for this there must be justice. And I make no apologies for my comments. You, twist this in a way to insinuate that this is not constructive to a peaceful solution. Perhaps you think my language may be a little too harsh. This may be true, but then again, my wife is forbidden from enjoying her very own house along with thousands of others. Therefore, I feel entitled and at liberty to express myself any way I wish. I was never bought up to beat around the bush.
Every Cypriot recognises the fact that TCs have as much right to Cyprus as the GCs. However, the TCs are going far beyond this and demanding gains on our loses which if they materialise will open a pandora's box of bloodshed in the future. WAKE UP! This is exactly what they want. Their Guarantor Power, will then allow them to invade once again.
You have failed to specify what solution you support. Do you support a True federation based on 1 man, 1 vote? Or do you support Confederacy with unequal political representation which would mean that 1 TC vote = 4.5 GC votes? I can tell you that the current status quo is better than the latter.
I await with baited breath.