Hi, thanks for your interest. I am looking for €550 (about £437 on today's exchange rate) per month, with the tennant paying water & electricity bills, plus the communal charges (€193 per year this year...that's very cheap by Cyprus standards...that's for the upkeep of the pool & communal areas) I will pay the village tax (like community charge in UK)
The apartment is fully furnished & equipped.. but all that is negotiable if you want your own furniture.
As for term let...I am open to suggestions... I was looking for a 1 year plus, but would be happy to discuss. What is it you are looking for exactly? There's more info and pics on my website
www.cyprusapartment-pissouri.co.uk and do feel free to email me on
[email protected], or ring 00357 99196429.
Looking forward to hearig from you.
Regards, Chris