roseandchan wrote:peaches go to the harbour and see the sights but don't eat there!

roseandchan wrote:peaches go to the harbour and see the sights but don't eat there!
denizaksulu wrote:roseandchan wrote:peaches go to the harbour and see the sights but don't eat there!
Did you get food poisoning? I always have good food there. Its a matter of taste. Let people judge for themselves.
Nikitas wrote:Kyrenia is beautiful, to Kyrenians and to anyone who has not seen too many "picturesque harbors". Once you have been to the Greek islands Kyrenia is a bit of a let down. Actually on the whole the Cypriot landscape is not all that pretty, and I speak as a Cypriot. We love the place for other reasons and not for the landscape.
So take a trip and let us know what you think.
Hi , I am coming in September to Limassol, please can anyone advise me if there are any good trips to Northern Cyprus Kyrenia, would like to go just to see what t like over there?
humanist wrote:Hi , I am coming in September to Limassol, please can anyone advise me if there are any good trips to Northern Cyprus Kyrenia, would like to go just to see what t like over there?
hi there, I am GC living in Australia. I travelled to Cyprus and visited the occupied areas October last year. It was certainly an nteresting visit, having to graple with issues of grief and loss.
The countryside is what I remember it to be as a young child and not much has changed. I was grateful for that. The bazzar in the middle of the old Lefkosia centre was my favourable experience in Cyprus, the smells of the fresh fruit and vegetables took me back to 74 at the age of 6 years. I enjoyed walking around the occupied Lefkosia very much and met a couple of locals and now friends.
I found Kyrenia to be a vibrant and social place but for me very foreign and initmidating by the number of Turkish flags and soldiers. The people were very friendly and welcoming but of course I knew that .... because thats the Cypriot natureanyway, have a safe and happy trip. Go as far north east as you can, the landscape is awsome.
Nikitas wrote:Deniz said:
"To us Cypriots, Kyrenia will always be beautiful. The Greek islands too have their beauty, but they are not 'home' as Cyprus is."
Well, there I have an unfair advantage I guess, I am half from another island, mother's island. Much smaller than Cyprus, with a population of less than 1000. The situation allows me to look at Cyprus from a somewhat detached point of view.
More beautiful than Kyrenia harbor is a moonlit night in the country, sitting and talking with friends, perhaps sipping a glass of zivania, while the faint monotone of a water pump can be heard in the distance. Now that is beautiful and uniquely Cypriot.
But, hey, the man wants to see Kyrenia. So let us see what he will think of it once he sees it. I am always curious to hear a fresh point of view.
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