Without it seems anybody giving Kangaroo a definitive answer
Right let's get down to business and the facts about Despina ~ I would have thought ( hoped ) that a knowledgeable Cypriot would have been able to answer Kangeroo's question but it seems not and it seems it's down to a stupid ( but knowledgeable ) foreigner to come up with the answers.
Despina a Greek Cypriot lady has been at Apostle Andrea's for about 40 years ~ she is it's believed 85 years old ~ she looks after the monastery generally cleaning meet and greet people sorting out the candles plus accepting donations from people wisely not willing to put donations in the box.
During the day time she is there with the priest but stays there alone during the night as the priest goes off to his own home so in a way she could be described as the guardian of the monastery at night time anyway.
The story of why she is there is interesting ~ it seems that she was very ill around 40 years ago and she went to the monastery to pray for good health and promised she would remain there and look after the monastery for as long as she could if her health improved.
Well obviously her health did improve and she is still there 40 years later .
I must admit that I find her dedication amazing ~ like so many others that have dedicated their life to their faith.
I initially thought she may have been a nun but it seems not.
So there's your answer Kangaroo .
Oh ~ by the way Bill Cobbett is absolutely spot on by advising that donations should be given to either Despina or the priest as the donation box is occasionally given close scrutiny

It's a shame that Oracle managed to get the original post locked (not for the first time I might add) as I would have loved to answered her posts ~ it seems she can't resist going way off topic whilst pursuing her own private agenda ~ sadly I was rather busy during the last couple of days and whilst I dipped into the forum a couple of times I just didn't have time for a full blown response and now by being very clever she has left me unable to answer her original and rather strange posts.
I may start a new thread later just to answer her rather strange observations and sensitivities .