humanist wrote:kangaroo I totally get you, about Apostolos Andreas and the great people who withstood the Turkish invasion, discrimination and personal assaults and murders to their families for standing up for their beliefs and their country and the right to retain their lands. Unfortunately the TC regime stripped them away from that right. May enclaved GC's depsite leaving in their villages were stripped of their land only to be given to settlers. Of course you will get no response from our TC friends on this forum. Or if you get a resposne it will be a rude one.
I too was very fortunate last Octovber to visit Apostolos Andreas where I was baptised and I too was saddened by the state f the monastery, I wonder hw our TC friends would feel if we let Teke in Larnaca fall to disrepair as they let Apostolos Andreas do so.
Anyway I look forward to hearing about Despina.
Humanist, please do not tarnish all TCs with the same brush. I am all for protecting the Cypriot culture whayever it is. The younger generation too. It was only recently that the Monastery was redecorated under the auspices of a UN affiliated organisation. Perhaps the same Organisation who repaired the Tekke. There are people in the North who have some modicum of Humanity you know.