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Despina of Apostle andrea's ~response to Kangaroo's question

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Postby Oracle » Mon Jun 16, 2008 9:25 pm

Bill wrote:
Jerry wrote:your signature has elevated you to the status of maggot whereas in fact you are a hastily deleted maggot. :lol:

Jerry, the elephant :D

You have made me sad now Jerry ~ I feel that someones stepped on me with a pair of size 12 industrial boots ~ quite disturbing .

The interesting point of the deletions was they were all name calling and false accusation posts from Oracle and my replies and were all deleted by the moderator ~~ quite rightly so in my opinion .

I think she might be a little miffed that a stupid foreigner might know little more than she does about her own country.

Ah well there's nowt so strange as folk ~ as the saying goes.

Bill ~~ a squashed maggot with tuf industrial stamped across his back :(

Caught by your lies! ..... read again and weep, little lying maggot :lol:

You think you can say anything safe that your distorting posts were deleted... :lol:

But mine and kangaroo's were not .. The quotes are still there (Page 1) .. and prove what a distorting liar you are .... and stop calling Kangaroo a stupid foreigner :roll: ... or you'll be deleted again.
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Postby Jerry » Mon Jun 16, 2008 9:35 pm

Bill, I think something in your post may have been misinterpreted, can you clarify who the stupid foreigner is?
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Postby Bill » Mon Jun 16, 2008 11:01 pm

Oracle wrote:Caught by your lies! ..... read again and weep, little lying maggot :lol:

You think you can say anything safe that your distorting posts were deleted... :lol:

But mine and kangaroo's were not .. The quotes are still there (Page 1) .. and prove what a distorting liar you are .... and stop calling Kangaroo a stupid foreigner :roll: ... or you'll be deleted again.

Nice try Oracle but I'm sure kangaroo is bright enough to see though your bile ~ it seems that you have marked me as this weeks person to hate ~ especially with your constant remarks about a certain area of Cyprus .

I feel quite honoured to be on the receiving end of your valuable time and attention and having joined the ranks of many others who have enjoyed a similar experience ~ I wonder who will it be next week :?

For a supposedly highly intelligent woman I'm constantly surprised how dim you really are ~ I've given you a very valuable bit of advice in past posts.

That is never presume and assume which as I pointed out at the time should be standard practice for a scientist :? such as your self ~ that is of course if it's true

As for the post deletions well we are both aware that we were both to blame for that as you were constantly repeating your usual bile which was not really fitting for the post in question and sad person I am I was responding ~ I really should have ignored you as it wasn't giving that post the justice it deserved.

The moderator was quite correct it removing the offending posts but failed to spot the one within kangaroos post which in my opinion should have been removed too

Anyway much to your apparent disgust as it was me providing the response it seems Kangaroo has most of the info she needed so at least she is happy ~ and if she needs any more info all she has to do is ask and I would be more than willing to oblige ~ as always .

You are a clever lady at twisting posts made on this forum but I would imagine that kangaroo is in no doubt that I was referring to my self as a stupid foreigner after your repeated comments on my stupidity and of course the fact that I'm a foreigner in Cyprus.

As I said nice try ~ but try a little harder next time ~ I must say that I can give you 6 out of ten for effort though ~ not a very high score but a fitting one I believe

Your friend Bill ~ the maggot of the week :lol: :lol:

PS ~ sadly I can see this post being locked by morning ~
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Postby Bill » Mon Jun 16, 2008 11:21 pm

Jerry wrote:Bill, I think something in your post may have been misinterpreted, can you clarify who the stupid foreigner is?

It's me of course ~ if oracle says so then it must be true.

quotes referring to me from some of oracles recent posts :-

"Do the honours next time you visit the north Bill ... but keep your stupid opinions to yourself ... you lowly maggot".

"And it is not necessary to try and cover your stupidity" .

"you just will not stop with stupidities"

So if oracle says so I bow to her superior knowledge ~ even though she hadn't a clue about Despina .

Bill ~~ the Tuf industrial maggot :lol:
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Postby bill cobbett » Mon Jun 16, 2008 11:25 pm

I'd better get in quick before this is locked with an angler's defence of maggots. Lovely creatures. No finer site than a pint of them wriggling away in ones bait tin. More than once consumed one or two as they find a way in to the coffee and sandwiches.
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Postby Jerry » Mon Jun 16, 2008 11:27 pm

Bill wrote:
Jerry wrote:Bill, I think something in your post may have been misinterpreted, can you clarify who the stupid foreigner is?

It's me of course ~ if oracle says so then it must be true.

quotes referring to me from some of oracles recent posts :-

"Do the honours next time you visit the north Bill ... but keep your stupid opinions to yourself ... you lowly maggot".

"And it is not necessary to try and cover your stupidity" .

"you just will not stop with stupidities"

So if oracle says so I bow to her superior knowledge ~ even though she hadn't a clue about Despina .

Bill ~~ the Tuf industrial maggot :lol:

Yes but you have to admit, the stupid clue was not that obvious.
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Postby Jerry » Mon Jun 16, 2008 11:29 pm

bill cobbett wrote:I'd better get in quick before this is locked with an angler's defence of maggots. Lovely creatures. No finer site than a pint of them wriggling away in ones bait tin. More than once consumed one or two as they find a way in to the coffee and sandwiches.

My sentiments exactly other Bill. In fact if you leave them in your mouth long enough they will clean your teeth for you.
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Postby bill cobbett » Mon Jun 16, 2008 11:37 pm

Old angling tip. On a cold day, leave them in the mouth long enough to revitalise them.
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Postby denizaksulu » Mon Jun 16, 2008 11:50 pm

bill cobbett wrote:Old angling tip. On a cold day, leave them in the mouth long enough to revitalise them.

I certainly hope they are Tartrazine free. :lol:
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Postby humanist » Mon Jun 16, 2008 11:58 pm

kangaroo I totally get you, about Apostolos Andreas and the great people who withstood the Turkish invasion, discrimination and personal assaults and murders to their families for standing up for their beliefs and their country and the right to retain their lands. Unfortunately the TC regime stripped them away from that right. May enclaved GC's depsite leaving in their villages were stripped of their land only to be given to settlers. Of course you will get no response from our TC friends on this forum. Or if you get a resposne it will be a rude one.

I too was very fortunate last Octovber to visit Apostolos Andreas where I was baptised and I too was saddened by the state f the monastery, I wonder hw our TC friends would feel if we let Teke in Larnaca fall to disrepair as they let Apostolos Andreas do so.

Anyway I look forward to hearing about Despina.
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