Get Real you really are making no sense at all now.
First, my examples were just that : examples. I could have mentioned cases from virtually every country in the world. There's no particular reason to select Turkey, Iran and Sierra Leone.
Second, US citizens have sought asylum elsewhere. In Canada, for example.
Third, your paragraph beginning " Anyway, if a country ....." is the standard way of rejecting (a) the notion of human rights and (b) rejecting the universality of those rights. So what you have just done is set yourself against the very basis of the modern human rights order. Your prerogative of course, but then you cannot claim human rights in relation to the Cyprus question whilst rejecting them in all other respects.
Let's see whether you really stand by what you've just said. Let's replace the word country in your paragraph for the word 'Turkey' and let's replace the particular abuses with ones carried out in Cyprus. Here goes :
If Turkey rules through invasion because that’s the way it has always been in accordance with their politics/character, then that’s tough. If Turkey persecutes Greek Cypriots and others critical of the regime then that’s tough. If Turkey is prejudiced against Greeks Cypriots because that’s the way it has always been then that’s tough too......Oh, and this is called the Get Real policy.
Methinks, however, that Get Real is talking nonsense and he know that he's talking nonsense.