Kikapu wrote:Viewpoint wrote:Kikapu wrote:Viewpoint wrote:KikapuEvery country in Europe have a checkered past, and they have all moved forward, or haven't you heard it yet. "Time does not stand still" as I keep reminding you, but it seems like you are stuck in a time warp, deliberately or not, but it is time for you to move forward, and it cannot be done like it used to be done in the past, even by "old" European countries. Those practices have no place in the EU and if the TC's are going to be take their place in the EU (officially), then they too will need to live in the present and not in the past.
I agree every country had problems in the past but for every country is unique and the GCs are no acception, we have to learn by the past mistakes to build a future whereby they will not be reappeated and we will not kick ourselves for falling into the same traps. The safeguards are exactly for this reason to ensure the past mistkaes are no repeated and to ensure everyone abides by the rules agreed at the out, why do you GCs have a problem with this? I have asked this many times but no one has attempted an answer must tell you someting.Once again you are more interested keeping trade with Turkey then being loyal to your country of Cyprus. If trade with Turkey is broken, it will be for a good reason. As DT said few days ago, "if there is money to be made, why would trade be broken". I gave you a hypothetical situation on another thread regarding breaking trade with Turkey which you did not answer. Do you think Turkey will act responsibly with Cyprus if they knew that no matter what they do, the TC's are going to block any action against Turkey with their "veto vote". I think Turkey will act more responsibly if there was NO "veto vote". As you always say VP, "the knife cuts both ways".
You dismiss our concerns of trade yet in the same breath have no problem stating that if trade is blocked it will be for a good reason. Excuses can always be provided to do something Kikapu you obvious trust GCs 100% to do the right thing but we do not and have to ask for safeguards to ensure they do. Without these we will be left to the mercy of the GCs who wants to smoke us out and into they mould they wish to put us in. Do you think TCs will act in favor of Turkey and not Cyprus if it came to the crunch, if you do then you obviously do not know the TC people, all we want is for our life line not to be severed, most of our trade is with Turkey and it will take time to change this, a GC veto as you put it would send our economy reeling and again at the mercy of the GCs to step in bail us out which will cause a great deal of resentment and problems.
Sure they have had some riots in France, and UK, and USA, and so on. There are also hate groups in every country. I'm sure not everything is hunky dory between the TC's and the settlers in the north. The important thing is, there are laws that protect the rights of all citizens. The one advantage the TC's will have over all other minorities in the countries you have mentioned, their own "state" where they are the majority, and where most of the job givers and takers will be TC's. What you want is your own "country", just like what the Basque wants which is another matter altogether, or at the very least, inequalities between the communities in your advantage over the other community. This is what will keep the communities apart through resentment and hate.
People apply laws and if these people are purely GCs then where do you think that will leave us? at their mercy to be manipulated and ignored. I agree with you that having our own state will go someway to resolving many issues, which over time and goodwill will evolve if all can see that unity is for the benefit of all.why do you GCs have a problem with this
You can't even be trusted to tell the truth, and your above statement is the proof, since you lose credibility with such statement, so why should I even listen to the rest of your comments, no matter how realistic they may be. If this was in a court room, everything else you have written in your post will be thrown into the rubbish bin as not being credible, because of your above inaccurate statement made deliberately. Perhaps it is you who needs to give out safeguards to others as well as expecting the same from others in return, since you are lacking in honesty, but you are ready to complain of others untrustworthiness..!!
I'll answer your post after I've calmed down at much later time.!!![]()
Sorry not with you please clarify.
Now you are really taking the piss.!!
Perhaps you need better reading glasses to read what I "enlarged" for you to read.!!
Have a nice day VP, and don't forget to pray tonight so that all your wishes will come true some day.!!
It may pay to be selective and limit the number of wishes you want to become true.!!
You'll have a better chance of success this way.!!
Spit out what you have to say?