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Ideas for Airlines to save money during high fuel costs.!!!

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Postby Kikapu » Mon Jun 16, 2008 4:47 pm

fatgeeza wrote:I would not want to encourage any form of discrimination against people who are challenged by heavy bone structure cheers Fatgeeza :lol:

But the airlines discriminate all the time. A 3 year old kid who weighs a lot less than an EXTRA LARGE SIZE adult, pays almost the same to occupy a seat. Don't you think that 3 year old is being discriminated, whether or not an adult has heavy bones or not.???
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Postby fatgeeza » Mon Jun 16, 2008 5:56 pm

I was being Flippant, and I agree I get better value then people who weigh less when traveling, if the only benchmark is weight, not space, noise, physical disability, dietary requirement or the amount of assistance needed.

I am able bodied and do not drink during a flight, I have no behavioral difficulties, I do not require any special treatment nor resource to assist with my travel arrangements, I take other passengers needs into consideration and I have never in 47 years been accused of being a nuisance during a flight, generally I get on, sleep then get off.

Can the same be said for the hypothetical 3 year old whom you mention,

I am not disagreeing with the principle of charging passengers according to a wider range of criteria, after all the war veteran who has lost a limb for queen and country could almost certainly qualify for cheaper flights, however Easyjet Europe’s 4th Largest Airline carrier, would have to increase its costs as it would not be able to load it's passengers in the 30 min targeted turn around times slot to account for the increase in passengers requiring assistance.

PS in the UK holiday market "Kids go free" on most Holiday Airline flights,
Cheers Fat Geeza :oops:

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Postby dinos » Mon Jun 16, 2008 8:03 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Oracle wrote:
DT. wrote:didn't AA make their planes more efficient and aerodynamic by not painting them? Thats why they're metallic?

No it's so that they are readily identifiable by the trailer trash Americans that live in those stainless steel trailers ...


Helps the likes of Britney board the right plane home ....

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

:lol: :lol:

This reminds me - what do a tornado in Kansas and a divorce in South Carolina have in common?

...After all is said and done, you know someone is going to lose a trailer.

Back to the topic. We could invent an airplane that's fueled by bullcrap from message boards. Call it the "coproglider" or something. The way I see it, if we can light crap on fire in front of someone's front door as a joke, we should be able to harness it's energy potential. :lol: :lol:
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Postby Kikapu » Mon Jun 16, 2008 9:01 pm

fatgeeza wrote:I was being Flippant, and I agree I get better value then people who weigh less when traveling, if the only benchmark is weight, not space, noise, physical disability, dietary requirement or the amount of assistance needed.

I am able bodied and do not drink during a flight, I have no behavioral difficulties, I do not require any special treatment nor resource to assist with my travel arrangements, I take other passengers needs into consideration and I have never in 47 years been accused of being a nuisance during a flight, generally I get on, sleep then get off.

Can the same be said for the hypothetical 3 year old whom you mention,

I am not disagreeing with the principle of charging passengers according to a wider range of criteria, after all the war veteran who has lost a limb for queen and country could almost certainly qualify for cheaper flights, however Easyjet Europe’s 4th Largest Airline carrier, would have to increase its costs as it would not be able to load it's passengers in the 30 min targeted turn around times slot to account for the increase in passengers requiring assistance.

PS in the UK holiday market "Kids go free" on most Holiday Airline flights,
Cheers Fat Geeza :oops:

Trying to keep this thread lighthearted

Trying to keep this thread lighthearted

I'm really glad, because I'm really not following your post at all. :)

Bottom line is, the airlines are losing money because the cost of fuel and the more the plane weighs during the flight, the more fuel it uses. The great success story of FedEx is, that they charge their customers by weight for most of their deliveries. The founder of FedEx, Fred Smith said as the company was being formed;

"why carry people where you have to feed them, smile at them, keep them happy, listen to their complaints at 40,000 ft and so on, when we can just carry DEAD WEIGHT and not have to deal with all those problems".

Boy, was he ever right.! :lol:
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Postby ttoli » Wed Jun 18, 2008 2:05 pm

fatgeeza wrote:I was being Flippant, and I agree I get better value then people who weigh less when traveling, if the only benchmark is weight, not space, noise, physical disability, dietary requirement or the amount of assistance needed.

I am able bodied and do not drink during a flight, I have no behavioral difficulties, I do not require any special treatment nor resource to assist with my travel arrangements, I take other passengers needs into consideration and I have never in 47 years been accused of being a nuisance during a flight, generally I get on, sleep then get off.

Can the same be said for the hypothetical 3 year old whom you mention,

I am not disagreeing with the principle of charging passengers according to a wider range of criteria, after all the war veteran who has lost a limb for queen and country could almost certainly qualify for cheaper flights, however Easyjet Europe’s 4th Largest Airline carrier, would have to increase its costs as it would not be able to load it's passengers in the 30 min targeted turn around times slot to account for the increase in passengers requiring assistance.

PS in the UK holiday market "Kids go free" on most Holiday Airline flights,
Cheers Fat Geeza :oops:

Trying to keep this thread lighthearted
Yeah you've got a point there, just last year i was checking in for a flight with XL and they charged me for being 1 kilo over on my baggage, but charged the fat munter behind me nothing(despite being twice my body weight).
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Postby Nikitas » Wed Jun 18, 2008 3:03 pm

One sure way to save jet fuel is to travel by ship.

I do it all the time, planes terrify me. A ship from going from Greece to Cyprus, carrying 200 trucks, dozens of cars, and many more passengers than a jet, uses less fuel than a plane.
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Postby Kikapu » Wed Jun 18, 2008 9:55 pm

Nikitas wrote:One sure way to save jet fuel is to travel by ship.

I do it all the time, planes terrify me. A ship from going from Greece to Cyprus, carrying 200 trucks, dozens of cars, and many more passengers than a jet, uses less fuel than a plane.

I wished they would bring back the glory days of travelling by ship know, the Titanic style (without the sinking part of course) of First Class and not the "all you can eat buffet" style where kids stick their fingers into the food and lick them, soon after coming from the toilet without washing their hands. No wonder thousands get sick every year on cruises.

Second best option for me, would be to travel on a cargo ship with no passengers, but eat and spend time with the crew instead.
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Re: Ideas for Airlines to save money during high fuel costs.

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Thu Aug 13, 2015 8:49 pm

Kikapu wrote:Then sell their tickets based on the passengers weight, which will need to be weighed once again just before boarding the plane and make the adjustments to the weight used original by the passengers when booking the flight, which may have been months in advance.

Yup, it's happening! :D ... rding.html

Time to go on that diet .....
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Re: Ideas for Airlines to save money during high fuel costs.

Postby Lordo » Thu Aug 13, 2015 9:09 pm

i think you people need a life. you are as informed about this as you are about the cyprus problem. zilch. zero nofink gavole xerogudales
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Re: Ideas for Airlines to save money during high fuel costs.

Postby bill cobbett » Thu Aug 13, 2015 10:28 pm

Lordo wrote:i think you people need a life. you are as informed about this as you are about the cyprus problem. zilch. zero nofink gavole xerogudales

u sendin a gouza of yor tergeesh pis to airplane, bruthar gousbo.

u nowing yor tergeesh pis ees no sheet.
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