I was reading through the weekend paper and came across this article, which was actually in the "Letters to the Editor"section.
It appears that I was
"ahead of the curve" on this one (as usual).!!
This is what I wrote at the opening post of this thread:
Kikapu wrote:I think the airlines should set a price chart of what it costs to get a Kilo of weight from here to there and make a profit at the same time. Then sell their tickets based on the passengers weight, which will need to be weighed once again just before boarding the plane and make the adjustments to the weight used original by the passengers when booking the flight, which may have been months in advance. If one weighs less, then they will be credited for a refund, and if weighing more, then they get charged more. Same will be for the baggage also. One will be charged per kilo for all the weight they bring to the plane....period.!!!
This what was written in the newspaper:
Weighing costs of air travelRegarding the article: "To save fuel, airlines rethink everything" (June 12): Airlines are scrutinizing their operations, considering every ounce of weight on their planes. For many travellers, every bag that's checked now carries an additional tariff, and if a bag is particularly heavy it will cost the passenger even more.
Yet no one seems to be addressing the elephant in the passengers' cabin. Why should a person who eats sensibly and exercises regularly be slapped with the same fuel surcharge as a passenger of the same height who, for whatever reason, weighs many kilos more? Postal systems price items by weight. So why, when it comes to human cargo, is it fair for the light to be subsidizing the heavy?
http://www.iht.com/articles/2008/06/13/ ... letter.php
This will of course cause an average American to pay 3 times more than an average European to do any air travel at all.