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Reason for Renghess .....???

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Postby webbo » Wed Jun 11, 2008 10:52 pm

kurupetos wrote:Renga is fantastic, amazing masterpiece treat! :D Ignorant Brittons don't know how to cook right! :twisted:

Generalisation there mate! :roll: :wink:

b 8)
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Postby Oracle » Wed Jun 11, 2008 10:56 pm

webbo wrote:
Oracle wrote:How is a glass of wine "lighter" than a glass of water? :?

Well, technically speaking if both glasses hold the same amount, neither is lighter! I was just giving you an excuse to have wine instead of water! :roll:

b 8)

Technically speaking water is "lighter than wine :wink:

(The mass of ethanol being greater than the water it replaces....)
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Postby webbo » Wed Jun 11, 2008 11:03 pm

Oracle wrote:
webbo wrote:
Oracle wrote:How is a glass of wine "lighter" than a glass of water? :?

Well, technically speaking if both glasses hold the same amount, neither is lighter! I was just giving you an excuse to have wine instead of water! :roll:

b 8)

Technically speaking water is "lighter than wine :wink:

(The mass of ethanol being greater than the water it replaces....)

Ok, use a bigger glass for your water then! :roll: :wink:
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Postby miltiades » Wed Jun 11, 2008 11:10 pm

Did I hear Wine mentioned ?
Renga , this IS the correct spelling of this aphrodisiac smoked fish , must be eaten by men ONLY with lots of zivania , onions and parsley.Women are simply NOT allowed this delicacy.
What the hell are you doing woman putting a renga in an oven !!
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Postby webbo » Wed Jun 11, 2008 11:13 pm

miltiades wrote:Did I hear Wine mentioned ?
Renga , this IS the correct spelling of this aphrodisiac smoked fish , must be eaten by men ONLY with lots of zivania , onions and parsley.Women are simply NOT allowed this delicacy.
What the hell are you doing woman putting a renga in an oven !!

Oh oh! I am not stopping around for this :wink:

Goodnight all

Bubbles x 8)
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Postby Oracle » Wed Jun 11, 2008 11:18 pm

miltiades wrote:Did I hear Wine mentioned ?
Renga , this IS the correct spelling of this aphrodisiac smoked fish , must be eaten by men ONLY with lots of zivania , onions and parsley.Women are simply NOT allowed this delicacy.
What the hell are you doing woman putting a renga in an oven !!

Actually, now that reminds me ... last time I got embattled arguing with you, my boiled eggs had dried out of water and they exploded leaving another massive clean up operation .... :roll:

Anyway now we know renges are only for grilling or frying!

Who would have thought a dried up old fish could be so fussy .... :roll:
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Postby kurupetos » Wed Jun 11, 2008 11:28 pm

webbo wrote:
kurupetos wrote:Renga is fantastic, amazing masterpiece treat! :D Ignorant Brittons don't know how to cook right! :twisted:

Generalisation there mate! :roll: :wink:

b 8)

:oops: Sorry let me rephrase:
Ignorant Oracles don't know how to cook right! :twisted: :lol:
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Postby Oracle » Thu Jun 12, 2008 11:03 am

kurupetos wrote:
webbo wrote:
kurupetos wrote:Renga is fantastic, amazing masterpiece treat! :D Ignorant Brittons don't know how to cook right! :twisted:

Generalisation there mate! :roll: :wink:

b 8)

:oops: Sorry let me rephrase:
Ignorant Oracles don't know how to cook right! :twisted: :lol:

Precisely! ... I shall never cook again! 8)

..... Besides the darn thing has left me unquenchably thirsty into the next day! :roll: ..... (and the oven still stinks!)
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Postby CBBB » Thu Jun 12, 2008 12:00 pm

I always cook them over pure alcohol in a billy-can. Just like pastourmas.
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Postby Agios Ionas » Thu Jun 12, 2008 12:17 pm

Oracle wrote:OK... Can they help solve the Cyprus Problem? :?

I don't think they can. But...

The Swedish specialty called "Surströmming" (Soured Baltic Herring) can!

It's fermented herring. As you can imagine the smell is quite 'orrible.

It could be considered a biological weapon I guess. It can be used to ethnically cleanse the north from mainland Turks without any bloodshed. Make sure you inform the true TC's about the plan and supply them with gas masks. Then drop thousands of cans of fermented herrings over the residential areas of settlers. The cans will break as they hit the ground and its "exotic" smell will spread all over the "TRNC". As the Turks have never encountered this foul stench before they will immediately think the GC has drenched them with some nasty WMD and head back to the mainland quicker than they can say hoşça kalın.

Just funnin' some. I hope nobody was offended. ;) :lol:

The herring smells like Death itself entered the room though. You won't believe how bad it is until you actually smell it for yourself. Its taste is salty and nothing like the smell. But since the nose is way too close to the mouth to allow a smell free bite this is a type of food I'd rather avoid.

If anybody is interested you can read more about this bizarre type of herring here:

Even cats raise their hair and run away when they encounter the smell of this fish from hell. :lol:
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