When Makarios was signing the infamous London/Zurich agreements, he was playing with a leftover bit of renga stuck in his teeth from the previous evening’s dinner…
When Ecevit ordered the attack on Cyprus in July 1974, it is rumored that he had gorged himself with renges earlier in the day...
When Matsakis took down a Turkish flag from the green line it’s a well known fact he had renges earlier for lunch...
When Denktash opened the gateways to hell, otherwise known as the “TRNC”, it is said that he had a renga for breakfast…
When Miltiades was born the well-meaning midwife stuck a renga in the baby’s mouth; a superstitious practice against the “bad eye” popular in the Paphos region in the old days with devastating consequences second only to thalidomide …

And the moral of this story is... if you MUST eat a renga please speak to your psychiatrist first.