Without wishing to knock the British to any great extent, I do think that there are some rather strange peculiarities in respect of the way the nation functions.
If one wishes to possess a dog (providing one intends to follow procedures responsibly) one may apply to the Battersea Dog's Home and secure a pet for a fee of about £60. 00.
Of course there are certain legal formalities to such ambitions and the suitability of the applicant and the environment to which the dog is to be introduced to, come under close scrutiny.
Not so in the case of teenaged 'Single Mums' however, thousands of them may be seen parading the streets of every corner of the nation, fags dangling from the corner of their mouths, made up to the nines and discussing their 'entitlements' having contributed nothing to the society they now depend upon for their every need.
The lazy 'Oiks' that may have sired the offspring may be observed with their feet up in front of 'The Telly', fag dangling and clutching a can of 'Special Brew', probably 'Stoned' and devoid of any ambition, fully supported by the nation they are so ready to condemn if the 'Social Security Money' does not fully cover their requirements.
On the day they 'Sign On', they DRIVE to the Social Security Office and slouch in the chairs mumbling about how long they have to wait while the 'Immigrant' (who deals with their indolent attitudes ) bears the brunt of their complaints, often subjected to racial abuse since they are perceived to be better off than the one who refuses to seek gainful employment.
Now drive back home to the 'Council Flat' where Mum in her nightdress is having a fag in front of the 'Telly' whilst the little toddler (source of income) patters about in his dirty nappy waiting for Daddy to come home (if he BE the Daddy).
Across town, the 'Dog' is doing fine.
So how to solve the problem ?...............Dead Easy !!...............
There should be no such thing as a 'Motor' in such a situation, how could there be ?, those who work for a living can scarcely afford to run AND maintain one to the standards of safety required by law.
Factory work-shops should be established in every area, the function of which would be to produce basic bicycles for the use of those who need transport to seek employment, any who do not wish to work (or seek it) should be treated with the contempt that they themselves exhibit when dealing with the 'Immigrants' they are so fond of abusing.
As for Mum, she could be similarly employed in the bicycle factories, assisting the 'Oiks' and perhaps gaining a little self respect for themselves at the same time.
I doubt if many of those I have described would consider fleeing their homeland (other than for their drunken expeditions to Spain (or Cyprus) or 'Sarfend' if the Social Money doesn't run to a trip abroad.
Don't worry about the 'Dog', it will be well looked after.
Don't worry about the 'Immigrants', they will look after themselves and are probably MORE entitled to assistance than Mum and 'Oik'.
Finally, don't laugh, THIS is the kind of society the UK would like to introduce (by force if necessary) to other nations which are fully aware of just what is on offer.
I wonder why they are so reluctant to accept the gift of 'Democracy' ?.
If it wasn't so laughable, it would make you cry.