Oracle wrote:Feisty wrote:webbo wrote:omiltiades wrote:£90 per week !!! How many bottle is that ?
Trust you!
With the rubbish exchange rate at the moment, Brits will be better off buying outside of Europe - the GBP against the USD is brilliant now, so America is the place to buy!
Bubbles x
Yes but America is full of Americans so why on earth would anyone want to go and live there?
America has very strict entrance requirements ...
So I guess Cyprus is stuck with people like Bill and Bubbles ...
Oracle wrote:America has very strict entrance requirements ...
So I guess Cyprus is stuck with people like Bill and Bubbles ...
JoJo wrote:Hi Jerry. They may have invaded as you said, but they contributed a hell of a lot to the economy!
webbo wrote:...................and in being here, we enrich your dour life and make our little parts of Cyprus a happy place to liveJust the kind of people we are - we aim to please - ain't that so Bill?
Bubbles x
JoJo wrote:Hi Jerry. We would still be riding donkeys and would all be much happier as a matter of fact. Some Brits think that we should wipe their arses for the money they have brought into the island.
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