Spot on! I've seen the very same things happen in Sweden, step by step things are changing for the worse. I have absolutely no problem with immigrants. But I do have a problem with people who doesn't work, those who rape the welfare system. BIG problem. And whether these freeloaders are immigrants or white trash is of no importance. The fact that they are freeloaders is what matters. How can someone expect everybody else to pay for their living and benefits? People need to work and pay taxes or start businesses and pay taxes in order to maintain a welfare state. Otherwise it will crash, badly. If you don't have a fortune to live off you must work... it's that simple. If you lose your job it's great that the government have a welfare plan to sort things out temporarily... in between jobs. A safety net is a wicked thing to have. But everybody who wants to use it must also be prepared to contribute to the maintenance of the safety net by working/paying taxes. If we don't the holes will be so big that those who need the net the most will fall through... and crash... just like the welfare system itself will crash... badly.
All immigrants who are able to adapt and wants to contribute to their new country are more than welcome. Such people are a true asset to any country.
The UK is the UK. Sweden is Sweden. Cyprus is Cyprus. These countries are not Saudi Arabia. Of course our cultures need to "adapt" some as well... in order to make it easier on people from other cultures to adapt and blend in. They must be given the chance to practice their religion. They must be given the chance to buy special food in case their religion require it. Things like these are easy to provide for the host country. In return we must demand the immigrants to accept that our way of life is our way of life until we decide to change it ourselves. Just as we would adapt and accept things as they are in case we move to a foreign country with a whole different culture.
They also need to understand that if you wish to come to a country like the UK to lead a better life you also need to leave the things that made their lives dreadful in the first place behind. Leave the hatred, hostility and suspiciousness behind. Leave the medieval attitudes behind. Forced marriages, honour killings and 14th century practices do not belong in Europe.
It's not ok when we change our traditions out of fear for offending immigrants. They don't have to take part in our traditions but they need to accept that we have them. Nobody is forcing a muslim to celebrate Christmas. Nor should we be forced to practice fasting during Ramadan. But never should we deny them the right to celebrate Ramadan as their religion and tradition suggests.
It's not ok when school children can't sing the national anthem at the breaking-up day. Some say it's "racist" to sing this... why?
It's not ok when school children can't sing a psalm at the breaking-up day. Some say singing psalms is offending immigrants... why?
In Sweden singing songs like these have been a tradition for a very very long time. Why should the people of Sweden be denied their rights to practice their traditions in their own country? Just because someone from another country is offended by the Swedish national anthem? Just because a muslim is offended by a christian psalm paying tribute to the beauty of summer and the wonderful creations of God? Some headmasters at some schools have already succumbed to the pressure from muslim organisations and these traditions are now part of history at these schools. How is such cowardly behaviour going to help immigrants to adapt?
And quite frankly... why does it seem like it's the muslims that demand the most. Are they easily offended or what? I've never met a jew, a hindu or a buddhist (or an atheist for that matter) who are offended by a national anthem, a psalm or Christmas ornaments. These groups seem to be able to accept things as they are, perhaps even think of them as "exotic features" of their new host country. Just as I would consider a muezzin calling to prayer from the minaret is an exotic feature of any muslim country. I would never, repeat never, have the gall to complain about this and demand them to stop because I'm as a Christian is "offended" in case I choose for some reason or another to move to muslim territory.
Don't get me started on ineffective and incompetent politicians who are nothing but money grabbing wankers worrying more about their own bank account than they people of the country they've been elected to care for. It's politically correct to say that you care for immigrants. It's of course good for your career as well. Buying votes with words. Throw them a bone, then stick them in ghettos far far away from the nice neighbourhoods the politicians themselves live in. Neighbourhoods the common man, including immigrants, will never afford to live in.
Perhaps the muslims got one thing right with the Sharia Law after all... some politicians definitely deserve to have their hands cut off like the filthy thieves they are.
End of rant...