This made me remember a joke from my youth days.
It was in 1980, flying to the USA, first time on a plane, together with about 15 other GCs, also first timers. After a few games of cards, I stopped the game to visit the toilet. Since the back toilets were occupied, I went all the way to front. On my way back I spent some time talking to another acquaintance. When I returned to my company complained because I was so late. I explained to them that I was in the basement lounge, playing a few rounds of pin-ball, since it was free. A while later, two of the guys said they had to go to the toilet also, only to return very upset with me, because they tried to enter the cargo space below and were caught by the stewardess and had a very hard time explaining to her with broken English that they were looking for the pin-ball machines.
We were 25 years too early, I guess!