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department of land and surveys.

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department of land and surveys.

Postby roseandchan » Mon Jun 09, 2008 7:20 pm

can anyone help me withe the following info.

1) what was the date of the general survey?
2) what date were the maps used today written?
3) on that date what scale were they measured in? inches or cm?
4) has anyone found anything wrong with the scale?
5) can anyone tell me the mathematical way to measure a plot with 21 points? how do i find the axis? i can do the squares and oblongs but how do i do the triangles?
6) can anyone explain fully how the gps measurement system works?

we have no problem with the title but plot shape is not correct somewhere, house has shrunk which can't happen, we have had tape measure out and scale doesn't seem correct. 20-80cms out in some places.

7) were measurements ever rounded up or down?
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Re: department of land and surveys.

Postby Get Real! » Mon Jun 09, 2008 7:35 pm

roseandchan wrote:5) can anyone tell me the mathematical way to measure a plot with 21 points? how do i find the axis? i can do the squares and oblongs but how do i do the triangles?

It depends on the type of triangle. In the case of right-angled triangles you can easily add another identical triangle to it to form a square or rectangle, find the area of that, and then divide by two. ie:

|\ \...|
| \ \..| (bring them together to form a rectangle or square)
|__\ \|

Or use this triangle calculator… :)

As for the rest of your questions... not enough info.
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Re: department of land and surveys.

Postby pantheman » Mon Jun 09, 2008 8:06 pm

roseandchan wrote:can anyone help me withe the following info.

1) what was the date of the general survey?
2) what date were the maps used today written?
3) on that date what scale were they measured in? inches or cm?
4) has anyone found anything wrong with the scale?
5) can anyone tell me the mathematical way to measure a plot with 21 points? how do i find the axis? i can do the squares and oblongs but how do i do the triangles?
6) can anyone explain fully how the gps measurement system works?

we have no problem with the title but plot shape is not correct somewhere, house has shrunk which can't happen, we have had tape measure out and scale doesn't seem correct. 20-80cms out in some places.

7) were measurements ever rounded up or down?

Try asking the actual owner, maybe he will know. Oh, don't tell me it was a pre 74 TC property, yes thats what they all say.

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Re: department of land and surveys.

Postby Oracle » Mon Jun 09, 2008 8:24 pm

roseandchan wrote:can anyone help me withe the following info.

1) what was the date of the general survey?
2) what date were the maps used today written?
3) on that date what scale were they measured in? inches or cm?
4) has anyone found anything wrong with the scale?
5) can anyone tell me the mathematical way to measure a plot with 21 points? how do i find the axis? i can do the squares and oblongs but how do i do the triangles?
6) can anyone explain fully how the gps measurement system works?

we have no problem with the title but plot shape is not correct somewhere, house has shrunk which can't happen, we have had tape measure out and scale doesn't seem correct. 20-80cms out in some places.

7) were measurements ever rounded up or down?

Do you not have the original deeds?

Are you just working from one of the general survey maps?
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Postby roseandchan » Mon Jun 09, 2008 8:28 pm

well your land registry said it was , so if you would like the reference i can always email it to you so you can go and check.
thanks get real, problem is plot is strange shape it has 21 sides,i can see what your saying about the right angled triangles, i can measure all sides if the triangle but how do i find the area of them? i should have listened at school lol. my house was here before the map was written, it has not changed shape or size , but from the map it now measures 1/2 metre smaller in width and 1 metre shorter on one side. how we don't know. one very old courtyard wall again has not moved, from the map measurements it is now 20cm longer. i need serious help!!!
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Postby Oracle » Mon Jun 09, 2008 8:31 pm

roseandchan wrote:well your land registry said it was , so if you would like the reference i can always email it to you so you can go and check.
thanks get real, problem is plot is strange shape it has 21 sides,i can see what your saying about the right angled triangles, i can measure all sides if the triangle but how do i find the area of them? i should have listened at school lol. my house was here before the map was written, it has not changed shape or size , but from the map it now measures 1/2 metre smaller in width and 1 metre shorter on one side. how we don't know. one very old courtyard wall again has not moved, from the map measurements it is now 20cm longer. i need serious help!!!

Perhaps you are getting metres and yards mixed up ....
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Postby roseandchan » Mon Jun 09, 2008 8:42 pm

yes oracle i have deeds, plus village maps from turkish and greek land registry offices. scale is the same on both. both are identical. scale is the same 1mm = 1250m, but its still not measuring up. all points are between 20cm and 1 m wrong, thats why i asked if they possibly rounded up or down the figure because the scale is quite small.
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Postby Get Real! » Mon Jun 09, 2008 8:55 pm

roseandchan wrote:thanks get real, problem is plot is strange shape it has 21 sides,i can see what your saying about the right angled triangles, i can measure all sides if the triangle but how do i find the area of them?

But I already told you how for right-angled... :?


...for the rest use the calculator link I posted.
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Re: department of land and surveys.

Postby Oracle » Mon Jun 09, 2008 9:00 pm

roseandchan wrote:can anyone help me withe the following info.

1) what was the date of the general survey?
2) what date were the maps used today written?

My village map says:

"Surveyed by Dept. of Lands & Surveys XXXX"
State Copyright Reserved
Revised from D.L.O. plans January XXXX

..... in the bottom left hand corner

However its scale is 1:5000 .... so we may not be comparing similar maps ...

It has the scale both in feet and metres. Presumably the earlier ones were done in feet ....

What is your map like ...
Last edited by Oracle on Mon Jun 09, 2008 9:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby roseandchan » Mon Jun 09, 2008 9:05 pm

my scale is 1mm=1250m on both. only in metric no feet and inches showing. maybe the problem is from when they converted the measurements to metric. we can't find any records of the land ever being measured atall. so how did they ever come to a plot size? only way can be from the map.
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