denizaksulu wrote:Oracle wrote:denizaksulu wrote:Oracle wrote:denizaksulu wrote:Oracle wrote:Bill wrote:Oracle wrote:Do the honours next time you visit "your"Land in the north Bill ... but keep your stupid opinions to yourself ... you lowly maggot.
That's a bit harsh Oracle ~ one post you are correcting dt on my behalf and now you are slagging me off .
Have we had one over the eight already ~ it's really to early to be in that condition .![]()
There is absolutely nothing wrong with my opinions ~ perhaps it's the way you are interpreting the post.![]()
I fail to see how my land in the north as anything to do with this subject but I guess that's how your twisted mind works .
Now go and drink some strong coffee read my post again and explain why my post was stupid ~ the maggot bit I don't mind ~ I've been called far worse and that's pretty tame in fact in the industry I was in it's almost a compliment.
I think it would be beneficial for you to ask someone in the know about that particular church / monastery.
Bill ~~~ the maggot
[color=red]Your flippant referrals to casual visits to the north ... You have been here long enough to know how insensitive that is.[/color]
Then you pass judgement on whether she is fit for "sainthood" .... that is so unbelievably uncalled for. You ungenerous heathen!
And it is not necessary to try and cover your stupidity by excusing me with drink ... You wish!
Oracle, it was not so long ago that Phoenix was planning a Tour de Chypre. Your above remarks puzzle me,
I was not planning to buy property there... I wanted to see if my country was accessible for a simple right as cycling its coastline ... clearly not from all the Official advice I was given .. and that was even prior to what happened to DT.'s father in Law at the hands of the merciless Turks.
Strangely enough, the issue of suffering something that needed treatment was mentioned, and what could happen then. The worst case scenario was what happened to DT's FiL. In a compromised state .....![]()
My remarks were made avoiding bluntness ... (but you brought this up) because Bill has admitted to having plots of land in the north, but won't say whether they are GC owned ... we won' t press .... he is entitled to remain silent.
He is quite flippant about living in the north, and now in his comments above.
Does that answer your nosy intrusion?
Remember this is General Chat and that is why I was being vague.
I don't wish to make Bill suffer with these reminders any longer ... so let's move on.
This lady is much more interesting ...
Unfair comparison, but thousands of GCs do not agree with you. In an unhappy event you would meet with an accident, I am sure you would have received the best attention their is.
Best regards. ............It must be a starry night!
I'm sure you think you know better Deniz ... but I take my advice from less affiliated sources ...
Why didn't DT.'s Father in Law receive the "best attention there is"?
Stop talking rot now Deniz ... the weight of evidence is against you, and you are only serving to remind everyone of the murderous Turks within our midst ...
I ask you once again to move back to topic and stop dwelling on clearing up these ends ....
If you look carefully O, you will find that it was not I, that needs to follow the topic. I merely replied to your comment. Next time I visit the Monastery I will light a candle for your soul and give Despina a donation. Wellthat will be my wife doing that, the charitable person she is.
Don't increase carbon footprints (lighting candles)on my behalf ... my soul is not troubled.

But do wish Sister Despina long life and some happiness, should you go that way ....