I am going to focus my attention on the first part of your response to my post (which prompted you to do so) and would initially thank you for doing so without resorting to insult.
I do not consider my perspective of world events to be 'wrong' but do accept that they are at variance with yours, unfortunately you seem to be ever insistent that yours are 'right' which leaves little room for debate.
My perceptions are also at variance to yours and I feel that in such areas, I am far more able to comment on them than you appear to be since I do not readily accept that which is available through the general media, I am sure I have vastly more 'Hands On' experience with matters outside of the spotlight, thus I have formed my opinions on that which I have seen and suffered rather than that which I have been informed of.
As to my 'anti-Western' views (which you seem to be convinced I have) they are not the result of some indoctrination I have received, they are (if they exist) similarly formed from that which I have seen and suffered.
As to my disparaging remarks about Western Political and Military chicanery, I make them knowingly and I am convinced of their validity.
The question of President Ahmadinejad's statement in which he supposedly called for the destruction of Israel IS (as I have already informed you) a falsehood, I DO believe it is Western propaganda and my perceptions identify the reasons for such clearly enough.
The latest allegations (that the President repeated his threats) may also be dismissed for a very sound reason, 'Misinterpretation' (the same tool as was used before and I will explain it for you).
The Ayatollah Khomeini stated (In Arabic) that "Like Communism and Fascism, Zionism will disappear as an ideology, from the pages of history".
NOT the words of President Ahmadinejad, NOT a threat to 'Wipe Israel off the Map' and certainly NOT a threat to peace and stability, rather a statement which, if Zionism was an ineffective ideology, might be of considerable value in ensuring peace in the hostile regions of the Middle East.
If you wish to accept a further distortion of facts due to misinterpretation, you are at liberty to do so.
The sixty years of plunder you refer to are quite obviously the opinion of those who have suffered as a result of Israel's aggression, there has been no peace since the foundation of the 'State of Israel' it would appear that there seems to be some problems in the region, I do not think it is as much of a mystery as some others do, perhaps the Israeli 'expansion' programme might have something to do with it.
As To Iran and it's nuclear development ambitions, I can see no reason for why they should not be allowed to pursue them, the Iranian Government has pledged that their interests in nuclear energy are primarily concerned with domestic uses, there are no real reasons (other than misrepresentation by the West) to doubt the sincerity of the pledges made.
It would appear rather strange to me that nations which are prepared to unlawfully attack, slaughter and persecute innocent civilians and children using 'Proven Lies' as an excuse to do so, are so reluctant to accept the word of a nation that bases it's entire cultural development on the tenets of truth and respectability.
So the Israeli's are now poised to strike (with low yield nuclear missiles) the first use of nuclear weapons since 1945 when the USA blasted Hiroshima and Nagasaki, you seem to be able to welcome the prospect miltiades, I cannot, but then you see there is a difference between us.*
I will comment on the next section of your response a little later on this same thread.
In closing, I would like to draw your attention to the comment that the United States as a 'Satanic Power' faces destruction.
If you consider the meaning of such a statement from the viewpoint of an Iranian, it is perfectly obvious that they DO.
Consider the decimation of the 'Red Indian' races, the plunder of their resources and land, a small insight into the damage inflicted on many innocents of the world which YOU seem so ready to accept.
*The difference being, I am a man of the people whereas YOU are a Government man.
In my humble opinion.
Best Wishes. Eliko.