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@ miltiades.

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Postby miltiades » Mon Jun 09, 2008 8:40 pm

Get Real! wrote:
miltiades wrote:...but rest assured that this Forum , the Cyprus Forum will continue to engage my attention and I will not stand by idly and allow stupidity and insane proposals go unanswered .

Any plans to have your drama queen compulsive disorder treated?

Remember this?



I wonder how long it took you to dig this one up !!
ps. In replying your last moronic post , I forgot to remind you that you omitted to include as another option in your arse...anal the Flying Pig !! :lol: :lol:
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Postby Kikapu » Mon Jun 09, 2008 8:42 pm

miltiades wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
miltiades wrote:Just so all can read again and understand that this rather eloquent individual NEVER INSULTS !!!!

Just to clear things up for you, and to cut a long story short, because you are wasting too many people’s valuable time in here with your personal attention needs:

The National Guard of Cyprus shall use EVERY MEANS POSSIBLE, if and when it decides to use force INCLUDING…











…and even suicide bombers if needed, and there’s absolutely NOTHING a boring and uneducated old geezer like you can do but put it in your pipe and smoke it! Now bugger off to your rocking chair or you'll miss episode #5,678! [url=][img]http://www.[/img][/url]

You missed out BULLSHIT !!!
What a first class PLONKER !!!

I think that should be "BULLSHITISM" my dear friend Miltiades. :lol: :lol:

How did I get myself into this thread anyway.? :lol: :lol:

I'm outta here.!! :D
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Postby miltiades » Mon Jun 09, 2008 8:54 pm

Oracle wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
miltiades wrote:...but rest assured that this Forum , the Cyprus Forum will continue to engage my attention and I will not stand by idly and allow stupidity and insane proposals go unanswered .

Any plans to have your drama queen compulsive disorder treated?

Remember this?



Gawd! ... phoenix was a sap, she asked him to stay :roll:


Just had to come back Oracle , couldn't possibly contemplate allowing you and the rest of fanatics hijack Cyprus forum. What a bloody mess you and the extremists would create without an older and wiser head to keep you in line. Let me me assure you that I'm now upping the tempo a bit and will be challenging with RENEWED vigour any nonsense coming from you or any one else . Cyprus happens to be my country also and will not stand by and watch you or anyone else hamper the efforts of the majority to reach a just and peaceful solution. Way back in the early 60s people did just that , stood by and watched the "terminators" demolishing our newly created Democratic nation. NOT AGAIN MADAM FRANKESTEIN !!NOT ON YOUR BLOODY NELLIE!!
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Postby umit07 » Mon Jun 09, 2008 8:55 pm

GR is just all talk no action! Big mouth Marios! War isn't like playing Super Mario or worms which I bet are your favorite games GR.
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Postby Get Real! » Mon Jun 09, 2008 9:06 pm

miltiades wrote:Just had to come back Oracle , couldn't possibly contemplate allowing you and the rest of fanatics hijack Cyprus forum. What a bloody mess you and the extremists would create without an older and wiser head to keep you in line.

:shock: It’s amazing what thousands of Coronation Street episodes can do… 8)
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Postby Eliko » Mon Jun 09, 2008 9:22 pm

For as much as miltiades DOES appear to fly off the handle and has the unfortunate habit of usually ending his posts with either direct or veiled insults (must say there seems to be some refinement in his language of late) I do feel that we should not pillory the man.

He IS senior to most of us and I feel we should make some allowances for that fact, he is a Grandparent and I am sure we are all aware of the unfortunate condition of his wife.

miltiades has seemingly singled me out for 'Special Treatment' and I have suffered his abusive and insulting attacks upon my person and my educational qualifications to a point almost beyond endurance, Yet, still I feel a certain reluctance to retaliate to one such as he, I think he reminds me of my own Father in some ways.

NOT (I hasten to add) that his characteristics or verbal expressions are the same, simply because I regard him as an older family man, due the respect such a one should have.

I know (as does everyone) that miltiades and Get Real do not see eye to eye, their reasons are not my business, they are grown men.

I would say however, that in the exchanges between the two of them, I think Get Real exhibits a little too much exuberance in his attacks (supported by his very funny emoticons) and miltiades may well feel hurt by them which should not be our intention when discussing matters of conflicting views.

Also, offering insult to a man's Family is surely a matter which need not be open for discussion, we all know it is quite unacceptable.

No offence intended to either party (or any other) I just felt the need to mention these points since I DID open this thread in order to communicate my views to miltiades in response to his request.

I will conclude by saying that my expectations of being understood by the gentleman, have suffered some abatement.

That's miltiades, what more can one say. ?.

Respect. Eliko. :wink:
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Postby Xybadog » Mon Jun 09, 2008 9:46 pm


This is hilarious. Funnier than Morecambe & Wise Xmas specials.
I wasn't going to say anything but had to compliment on a very entertaining thread. Eliko, you're too cool for this forum (not as cool as me though :wink: )

Just to get back to one of the points where this thread started, you may be interested, miltiades, to be reliably informed that President Ahmadinejad DID NOT threaten to "wipe Israel off the map", as Eliko tried several times in vain to inform you, instead he stated that Israel would "disappear from the world map". A statement NOT a threat, even though it may have been a veiled threat, it's totally different to your interpretation.
:roll: :roll:
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Postby Get Real! » Mon Jun 09, 2008 9:50 pm

Eliko wrote:For as much as miltiades DOES appear to fly off the handle and has the unfortunate habit of usually ending his posts with either direct or veiled insults (must say there seems to be some refinement in his language of late) I do feel that we should not pillory the man.

He IS senior to most of us and I feel we should make some allowances for that fact, he is a Grandparent and I am sure we are all aware of the unfortunate condition of his wife.

miltiades has seemingly singled me out for 'Special Treatment' and I have suffered his abusive and insulting attacks upon my person and my educational qualifications to a point almost beyond endurance, Yet, still I feel a certain reluctance to retaliate to one such as he, I think he reminds me of my own Father in some ways.

NOT (I hasten to add) that his characteristics or verbal expressions are the same, simply because I regard him as an older family man, due the respect such a one should have.

I know (as does everyone) that miltiades and Get Real do not see eye to eye, their reasons are not my business, they are grown men.

I would say however, that in the exchanges between the two of them, I think Get Real exhibits a little too much exuberance in his attacks (supported by his very funny emoticons) and miltiades may well feel hurt by them which should not be our intention when discussing matters of conflicting views.

Also, offering insult to a man's Family is surely a matter which need not be open for discussion, we all know it is quite unacceptable.

No offence intended to either party (or any other) I just felt the need to mention these points since I DID open this thread in order to communicate my views to miltiades in response to his request.

I will conclude by saying that my expectations of being understood by the gentleman, have suffered some abatement.

That's miltiades, what more can one say. ?.

Respect. Eliko. :wink:

I'm starting to realize that you are the problem behind this clown we call "Miltiades" Eliko, because no sooner did you post this ridiculous eulogy that the treasonous clown had his batteries charged enough to post this load of crap just two minutes later... ... 2&start=70

I hold you PERSONALLY responsible for this and I am NOT amused.
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Postby miltiades » Mon Jun 09, 2008 10:01 pm

Eliko wrote:For as much as miltiades DOES appear to fly off the handle and has the unfortunate habit of usually ending his posts with either direct or veiled insults (must say there seems to be some refinement in his language of late) I do feel that we should not pillory the man.

He IS senior to most of us and I feel we should make some allowances for that fact, he is a Grandparent and I am sure we are all aware of the unfortunate condition of his wife.

miltiades has seemingly singled me out for 'Special Treatment' and I have suffered his abusive and insulting attacks upon my person and my educational qualifications to a point almost beyond endurance, Yet, still I feel a certain reluctance to retaliate to one such as he, I think he reminds me of my own Father in some ways.

NOT (I hasten to add) that his characteristics or verbal expressions are the same, simply because I regard him as an older family man, due the respect such a one should have.

I know (as does everyone) that miltiades and Get Real do not see eye to eye, their reasons are not my business, they are grown men.

I would say however, that in the exchanges between the two of them, I think Get Real exhibits a little too much exuberance in his attacks (supported by his very funny emoticons) and miltiades may well feel hurt by them which should not be our intention when discussing matters of conflicting views.

Also, offering insult to a man's Family is surely a matter which need not be open for discussion, we all know it is quite unacceptable.

No offence intended to either party (or any other) I just felt the need to mention these points since I DID open this thread in order to communicate my views to miltiades in response to his request.

I will conclude by saying that my expectations of being understood by the gentleman, have suffered some abatement.

That's miltiades, what more can one say. ?.

Respect. Eliko. :wink:

Eliko , you are aware , since I mentioned it on a number of occasions , that I do like you and have never insulted you as a person , have criticized your views , berated your education that disabled your sense of reasoning but always like you. The difference between you and GR is comparable to the difference between Mother Teresa ( The late and hugely respected lady ) and Adolf Hitler.
The man is , in my , "humble opinion" !! deranged , totaly absorbed in his emoticons -doesn't he do well- and lacks in stature as a man and above all a decent human. On this forum I offered him my hand and said sorry for name calling , what does the bigot do ,comes at me with more insults, clearly he ain't man enough yet !!
I understand that certain forum members have started laying bets as which of the two will be banned from the Cyprus Forum , well its not going to be Miltiades , been around the block a few time plus I do not post anywhere else and I also make sense where he is a rabblerouser.
Another important behavioral fundamental principle is that you do not insult any ones family under no circumstances .
It reminds me of one disgusting individual by the name of Scotzeza , do you recall what a spiteful and nasty individual she was , GR is fast her as the Mr Nasty of this forum.
However I hereby swear on the most precious ..bottle of Red that I shall not insult Eliko ever again , only his... taste ..
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Postby Eliko » Mon Jun 09, 2008 10:08 pm

Xybadog wrote:Image

This is hilarious. Funnier than Morecambe & Wise Xmas specials.
I wasn't going to say anything but had to compliment on a very entertaining thread. Eliko, you're too cool for this forum (not as cool as me though :wink: )

Just to get back to one of the points where this thread started, you may be interested, miltiades, to be reliably informed that President Ahmadinejad DID NOT threaten to "wipe Israel off the map", as Eliko tried several times in vain to inform you, instead he stated that Israel would "disappear from the world map". A statement NOT a threat, even though it may have been a veiled threat, it's totally different to your interpretation.
:roll: :roll:

Xybadog, thanks for your comments, I would like to point out that President Ahmadinejad's comments do not even qualify for the title of a 'Veiled Threat'.

They have been exposed as a deliberate misinterpretation of a speech made by the Ayatollah Khomeini (which was in Arabic).

The nearest one could get to a correct interpretation would be :-

"Like Communism and Fascism, Zionism will disappear as an ideology from the pages of history"

The media have seized upon this statement and, coupled with the prospect of Iran developing nuclear technology (which Iran insists is for domestic purposes and there is no evidence to contradict them) they have managed to create a good excuse (not as good as the one used to attack Iraq) to make an assault on that nation.

The interpretation is freely available, the question of nuclear intention is quite discernible to one (I suggest) such as yourself.

Best Wishes. :wink:
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