For as much as miltiades DOES appear to fly off the handle and has the unfortunate habit of usually ending his posts with either direct or veiled insults (must say there seems to be some refinement in his language of late) I do feel that we should not pillory the man.
He IS senior to most of us and I feel we should make some allowances for that fact, he is a Grandparent and I am sure we are all aware of the unfortunate condition of his wife.
miltiades has seemingly singled me out for 'Special Treatment' and I have suffered his abusive and insulting attacks upon my person and my educational qualifications to a point almost beyond endurance, Yet, still I feel a certain reluctance to retaliate to one such as he, I think he reminds me of my own Father in some ways.
NOT (I hasten to add) that his characteristics or verbal expressions are the same, simply because I regard him as an older family man, due the respect such a one should have.
I know (as does everyone) that miltiades and Get Real do not see eye to eye, their reasons are not my business, they are grown men.
I would say however, that in the exchanges between the two of them, I think Get Real exhibits a little too much exuberance in his attacks (supported by his very funny emoticons) and miltiades may well feel hurt by them which should not be our intention when discussing matters of conflicting views.
Also, offering insult to a man's Family is surely a matter which need not be open for discussion, we all know it is quite unacceptable.
No offence intended to either party (or any other) I just felt the need to mention these points since I DID open this thread in order to communicate my views to miltiades in response to his request.
I will conclude by saying that my expectations of being understood by the gentleman, have suffered some abatement.
That's miltiades, what more can one say. ?.
Respect. Eliko.