Paphitis wrote:denizaksulu wrote:Eliko wrote:miltiades wrote:ELIKO ONCE AGAIN GIVING US THE WRONG ANSWER ""
""""""Get Real however, presented HIS case differently, he suggested that ALL the past waffle should be committed to the pages of failed history, he would rely on the bold strategy of military action 'SHOULD NEGOTIATIONS FAIL' that does not imply that he would declare 'WAR' merely that he would rely on the threat of it to gain support. """
Bullshit again , he never said 'SHOULD NEGOTIATIONS FAIL'
This is what he said and YOU supported " """""Any illusions of a complex inter-communal political arrangement being implemented in Cyprus is now history, Turkey’s EU make-believe journey is over, and it is now a race to get the upper hand in technology, political influence, and in the overall balance of power because unfortunately it’s become apparent that Cyprus can only be liberated in the same way it was enslaved… through bloodshed! """"
Eliko , where the hell did you get 'SHOULD NEGOTIATIONS FAIL' Are you reading your own views ?
And how come you found my views "YOU, advocated continuing a series of non productive talks which (in one form or another) have been dragging on for 'Donkey's Years'.
Where did I advocate these views , Bullshit again Eliko , this is what I said " My position is that a solution must be negotiated on the political arena
using the EU and the International community and most certainly not war.
Now let us see who wants a military war or the political war we are currently involved in. """
What is disturbing on my above comments , where do you see weakness ?? Oh I forgot your natural tendencies to interpret events WRONGLY !
As was Clearly explained to you earlier miltiades, (in another thread) the reason for my vote in favour of Get Real was:-
That whereas your position indicated weakness, Get Real's indicated strength and I interpreted his 'MEANING' to be:-
That 'SHOULD NEGOTIATIONS FAIL' he would rely on the military options available to hm.
They were NOT his exact words, they represent what I considered his intentions to be.
In YOUR case, a failure of negotiations would represent another prolonged series of useless and non-productive discussions.
YOU are the one that is unable to grasp the significance of anything that is not in concert with your own rigid views, understandable for a man of your age but still quite sad.
Don't worry about it miltiades, It is only a 'GAME'.![]()
Good Morning Eliko,
You quote Chief of Staff GR as saying, "That 'SHOULD NEGOTIATIONS FAIL' he would rely on the military options available to hm." I cannot for the life of me remember where he has said that in conjunction with his Military options. GR, may have used that phrase elsewhere, but in this 'mini debate' I have been unable to find the link. IMO, GR stated that evrything else HAS failed, and that there is no other option.
Could you please point me to the page, so I can clear my mind on this matter.
Thank you.
Any new poll should be in three parts, Suicide bombers, nuclear proliferation and the Ctprus problem are very different issues.
Than you
Unfortunately, Miltiades always endeavors to manipulate the context of other persons arguments. We have seen it with his rants against GR and his accusations of war mongering, which was clearly not the case. We also see it with his ongoing debate with Eliko as I do not recall any post where Eliko has provided any kind of support for suicide bombings, nuclear proliferation other than for domestic uses, or him publically supporting Mugabe, Suddam, or Iran. Just because Eliko chooses to analyse world events in a more unbiased and balanced manner, Miltiades chooses to tarnish Eliko's reputation merely because Eliko's views do not comply with his own. He endeavors to obtain the upper hand by manipulating the context of all differing views to his own due to his ineptitude in understanding complex debate and prefers to classify all things as either black and white in order to simplify the subject matter and hence make it easier for his simplistic intellect. He also counters all differing views by manipulating there context.
Interpreting events as they appear and not as I would like them to appear
comes from my background as an accountant where only factual and accurate figures can be implemented on a balance sheet .
Eliko has on numerous posts expressed his approval of the means used by the suicide killers by merely stating " what else can they do " This indicates to any simpleton that he approves of their savage methods.
On Robert Mugabe , some time back he reprimanded me for showing disrespect against this horrid despot while at the same time excelling his own respect for Mugabes' resilience .
You appear to project or endeavouring to project an image of your self as a highly intellectual person but you fail miserably by denigrating my intelligence purely on the grounds that I find your views along with GRs and Eliko , on the subject of the Cyprus problem , as non constructive and thoroughly shameful.