Eliko wrote:miltiades, the third part of your post refers to 'Suicide Bombers' and you incorrectly state that I continue to justify their actions.
Had you taken the time to THINK about what I have posted about the issue of 'Suicide Bombings', you probably would have concluded (due to the numerous times I have been forced to repeat myself) that I abhor their actions probably to a greater degree than do you since I have actually seen the results of such actions on more than a few occasions.
What I HAVE said, is that I can understand the desperation that drives those who commit such atrocious acts, if you were to read and digest what I have written, perhaps you would also be able to understand it.
A 'Suicide Bomber' is dedicated to a course of action which 'HE' believes will discourage the aggressors and draw attention to the plight of his nation.
He does not fear death, he has a greater fear of life under oppression and is convinced that he will be propelled directly to paradise as a result of his selfless action (for their can be only one).
Obviously he also takes the lives of those he is amongst but, according to HIM, he also saves them from a life of oppression and at the same time may destroy some of his perceived enemies.
Whether or not you wish to ridicule or condemn his action, the fact is, the action takes place and there is nothing you or I can do about it.
We may recoil in horror, condemn them for being fanatics, brain-washed fools, savages or whatever other names we wish, the fact is that the 'Suicide Bomber' will not learn of your condemnation.
The important issue is quite different and it is in THIS area that you constantly fall short of sound reason.
WHY do they resort to such dreadful actions ?, prior to the unlawful and murderous attack on their nation, there were no such actions taking place, does that not suggest that the unlawful aggressor is the perpetrator of any such action ?.
In order to come to a conclusion on THAT point, it is necessary to understand that the people who commit themselves to self destruction are TRUE believers in their faith.
Whether or not we agree with THEM is a moot point, the fact is that THEY do not agree with US and would rather die than be forced to live under our rule.
I think that is plain enough, I do not agree with their actions but I do understand them.
Therefore, according to miltiades, I must be one of them, quite ridiculous since I am sitting here typing this post.![]()
Or am I in paradise ?
Here you go again !! WRONG WRONG WRONG !!
You are excusing their actions , cant you not see that ??
What bullshit is this : """"In order to come to a conclusion on THAT point, it is necessary to understand that the people who commit themselves to self destruction are TRUE believers in their faith. """
They are sick barbarians who massacre their own people for fucksake man. Even in Pakistan they are seen as such !!
You go on to say:
"""""""WHY do they resort to such dreadful actions ?, prior to the unlawful and murderous attack on their nation, there were no such actions taking place, does that not suggest that the unlawful aggressor is the perpetrator of any such action ?.""""
There were not commiting suicide before to kill their own people because they had Sadam to do their killing !!
Eliko your are a waste !!