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Cypriot President in London - did anyone notice?

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Postby Sophia1 » Sat Jun 07, 2008 9:01 pm

Sorry but whats the point being an Independent Country then? The British owe BILLIONS to Cyprus any way, thats what my dad said..
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Postby Oracle » Sat Jun 07, 2008 9:06 pm

Yes Sophia .. your dad is right. They owe billions (? millions) ... for the Bases ... which they will have to pay to RoC if there is a solution ... hence their vested duplicity ... :( in keeping the Turks oppressing us... Bastards ... :evil:
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Postby denizaksulu » Sat Jun 07, 2008 9:12 pm

Oracle wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:

CNA - Saturday 7th of June 2008

Cyprus President Demetris Christofias has expressed his satisfaction with the results of his working visit to London. “I regret that the memorandum between the Republic of Cyprus and the United Kingdom does not satisfy Mr. Ercakica and Mr. Talat. But this concerns them and the way they see a possible settlement of the Cyprus question,” he said.

Cyprus President Demetris Christofias has expressed his satisfaction with the results of his working visit to London.
Christofias said he was satisfied both with the climate and with the results of his meetings while referring to the memorandum of understanding which he signed with British Prime Minister Gordon Brown he said that the signing of this memorandum “creates the preconditions to open an new chapter and can become a turning point for the further development of the relations between the United Kingdom and the Republic of Cyprus,” he noted.

He said that his meeting with Brown took place in a friendly climate, a climate of understanding that has been expressed in the document that we have signed, the memorandum of understanding. This document outlines a comprehensive policy both of Britain and of Cyprus on the Cyprus question , on questions regarding our joint action in the EU concerning issues related to our bilateral relations,” he added.

Christofias said that his meetings with the British Foreign Secretary, the leader of the opposition and the Commonwealth Secretary General were also fruitful.

Invited to comment statements by the spokesman of Turkish Cypriot leader Mehmet Ali Talat, Hasan Ercakica, who said that “the memorandum is unacceptable” and that it includes ideals and approaches “contrary to the agreements of March 21st and March 23rd”, President Christofias noted that Ercakica is spokesman of the Turkish Cypriot community and that he himself has visited London as President of the Republic of Cyprus and concluded an agreement between two equal EU member states.”

“I regret that the memorandum between the Republic of Cyprus and the United Kingdom does not satisfy Mr. Ercakica and Mr. Talat. But this concerns them and the way they see a possible settlement of the Cyprus question,” he said.

Christofias noted that “it is clear that we have a long way ahead of us, that we disagree on the basis of a Cyprus settlement. The basis on which the Cyprus problem will be solved is that described by the UN resolutions, the high level agreements and the memorandum of understanding between the Republic of Cyprus and the United Kingdom has reaffirmed nothing much or nothing less,” he added

Invited to say if the stance of the Turkish Cypriot side will affect the course of the work of the technical committees and the working groups, Christofias said that “normally it must not. If they persist on this position surely we will have problem but normally we should not,” he added.

Invited to comment a statement by Nicolas Sarkozy, who said that it is high time that the wall of Nicosia falls, that no one can be satisfied as long as this wall still exists, and that France will do its outmost in the framework of the UN so that current initiatives move forward, Christofias aid that “what Sarkozy has said is right.”

He said that “given the fact that the French are not satisfied with this situation and the existence of this wall I wish and hope that there are no Cypriots which are satisfied. And I wish and hope to join our forces so that this unacceptable situation in Cyprus, with the presence of so many occupation troops which have created this division wall and maintain it, is terminated,” he concluded.

Cyprus has been divided since 1974, when Turkey invaded and occupied its northern third. Technical committees and working groups, set up after the March 21st Agreement between the two leaders, are meeting in order to prepare the ground for fully - fledged negotiations.

President Christofias and Turkish Cypriot leader Mehmet Ali Talat met May 23 and reviewed the work achieved at the bicommunal committees and teams.

They also agreed to come together in the second half of June to make a new assessment of the work being done by the bicommunal teams of experts who are dealing with various aspects of the Cyprus question.


LGR have been playing lovely rembetiko lately. Lets dance, hopa. :lol:

Are you asking :oops:

What about your wife ........... :roll: .... I lose control on the dance floor, and the night is young (even if we are not! :lol: ) ... who knows where all this will end .... 8)

Hopefully in an everlasting peace. Dancng to celebrate for our future might be premature, but I am one with hope. Lets hope the latest 'flr in the ointment' will just go away.

My wife only good for the jive. Not yet initiated to the Cypriot way of enjoyment yet.
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Postby Bananiot » Sat Jun 07, 2008 9:19 pm

Had it not been for Britain Cyprus would have never been allowed to become a member of the European Union with the Cyprob unsolved.
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Postby AQ » Sat Jun 07, 2008 9:19 pm

The point is maybe Cyprus ain't that important. Other than Turkey's admittance into the EU?
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Postby Oracle » Sat Jun 07, 2008 9:22 pm

Bananiot wrote:Had it not been for Britain Cyprus would have never been allowed to become a member of the European Union with the Cyprob unsolved.

As I said to Sophia above Bananiot UK does not want the Cyprus Problem solved as they would have to pay back what they owe towards the use of the Bases ... So they were happy for Cyprus to join unsolved ... They are just delaying the inevitable ... as they usually do.
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Postby Sophia1 » Sat Jun 07, 2008 9:23 pm

Has any one ever thought of the Cypriot future? So who will help with the English Problem lol
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Postby paliometoxo » Sat Jun 07, 2008 9:24 pm

Sophia1 wrote:Im sorry but Cyprus does not need uk!! Cyprus can do well by them selves they have been for years!! I mean why not use and abuse Russia why them, they need help them selves lol

You will LOVE Cambridge babes try Punting too seriously its amazing, Oxford is nice too but London is SHIT!! sorry but its true..

When are you coming??

well turkey england and greece where/are the three powers, turkey want two seperate states and by going to england they need the army bases here so they have insentive to help us, even though turkey does not like this.

Thats good about cambridge, i will be staying there but coming through standed airportand i am coming on wednesday 11th june, I did not like London much either i went and saw the big ben and the big wheel when i was like 10 years old.

where do you go for punting? my cousin studies at the oxford university but i have never been there i dont think.

Most of my cousins have gone to england to study now manchester and london .
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Postby paliometoxo » Sat Jun 07, 2008 9:24 pm

what english problem?lol England is just fine?
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Postby Sophia1 » Sat Jun 07, 2008 9:25 pm

Orac;e I can't believe I am saying this but your right!!! What was the point in Cyprus joining the E.U?? They were fine without it...
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