BirKibrisli wrote:Muzzy,terrible things were done by both sides,there is no doubt about that.
The question is have we learned our lessons?? Are we prepared to show understanding and compassion towards each other...???Has the world around us changed enough to make a repeat of the past attrocities impossible????
After all we went through as Cypriots,can we now acknowledge our mistakes,ask forgiveness and move on???Can we now embrace each other as Cypriots first and foremost and put the interests of our homeland first????
Are we mature enough now to see how we were played one against the other,divided and ruled,and how this is still continuing???And so on and so forth...The answers you will give to these questions will determine your attitude to the future...I would answer in the affirmative to all these questions,with some reservations in certain areas...But I will not blame you if you answer in the negative...I understand where you are coming from..and I respect your decision as long as it is a sincerely held belief and not based on any expectant real or imaginary gain ....
...After all we went through as Cypriots,can we now acknowledge our mistakes,ask forgiveness and move on???Can we now embrace each other as Cypriots first and foremost and put the interests of our homeland first????...
our fight is against the evil we call Ignorance, the suffering we deny, the fear we have in embracing changes in ourselves that make living better (for all of us).
acts, not words. we are women and men; not Greeks or Turks, but Greeks and Turks. otherwise we betray those who were made to pay an ultimate price for this Freedom, we allow the plunder to take the place of our Grace. in Cyprus, we are a small population, surely it is possible to demonstrate these Principals to the rest Mankind, in gratitude, having this opportunity to end our subjugation after thousands of years, ourselves.
we have passed the Modern Age, with its results having affected us by leaving this island scarred with a Green Line, long forgotten in Berlin, and no longer in Beirut. This impasse remains, and if ignored will fester again. yet, at the advent of this new Age we are well situated to embark in an urban lifestyle where our distictions can add to our abilities in social-exchange; united, gaining this economy of scale.
...i ask forgiveness for us all, and i am ashamed of the result; i want to change myself, with my acts i make things better.