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Are we willing to share our country with Turkey?

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Muzzy70 » Tue Jun 10, 2008 4:01 pm

Piratis wrote:What part of your posts did I ignore Muzzy? The manufactured personal stories of yours? With lies you are trying to exaggerate by a factor of 100 the suffering of TCs in that one decade, while you forget (1) the suffering of GCs during the same period, (2) the fact that you are the ones who started that conflict, (3) all the other conflicts which you started, before and after that one decade. And why you do this? In order to excuse even more crimes against us!

So these are stories that I've 'manufactured' are they ? You ignorrant, offensive, blinkered denier. What a waste of space you are Piratis, a true waste of space.

If ever there was an argument for us Turkish Cypriots to never trust your community then you have just provided it. You sick individual.

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Postby Piratis » Tue Jun 10, 2008 4:03 pm

Will you at least acknowledge that the demand for Enosis was instrumental in putting the TCs offside and making them easily manipulated by the British and the Turkish nationalists???

OK. But what did you want us to do? Stay colonial subjects forever? And please don't tell me about independence. Nobody had offered that. Makarios was the first to propose it and we all saw what kind of "independence" they gave us.

And please stop blaming the present day TCs for what happened in 1571 and 1821???? Nobody asked us if we agreed to the invasion of Cyprus at the time, or if we wanted to move there after the conquest...People with required skills were simply told they were going to Cyprus or the gallows...The choice was not too difficult to make,but it was far from voluntary...

Am I not blamed for what happened in the 60s (I was not even born then) and some say that I, my children and grandchildren should suffer because the Turkish version of history decided that we are guilty somehow? How is that any different?

The Ottoman rule was over in 1878, just 80 years before the inter-communal conflict started in 1958. The difference between the Ottoman rule and the inter-communal conflict is not much different than the difference between today and the inter-communal conflict.

So if we are going to take the chain of events in order to decide who is guilty and who is not, then we should take the whole chain of events.
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Postby Muzzy70 » Tue Jun 10, 2008 4:13 pm

Piratis wrote:
Will you at least acknowledge that the demand for Enosis was instrumental in putting the TCs offside and making them easily manipulated by the British and the Turkish nationalists???

OK. But what did you want us to do? Stay colonial subjects forever? And please don't tell me about independence. Nobody had offered that. Makarios was the first to propose it and we all saw what kind of "independence" they gave us.

And please stop blaming the present day TCs for what happened in 1571 and 1821???? Nobody asked us if we agreed to the invasion of Cyprus at the time, or if we wanted to move there after the conquest...People with required skills were simply told they were going to Cyprus or the gallows...The choice was not too difficult to make,but it was far from voluntary...

Am I not blamed for what happened in the 60s (I was not even born then) and some say that I, my children and grandchildren should suffer because the Turkish version of history decided that we are guilty somehow? How is that any different?

The Ottoman rule was over in 1878, just 80 years before the inter-communal conflict started in 1958. The difference between the Ottoman rule and the inter-communal conflict is not much different than the difference between today and the inter-communal conflict.

So if we are going to take the chain of events in order to decide who is guilty and who is not, then we should take the whole chain of events.

No Piratis, just accept that your community treated us like sh*t pre 1974 and pretend that we are somehow your 'brothers' and used to get along so nicely. Pathetic.

As I say I accept what happened to your community in 1974 but just take your blinkers off and accept what happened to us.

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Postby Piratis » Tue Jun 10, 2008 4:19 pm

Muzzy70 wrote:
Piratis wrote:What part of your posts did I ignore Muzzy? The manufactured personal stories of yours? With lies you are trying to exaggerate by a factor of 100 the suffering of TCs in that one decade, while you forget (1) the suffering of GCs during the same period, (2) the fact that you are the ones who started that conflict, (3) all the other conflicts which you started, before and after that one decade. And why you do this? In order to excuse even more crimes against us!

So these are stories that I've 'manufactured' are they ? You ignorrant, offensive, blinkered denier. What a waste of space you are Piratis, a true waste of space.

If ever there was an argument for us Turkish Cypriots to never trust your community then you have just provided it. You sick individual.

'Remove your life jacket and everything will be allright.'

Here is another story for you to use:

"The Greeks came to our house, cut the legs from my grandmother and raped my 3 year old sister. Then they took me and torture me for 1 month. I will never forget how evil the GCs are. And this didn't happen only to my family. It happened to every TC family in Cyprus".

The fact is that during the inter-communal conflict, which you started in 1958 both sides had some 100s of victims, and both sides suffered. Exaggerating your own suffering with colorful stories while at the same time saying nothing about the suffering you caused to us is called propaganda, and that is what you are doing. And the reason you do it is simple: Because you want to cause to us even more suffering, just as you have done almost non-stop since the day you set your foot on our island.
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Postby Get Real! » Tue Jun 10, 2008 4:22 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:DT, I can assure you that not a lot of encouragement was needed to 'regroup in enclaves during the period 1963/74. There were attacks all over the island. Only a 'nod' was needed for the villagers to move to safe havens.

MISINFORMATION baffles the brain Deniz...

Those that were quick to move are those that had their hands dirty...

You insult my family GR. Life is precious. But Rambo GR would not understand that. BUG OFF. You can not stand it when told the truth. If you dont want to live with the Turks, bury yourself in Chirochitia or go back down under. You are more suited to the outback.

Last bit deleted in accordance to my promise to Lana.

I'd be honored to be buried in Chirokitia but no such chance I'm afraid...
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Postby Piratis » Tue Jun 10, 2008 4:24 pm

Muzzy70 wrote:
Piratis wrote:
Will you at least acknowledge that the demand for Enosis was instrumental in putting the TCs offside and making them easily manipulated by the British and the Turkish nationalists???

OK. But what did you want us to do? Stay colonial subjects forever? And please don't tell me about independence. Nobody had offered that. Makarios was the first to propose it and we all saw what kind of "independence" they gave us.

And please stop blaming the present day TCs for what happened in 1571 and 1821???? Nobody asked us if we agreed to the invasion of Cyprus at the time, or if we wanted to move there after the conquest...People with required skills were simply told they were going to Cyprus or the gallows...The choice was not too difficult to make,but it was far from voluntary...

Am I not blamed for what happened in the 60s (I was not even born then) and some say that I, my children and grandchildren should suffer because the Turkish version of history decided that we are guilty somehow? How is that any different?

The Ottoman rule was over in 1878, just 80 years before the inter-communal conflict started in 1958. The difference between the Ottoman rule and the inter-communal conflict is not much different than the difference between today and the inter-communal conflict.

So if we are going to take the chain of events in order to decide who is guilty and who is not, then we should take the whole chain of events.

No Piratis, just accept that your community treated us like sh*t pre 1974 and pretend that we are somehow your 'brothers' and used to get along so nicely. Pathetic.

As I say I accept what happened to your community in 1974 but just take your blinkers off and accept what happened to us.

'Remove your life jacket and everything will be allright'.

And you should take off the blinkers and realize that what you did to us was not just in 1974 and the 34 years that followed, but that you have also initiate the inter-communal conflict in 1958 and you had killed 100s of GCs by 1968, and that you also had oppressed us for 3+ centuries from 1571 until 1878.

So how can you pretend to be the victims here?
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Postby Oracle » Tue Jun 10, 2008 4:26 pm

Muzzy70 wrote:Oh on second thoughts, let's return to a unitary state with a 'Cypriot' National Guard and be booted out again from all organs of government. Let's squeeze 18% of the island's population into 5% of the island's territory. Let's abrogate the Treaty of Guarantee. Let's stop Turkish Cypriot buses 5 times on a trip from Lefkosa to Terra and sexually abuse the women passengers and assault those Turkish Cypriot male passengers who can't speak Greek. Let's arbitrarily abduct Turkish Cypriots and make them disappear. Let's put a gun to the head of a Turkish Cypriot for having the audacity to return to his looted home in Kaymakli whilst he was attempting to salvage what was left of his belongings. Let's eradicate all Turkish writing from official documentation, sign-posts etc. Let's prevent a very sick Turkish Cypriot child from attending Nicosia General Hospital. Let's bulldoze a mosque and build a car park on it. Oh yeah and for good measure let's kill Turkish Cypriots for steadfastly refusing to bow to us and accept a 'minority status'.

Yes, Kibrisli, Oracle, Piratis et al,

'Remove your life jacket and everything will be allright.'

Fell asleep reading the biography of Rosa Parks did you ... :lol:

These are so novel they will do nicely to replace the old ones which Zan wore out.

Are all these from personal experience Muzzy because making them personal and graphic was Zan's way of really entertaining us and we do miss him.
He refined them to perfection, each time they were re-told, altering the endings sometimes for that interesting twist so that we did not tire of them.

Sorry Muzzy but we're actually not really interested in your manufactured tales of woe, because we are the ones you have been practicing your barbarism on for hundreds of years. And we are the ones you have to convince that you will no longer savage us ... so that perhaps we take you back into the fold instead of leave you to your real destiny with the Turks who would quite happily march you around starving until you drop dead.

And muzzy you will find us hard to convince that you have given up your old habits for us to take you back because from what I can see you continue to abuse us and steal from us and find excuses and make up tales.

You have not changed one iota. So glad you are irrelevant to any settlement being prepared.
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Postby denizaksulu » Tue Jun 10, 2008 4:35 pm

Get Real! wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:DT, I can assure you that not a lot of encouragement was needed to 'regroup in enclaves during the period 1963/74. There were attacks all over the island. Only a 'nod' was needed for the villagers to move to safe havens.

MISINFORMATION baffles the brain Deniz...

Those that were quick to move are those that had their hands dirty...

You insult my family GR. Life is precious. But Rambo GR would not understand that. BUG OFF. You can not stand it when told the truth. If you dont want to live with the Turks, bury yourself in Chirochitia or go back down under. You are more suited to the outback.

Last bit deleted in accordance to my promise to Lana.

I'd be honored to be buried in Chirokitia but no such chance I'm afraid...

You always miss the point GR.There might have been TMT people in big villages. They did organise movement of people in to enclaves but not at the point of a gun. This was for better protections to begin with. I know of many instances of GCs protecting their own fellow TCs in the villages but were warned against the outsiders (Greeks and other paramilitaries).

Not all Greeks were ejected from their homes in 1974. The fear of 'death' pervaded the population. Why do you think things were different in 1963 when fighting was taking place all over the island. The real fear existed then too. Yet you do not accept this.
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Postby Oracle » Tue Jun 10, 2008 4:41 pm

denizaksulu wrote:Not all Greeks were ejected from their homes in 1974. The fear of 'death' pervaded the population. Why do you think things were different in 1963 when fighting was taking place all over the island. The real fear existed then too. Yet you do not accept this.

So TCs and GCs have one thing in common, Turkey has instilled fear in both communities.

To TCs it was a manufactured fear of the unknown and possibilities .... and to the GCs it was real fear through killing thousands of us for centuries....
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Postby Get Real! » Tue Jun 10, 2008 4:47 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:DT, I can assure you that not a lot of encouragement was needed to 'regroup in enclaves during the period 1963/74. There were attacks all over the island. Only a 'nod' was needed for the villagers to move to safe havens.

MISINFORMATION baffles the brain Deniz...

Those that were quick to move are those that had their hands dirty...

You insult my family GR. Life is precious. But Rambo GR would not understand that. BUG OFF. You can not stand it when told the truth. If you dont want to live with the Turks, bury yourself in Chirochitia or go back down under. You are more suited to the outback.

Last bit deleted in accordance to my promise to Lana.

I'd be honored to be buried in Chirokitia but no such chance I'm afraid...

You always miss the point GR.There might have been TMT people in big villages. They did organise movement of people in to enclaves but not at the point of a gun. This was for better protections to begin with.

And I completely disagree with you which is why I gave you that link in the hope that you would scroll down until you've reached my response in that thread.

I know of many instances of GCs protecting their own fellow TCs in the villages but were warned against the outsiders (Greeks and other paramilitaries).
Not all Greeks were ejected from their homes in 1974. The fear of 'death' pervaded the population. Why do you think things were different in 1963 when fighting was taking place all over the island. The real fear existed then too. Yet you do not accept this.

If I were a TC political leader in the 1950s I would’ve thought to myself that the single most important thing is the well-being and subsequent prosperity of my people who are overwhelmingly outnumbered by 5 to 1.

I would therefore do everything possible to form an alliance with the GCs in helping them get rid of the British at the promise that they in turn would leave motherlands OUT of Cyprus thereafter.

Your leaders however, saw fit to take on this overwhelming majority head on at their people’s peril because they received PROMISES from Turkey… so don’t try to paint a false picture that your people were poor little persecuted victims.
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