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cyprus and the army...

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cyprus and the army...

Postby tayl0r » Wed Jun 04, 2008 1:01 pm

Im a 18 year old male, Im half cypriot raised in england. I want to move to cyprus in a few years....will i be forced in the army? if so for how long? how long can i stay in the country without having to serve?

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Postby Magnus » Wed Jun 04, 2008 1:35 pm

Hi Taylor,

Officially, it all depends on if your dad is a Cypriot. If he is then the Cypriot government say they can make you do military service.

This is what they say:

Repatriated Emigrants: The national service is reduced for those persons, who were born or emigrated with their families abroad, for a time interval of over 10 years and have returned to Cyprus for final residence, depending on their age at the time of their arrival, i.e.

Persons aged 10 to 13 years on their return to Cyprus will serve for 18 months.
Persons aged 13 to 18 years on their return to Cyprus will serve for 12 months.
Persons aged 18 to 25 years on their return to Cyprus will serve for 6 months.
Persons aged 26 to 49 years on their return to Cyprus, will serve for 3 months.

This is the High Commission page:

There is some debate about whether they can actually force you to do it because of EU rules, but there doesn't seem to be a clear answer.

There was a similar thread here you should look at:

The details may not be specific to your case but the thread will give you a pretty good overview of the situation.
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Postby Feisty » Wed Jun 04, 2008 1:46 pm

You learn something new every day.
That was an interesting answer to learn.
Seems to me Taylor you'd probably be best to get your 6 months over and done with asap then you're home free and maybe even find your time in the army useful.
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Re: cyprus and the army...

Postby pantheman » Wed Jun 04, 2008 1:48 pm

tayl0r wrote:Im a 18 year old male, Im half cypriot raised in england. I want to move to cyprus in a few years....will i be forced in the army? if so for how long? how long can i stay in the country without having to serve?


If your father is not a cypriot then you have no worries or need to do national service.

If he is a cypriot then you will have to do it if you apply to get Cypriot citizenship. No citizenship = no national service is my understanding.
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Postby CBBB » Wed Jun 04, 2008 2:00 pm

If your father was born in Cyprus, or your paternal grandfather was born in Cyprus, you are a officially a Cypriot and obliged to perform some kind of National Service.

Whether they catch you or not, is a different matter.
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Postby tayl0r » Wed Jun 04, 2008 3:25 pm

My father is cypriot and was born in cyprus. Which makes me half cypriot....which means i have to serve 6 months?

what is it like? would it be 6 months of training? I don't speak alot of greek, im guessing that is another problem.
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Postby pantheman » Wed Jun 04, 2008 3:42 pm

tayl0r wrote:My father is cypriot and was born in cyprus. Which makes me half cypriot....which means i have to serve 6 months?

what is it like? would it be 6 months of training? I don't speak alot of greek, im guessing that is another problem.

Time period will depend on when you come over (ie at what age), then they have to find you. Do you think they go round searching for people like you?? I doubt it. One thing I would do is get your self an exit visa, a permanent one. Even though they don't ask for it now, it is your get out of jail card should you need to leave, because it is most likely you will be caught leaving Cyprus and without it you could be caught.

Other than that, I wouldn't worry about it, Like I said if you don't apply for citizenship you won't be asked to do it.
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Postby Get Real! » Wed Jun 04, 2008 4:15 pm

It’s refreshing to see someone making thorough and well supported posts among the myriads of junk posts we get here. Well done Magnus... :)
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Postby Get Real! » Wed Jun 04, 2008 4:19 pm

tayl0r wrote:My father is cypriot and was born in cyprus. Which makes me half cypriot....which means i have to serve 6 months?

what is it like? would it be 6 months of training? I don't speak alot of greek, im guessing that is another problem.

In the army you'll learn Greek real fast or get your arse wooped even faster... :lol:

Take a writing pad with you and plenty of pens to write down the theory during basic training in English as you hear it and you'll be alright.
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Postby Magnus » Wed Jun 04, 2008 4:37 pm

tayl0r wrote:My father is cypriot and was born in cyprus. Which makes me half cypriot....which means i have to serve 6 months?

what is it like? would it be 6 months of training? I don't speak alot of greek, im guessing that is another problem.

In addition to what Pantheman said, you also get the right to defer entry to the army by three enlistment dates. They enlist people every January and July. So, for example, if you go in August 2008 and get found out then you can delay going in until July 2010.

To get a permanent exit visa, get in touch with the Cyprus High Commission in London. I gave you the link to their website in my first post.
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