Feisty wrote:Please shoot me down in flames if I'm being very stupid but as it's only 6 months wouldn't he be better just doing it than trying to evade it and always looking over his shoulder?
tayl0r wrote:I'd love to do it. I'm coming to cyprus for a holiday with some friends and just wouldnt want to be forced to do it then. If i can differ entry to the Army thats great. I will research the exit visa
Oracle wrote:My nephew who is only half Cypriot on his father's side only had to do 3 months Military Service .. but then he was over 25 y.o. when he joined. He had exit visas up until then every time he came for a holiday.
He did not learn any Greek as he was grouped with Aussies and other British kids of diaspora ... but he made some lasting friendships and has some great photographs ...![]()
He did it between work contracts and I think it is a positive inclusion on his CV ....
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